Subject: How great our joy (Merry Christmas from the Prices)

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How great was our joy when our hands held the first printing of the first of the five translations we have been working on for the last three years: a 684-page book of 50 illustrated Bible stories, printed in parallel columns in the Croatian and Bayash languages, and a 24-page booklet containing the Gospel of Luke chapters 1-2 in the Bayash language!

50 Bible stories printed in parallel in Bayash and Croatian

The Gospel of Luke, chapter 1-2, in Bayash

Reading from Luke for the first time in his mother tongue

Reading the story of creation for the first time in their mother tongue

We rose early one morning last week to drive three hours one way to the Roma village where the translators are from, to be with them for this momentous day. After hosting a program for the children in the village and lunch for us, they invited their friends to their home where they read from these new books. Hearing the story of the birth of Christ in this language capped the Christmas celebration! The books will live on as the 50 stories, in print, on the Internet and in our new mobile app, tell the epic drama that runs from Creation to Revelation, and as Luke’s introduction proclaims the birth of the Savior whose kingdom shall never end.

Natasha, Nedeljko and Renata, the 3 Bayash translators, with Todd, holding the fruit of their labors!

Ariela did a fantastic job in the performance with her ballet troop at the Christmas concert in our town of Slavonski Brod.

Additionally, she was an angel, and Daniel a shepherd, in our church’s Christmas outreach. Samaritan’s Purse gifts were also distributed after a clear gospel presentation.

And no celebration would be complete without making Christmas cookies, which they made with their Croatian friends at our house.

Kirsten is home from school (pictured below with her dorm in Germany), enjoying the Christmas break with us. Our adult children, Timothy, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Stephen, and Matthew, are spending Christmas together in California.

Merry Christmas and thank you for helping us proclaim the significance of the birth of our great Savior in the languages of the Roma.

Todd, Pamala, Kirsten, Daniel & Ariela Price

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