Subject: "One thing still you lack..."

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Thank you for praying for the Roma Bible translators as they continue to record the remaining 30 Bible stories in the Gurbet language.

During a recent Bible translation check, a translator for one of the other languages recounted to us how she had read to her aunt some of Luke's Gospel which we have translated into Bayash. Her aunt was astounded at the clarity and power of what she heard, hearing for the first time, not in the Croatian language she had heard before, but in her mother-tongue, Bayash. She reported how the Word was more meaningful when she heard it in her language.

Praise God! This encourages us to keep on keeping on in what we are doing.

One of the problems of being a Bible translator is that the Bible often steps on (read: stomps on!) your toes. Like the verse above.

I thought of this when I recently read a very convicting, yet invigoratingly-freeing chapter by Margaret E. Ramey, who writes:

"The empire to which Jesus called disciples was unquestionably demanding, so much so that the “rich young ruler” was probably not the only one to turn away sadly at the seemingly impossible expectations (19:22). Such a vision might not be “filled to overflowing with level-headed common sense,” but then, pragmatists do not usually run afoul of imperial governments and institutional religions and end up nailed to crosses, do they?

Still, though it may be difficult, if not impossible, to embody an empire of generosity on earth where people truly love both their neighbors and their enemies as themselves (cf. 5:44; 22:39) and do unto others financially as they would like others to do unto them (cf. 7:12), every step closer toward these ideals and away from selfishness is a good onePerhaps one of the keys to making such a vision reality lies in the fact that these directives were given to a community of disciples and not just individuals. If only one individual implements these radical practices, then yes, that person will soon become impoverished and likely die. If one is always giving and never receiving, then the empire collapses quickly, but what if, just maybe, that individual were not alone.”

May we all, as the Body of Christ, trust Jesus enough to obey Him in all He says, through radical sacrifice, radical love, and radical giving. He is worthy of all praise and all our surrender. Two hundred years ago, a pair of missionaries set out to sell themselves into slavery on a distant island as the only way to reach an unreached people there. As their boat departed, one of them raised his hands and said, "May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward of His suffering." May that be the prayer of our hearts.

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