Subject: Feet-Elevated Tiger Bends...GREAT bodyweight tricep exercise

If you want to build big, powerful arms, you
don't have to limit yourself to free weight

...there are bodyweight movements that do an EXCELLENT
job of developing the triceps, which as you likely know,
make up 2/3 of your upper arm mass!

One of these exercises is the Tiger Bend. It's similar in look
to a close-grip push-up, however due to body and arm
position, it puts much more focus directly onto the triceps
rather than sharing the workload with the chest and shoulders.

The "normal" Tiger Bend exercise starts with the forearms
and hands set flat on the floor, forearms running parallel to
the body...similar to the resting position that you might see
a tiger in (hence the name).

Your upper body will be shifted forward so that your
shoulders are above your wrists...this is important for proper
body movement as you come up to the top position.

Then, using tricep power, press your hands down into the
floor and push your body up.

Come up to lockout, then lower yourself back down.

This is a very challenging bodyweight exercise that requires
excellent tricep strength to perform.

The elevated-feet version I've got for you here actually makes
the exercise easier AND harder at the same time...easier by
taking up some of your bodyweight, reducing the resistance
somewhat...and harder by giving you a way to push yourself
FURTHER into the set (forced reps, essentially).

First, you'll need a bar set about 3 feet off the ground to hook
your toes over. I like to use a bar set in the can also
use a Smith machine or bench press station, or a railing...
basically anything solid that's a good height will work.

Hook your toes over the bar then set your forearms flat on the
floor. When doing THIS version, your upper body will be set so
that your shoulders are about mid-forearm rather than above
the wrists. This is because with your toes hooked in this
fashion, you'll be performing the movement in an arc pattern.

Press your hands hard into the floor, pushing your body up.

Come up to full lockout.

Because your toes are hooked, you have a lot more freedom
of movement in terms of the pattern your body follows during
the exercise. As well, having your feet hooked tapes up
some of your bodyweight, making the exercise a bit easier.

As you start to fatigue, this feet-hooked position also allows
you to take a bit of a backswing at the start of the movement,
utilizing momentum to help get yourself to the top.

This makes the exercise easier, which also allows you to make
the exercise HARDER, by working this technique in towards
the END of the set, to push youself further into the set.

Very simply, you're going to shift your bodywards, then using
the momentum of the return swing to help push yourself up out
of the bottom.

You can use this technique right from the start, if you're
unable to perform the exercise strictly at first, but I find it
more valuable as a set extension technique.

Overall, this exercise is the perfect way to build killer triceps
in a very focused manner using just your bodyweight and a
simple positioning trick!

If you'd like to see video of this exercise in action, I've posted
it to my YouTube channel as well.

And if you're interested in learning even more unique
bodyweight exercises like this, definitely check out my book
"The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

This book is PACKED with 85 killer movements, just like this
one, that will make your bodyweight training fresh, effective
and FUN again!

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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