Subject: What do you want?

I’m sitting on a plane way above the clouds, listening to Yo-Yo Ma get down on the cello…and it got me thinking about you.

Specifically about your choices and decisions.

You watch our videos and you listen to the podcasts every week and hopefully that gives you some kind of insight into the way men think.

But beyond that you have a choice to make:

What are you going to do with this information?

Maybe we’re just entertainment that you use to pass the time on your commute to work, or when you’re at home alone and feeling bored. But I think that we can be used for much more than that…and it all starts with your choices.

You can choose to drop your stories about men and see them for who they really are.

You can choose to “try your best” and be the kind of woman that you fall in love with every time you look in the mirror.

You can choose to be bold and tell that man how he makes you feel when he smiles at you, looks you deeply in the eye, or maybe when he writes sweet emails to your in-box. :)

Or you can…not.

I tell you this because these are the thoughts I think on my birthday eve’s eve. I think about growth. I think about how I can be a better man in the coming year.

I think about how I can be better to you…

I once told you that I would email you every day and…I haven’t. But what if I did? What if I “tried my best” to be that guy that I promised I would be? What would that do for our relationship?

What if you…tried your best to be the kind of woman that get men falling head over heels for you? What would that look like? Would it still be Netflix and ice cream on a Tuesday evening? Or would it be yoga pants and sweat and a healthy meal? Or a little extra flirtatiousness with that cute guy that makes your coffee at Starbucks every morning? Or would it be deep everything-on-the-table conversations with your ex that FINALLY removes that block you’ve had about dating?

Maybe it would be a download of the Boyfriend Recipe.

All I know is that it would be different…new. I do know that.

And so I ask…

What do you want?

Now what are you going to do about it?

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950 #1025, Miami, FL 33131, United States
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