Subject: 30 minutes of this NEW workout is better than 60 minutes of jogging

While America's doctors and so-called "fitness experts" are telling
you to stay in the "fat-burning zone" using long, slow cardio methods 
like jogging, the elliptical machine or stairmasters...

...yet more and more studies show how flat-out USELESS they all are.

According to a study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology,
people who performed slow, boring cardio suffered from decreased
thyroid hormone production.

In plain English...

Because of the repetitive stress that these exercises put your body 
through, your ability to burn fat is reduced and your thyroid is
slowed down.

However, one new method has been shown to do the exact opposite.

Researchers at East Tennessee State University compared these 
short workouts against long, slow and boring cardio.

The result? The cardio group hammered away on the treadmill for more 
than 30 hours and gained one pound for all their pain, while the
other group using the new and effective workouts burned 6X more fat.

There's no other way to say this...

=> 30 minute workout BETTER than 60 minutes of jogging
You can jog if you want. Just don't expect it to help you lose fat...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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