Subject: THIS is the greatest song ever

Is “Dancing in the Dark” the greatest song ever made?

I know it’s silly––what the F is Bruce Springsteen doing in your inbox?!

But I’m lying in bed here, a couple glasses of sangria in me, and I’m listening to these lyrics for maybe the first time. And I thought to myself, “Wow, this dude was the great sage of our time.”


I’m going to go over a few of these classic lyrics, and I’ll show you how they relate to your love life, and how Bruce Springsteen is going to help you find love or a boyfriend or maybe just a little action…



“I go to bed feeling the same way…I ain’t nothin’ but tired, I’m just tired and bored with myself.”

Who hasn’t ever felt bored with their life? You can have the most stable job, a nice home, and the most delicious variety of kale chips in your pantry and still wonder if there’s more life to be lived than you’re currently living. There’s something in you, some wild woman begging for expression. If you’re bored, then you need some shaking up, and I don’t mean a martini at the bar with your girlfriends on a Saturday night.

“I look in the mirror…wanna change my clothes my hair my face.”

Look, I don’t understand you women. I won’t ever pretend to. But I do know that you spend an insane amount of time changing what you see in the mirror. New makeup, new clothes, maybe a change in hair color. And for what? Yes, we dudes care about your appearance…but not nearly as much as you do. And I’m not assuming that you do these things solely for our approval. But even if it were solely for your own approval, which is more important? New hair color or a new, more authentic way of expressing yourself?

“I’m dying for some action, I’m sick of sitting around here trying to write this book…”

Let’s be honest here: we all want some action. We human beings love sex. Let’s stop denying our desires. I’m not advocating that you go out and let loose with any guy you find attractive, but could dating be a lot easier if you stopped trying to adhere to some prudish ideal that society has set up for you? What do you want? Are you willing to give that to yourself?

“You can’t start a fire, you can’t start a fire without a spark…You can’t start a fire, worrying about your little world falling apart.”

Fvck fear.

You want something more in life…I know you do. I know you want it because I want it. It’s the human condition to desire for more. But you can’t get that thing if you’re worried about losing hold of what you have now. You have to stop holding on to what’s in your hands to free yourself to grab, grope or grasp that new thing…maybe that new guy. Empty your cup so it can be filled. But it starts with letting go of fear.

. . .

Look, I know I just broke down the lyrics to a song that had a video of a fake concert where that chick from Friends was doing the cheesiest 80’s dance ever…

But hear me out…

The 80s was the best decade for music and you may argue with me about this but you’d be absolutely wrong. (However, I will still accept your arguments.)

And Booda and I are no classic rock musicians but we’re going to be rocking out on some new videos, podcasts, and programs this month here in Medellín, as we put our head down and go H.A.M.

So, as always, stay tuned…


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