Subject: 3 ways "normal" cardio training is STOPPING your fat loss in it's tracks...

If you're currently doing long, slow cardio for
fat loss, there are three things you need to
know...(and they might come as a bit of surprise!)

1. Cardio makes you gain fat around your stomach, hips and legs.

2. Cardio damages your heart, joints and back.

3. Cardio makes your entire body age faster.

Want learn WHY it does all these things and see the scientific
research that proves this?

Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not talking about every type of
cardiovascular training here...

...just the long, grinding stuff that beats down your body with
free radical formation and repetitive stress damage...

...the stuff that sends your muscle-eating hormones through
the roof while actually encouraging your body to desperately
hoard the fat you're trying so hard to get rid of...

...the stuff that, quite honestly, bores you to tears and leaves
you with ZERO feeling of accomplishment when you're done
(if you can read a magazine while you're doing it, newsflash...
it's not helping).

THAT is the type of cardio I'm talking about.

And THAT is the type of cardio I want you to STOP.

Here's what you need to do instead.

The training style is called Turbulence Training, originated by
my friend and colleague Craig Ballantyne. To give you some
background, I've known Craig since about 2003. We go WAY

And he's got my respect when it comes to training program
design. His Turbulence Training methods are backed by
research and literally THOUSANDS of success stories.

Turbulence Training is all about keeping your body off
balance (i.e. turbulence). You're constantly changing exercises,
intensities, rest periods, etc. to FORCE results.

Your body is very good at getting efficient...and when you do
steady cardio training, your body gets VERY efficient. The
longer you do that type of cardio, the fewer calories (and the
less fat!) you actually burn doing it.

Turbulence Training FIXES that. Your body won't know what hit it.

And you will DROP stubborn fat without hitting the dreaded
plateaus that plagued you when you were sitting on a bike,
staring at a television screen, having no fun at all with your

If you want fat loss, Turbulence Training is a program I HIGHLY's one of the best out there.

Check it out here and learn everything you need to know about
why long, slow cardio is the absolute WRONG way to burn fat.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
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