Subject: Bench press seminar recording available now!

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

If you missed the teleseminar with Mike Westerdal, creator of the
Critical Bench 2.0 program, last night, no problem. Got the
recording for you right here:


We covered a lot of great info including:

- proper grip width for optimal power out of the bottom of the bench

- the #1 biggest mistake people make when benching that destroys
their shoulders and takes pounds off their maximum loads (I used
to make this mistake when I started training, too)

- how to max out properly and how often you should max out

- the truth about spotting and forced reps

- the best assistance exercises for maximizing bench press numbers

- how to breathe properly during heavy benching (this one might
surprise you!)

- how to use your LEGS to immediately increase the amount of
weight you can press

- plus TONS of great and sometimes random tips and technique
modifications that could increase your bench up to 25 lbs pretty

We were on the line for more than an hour and the call is PACKED
with information you can put to work to improving your benching

And Mike currently has his killer Critical Bench 2.0 program on
sale for 50% off right now until tomorrow at midnight - cool
thing is, this is not just a bench press specialization
program...he covers total-body power-building training as well.

You're going to get a lot for your money with this program,
including two of my own books (The Best Chest and The Best Arm
Exercises You've Never Heard Of).

Check it all out and grab your copy here...



P.S. Be sure to pick up that excellent special report from Mike
called "7 Fastest Ways to Increase Your Bench". You can still
grab that here, just right-click and choose "save target as".


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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