Subject: CRAZY results from people using my 4 fat loss books... (pics)

I love it when people let me know about the results they've gotten with my programs.

If you're considering picking up my four fat-loss book package deal but weren't quite sure if you'd get the results you want, have a look at these...


1. Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

This is one of my very favorite before and afters...this was from Adam Waters who basically turned his entire life around after his first round through of this program.

He followed the program exactly to the letter and did AMAZING with it. I was floored when he sent me these.

Here's some feedback from another user of the program:


Hi Nick,

I am now on day 19 of your program and I have to say it is the best training program I have undertaken.

The funny thing is that I didn't think I really had much weight I wanted to lose, but have now had to put two new holes in my belt and am going to have to have all my work pants taken in!

I was concerned that I would lose a bit of muscle on this program but the opposite has occured - it is great to see a program that disproves the myth that you can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time - I sure have.

I have really learnt a lot about my body through this program and would recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight and gain muscle.

Daniel McCarthy



2. Metabolic Monsters

"Results I Couldn't Even Begin to Dream Of"

"I am a 55 year old woman who has been going to the gym for around 20 years. I was at a point where I just didn't seem to be able to make any gains with weight loss or muscle building. I had been working out for so many years I was in a big comfort zone rut.

I tried the Metabolic Monsters workouts, followed them to the letter and WOW!!! Results I couldn't even begin to dream of. Weight loss, muscle growth, energy level increase all happened with this workout. Mad Scientist of Muscle you are a Genius."

- Michelle Smithson


"Most Effective Workouts For Fat Burning or For Gaining Strength I Have Ever Done"

"The Metabolic Monsters series is hands-down my favorite workout program I have ever tried. It was a complete game changer for me. I loved the efficiency of the circuits. They work really well for me because my gym tends to get really crowded and the ability to use one barbell or one dumbbell not only makes sense, gave me some of the most effective workouts for fat burning or for gaining strength I have ever done."

- Seth Roehl


Also, here's MY results using this these Metabolic Monsters workouts along with my Starting Monday Diet (included in the package)... I got crazy lean without losing an ounce of muscle.



3. The Starting Monday Diet

"What would you say if I told you that I knew for a FACT that Nick's 'Starting Monday Diet' program worked like crazy?"

I know because I accidentally stumbled onto a version of it a few years ago in my own diet experimentation. The difference was that I thought my version was a failed attempt at one particular way of eating. Nick's, on the other hand, is intelligently laid out & purposefully programmed.

My own little hackjob version still got me leaner than I'd been in years back in the day...which is cool (especially since I was having copious amounts of beer & pizza every Friday hahaha).

Nick's version is light years better than what I was doing...which means the results will be light years better...which is even cooler.

The 'Starting Monday Diet' won't be a new tool in my proverbial 'toolbox', and it won't be a 'go-to' for when I need to kickstart some quick results.

It's just going to be my new diet - period.

I highly suggest you consider making it yours, too.

  - Matt Wiggins


Ready to pull the trigger?

Click here and to go directly to the order page and get your 4 Fat Loss Book Package Deal now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. FYI, these books are great for men AND women!


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