Subject: Field testing the Gospel of Luke in Croatia and Serbia (The Prices Write, November 2020, part 1)


Todd on Zoom, checking & editing the Gospel of Luke in the
Chergash language from his office at home in Kansas City

In these pictures, our Roma Bible translators are doing what we call “field testing” or “community checking”. This is when they meet with other speakers of their Roma languages and ask for feedback from them on the translation so we can make sure that what we have translated clearly communicates to them.

Sometimes this is done over video chat, but it is more often done in person while sitting at the kitchen table or in the office with them as they read or listen to the translation and the translators ask them comprehension questions.


Djena in Serbia checking Luke in the Chergash language

Naki in Serbia checking Luke in the Gurbet language

Alen & Sasha checking Luke in the Arli language

Renata checking Luke in Croatia in the Bayash language

Todd in Kansas City and Zoki in Croatia, checking Luke in the Ludari language via Zoom

This, along with checks which we do by Zoom with our consultants in the States, is a key aspect as we get closer to the goal of completing the Gospel of Luke. Please pray for all of us that we can soon finish Luke, not only testing and checking it, but also printing and making audio recordings of it. The goal is to finish Luke in four languages (Arli, Chergash, Gurbet and Bayash) in February, and the fifth language (Ludari) by August 2021.

Please pray for the translators: unfortunately two of them have COVID and are very sick, a third has kidney failure, and a fourth is battling liver issues. Please pray for their full health and recovery.

Kirsten has almost completed all her driving practice hours so she can take her test soon. She’s taking classes at Calvary University and also working at Target.

Thank you for your prayers and kind financial support!

Todd & Pamala Price
(Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)

We enjoyed a special visit from Jeff & Cindy Warner with whom we served in Bosnia for a dozen years!

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PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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