Subject: Cardio training with a 500 lb barbell...[video]

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

And yeah, I'm not actually kidding about that!

In my latest sample tip from my Powerful Training Secrets site, I
show you how you can use a fully-loaded 500 lb barbell to do your
cardio training with.

This can develop some great power in the lower body and
explosiveness in the upper body (in one of the variations - I've
got FIVE on the page) and it's something you actually CAN
do...(hey, I didn't say anything you actually LIFTING the thing ;)

Check it out here and find out how it's done:


P.S. If you haven't already, be sure to check out my new Facebook
page..."Nick Nilsson - Mad Scientist"...and please click the Like
button if you actually do like all this insane stuff I put out :)

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