Subject: A milestone reached: the editing, checking and testing in the Ludari language are finished!

Sergej and Zoki checking the final chapters of Luke with two Roma from the local community to make sure they understand & to get their feedback

Thank you for praying for the translation work. Here are some updates:

Yesterday, Zoki, Sergej and I finished the final checks in the Ludari language for the Gospel of Luke, 50 chronological Bible stories and the glossary. Today I sent the text of the Bible stories in to the graphic artist so she can begin getting the book ready for print. Please pray for that to go smoothly, that there will be no errors in the text, and that we can get everything printed in March.

Praise God that they have finished audio recordings of 10 of the 50 Bible stories. Please pray for Sergej and Gordana as they work to finish recording the remaining stories, and for Sergej and Ivan as they record the Gospel of Luke. Please pray that we can finish the recordings and get them online by the end of March as well.

Praise God for answering prayer that we now have a full team of translators for three of the languages (Arli, Gurbet and Chergash) and can continue with the project to translate more of the NT in those languages.

Thank you for your faithful prayers,
Todd & Pamala Price

Thank you praying for my (Todd’s) mom in the nursing home in Oklahoma City. It was nice to visit her as a family last weekend.

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