Subject: "But will they understand it?" Pray for field testing today and tomorrow of Luke in the Chergash language


We love working on the translation of the Scriptures into the various Roma languages. At the end of the day, however, if the average Roma does not understand what it says, then we have missed our goal. That is why it is so important to do what we call "field testing" or "community checking". This means that the translators sit down with other speakers of their language who have not seen the translation before and don't know what we think it says. We have them read or listen to the translation and ask them questions to make sure that they have understood it correctly. Thankfully, our field testing has gone really well and we are finding that other Roma understand it well when they hear it.


COVID has presented challenges in this area as it often requires the translators to travel to new locations to test the translation. This weekend, Djena (pictured above, far right, testing Luke chapters 1-3 and 8 in Chergash) was allowed to cross the border into Serbia to do testing, but his wife, Biljana, the main translator, was not allowed to. She had to stay back in Croatia, but she was able to be online on Messenger with Djena and the testers as they worked all day testing Luke chapters 1-3 and 8. (We had tested chapters 4-7 last year.)


Please pray for Biljana and Djena and the testers, that we will get clear and accurate feedback, and that we can make any changes needed to make sure that our translation of Luke is understandable. Specifically, please pray as they work on the rest of Luke (chapters 9-24) this weekend and next weekend, that we can finish it for our deadline.


Thank you for being there to pray for us and the Roma!






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