Subject: Our first raffle is TOMORROW 🤯

Plus books that will take you around the world!

Our first raffle is tomorrow!

Our second week of summer reading is behind us, and that means this week is our first raffle drawing!

We're up to a total of 221 summer readers—scooting ahead of last year, when we had 190 readers at around this time. That includes 76 readers returning from last year (welcome back!)

We're up to an impressive total of 542 books 🤯 I want to thank everyone who took the time to update their book lists and remove books they started reading before June 12. You rock! 💪🏼 We had a few people contact us for help—feel free to call or reply to this email if you need assistance or have questions.

These numbers are from Wednesday night, so they've certainly gone up since then. We went from 539 to 542 books, just while I was typing this up!

Log in or register to get started!

Armchair Travel ✈

Traveling the world through books is an experience unlike any other!

With every page turn, you are transported to a new destination, immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and cultures of far-off lands. You can explore the bustling streets of Tokyo, wander through the rugged countryside of Scotland, or bask in the warm sun of the Caribbean, all from the comfort of your own home. Reading allows you to expand your horizons, gain new perspectives, and discover the beauty and diversity of our world. So why not embark on a literary adventure and explore the world, one book at a time?

Laurie made a wonderful Armchair Travel booklist—we hope you like it!

Love armchair travel? Here are a few more booklists to put the wind in your sails:

And don't miss out on Armchair Explorer, a guidebook from the popular travel guide publisher Lonely Planet that takes you on a whirlwind tour of music, movies, and books from 120 countries.

Bon voyage!


Our first leaderboard of 2023 has some names that are familiar from last year—and some newcomers!

At number one is pearlmsqueaks, followed closely by Katekearns. Patt58 is in third (welcome back!) followed by Kflash12 in fourth. Finally, we have a five-way tie for fifth place between djablons and sharonkay (both returning summer readers), lroberts0517, CeeCeeBee12, and jennyb1224.

Some of these numbers can be a little intimidating—I wish I could read that much! But remember, the leaderboard is just for fun. Every book you read has a chance to win a raffle.

Want to see more? Check out the full leaderboard.

Want to see what people are reading? Check out the recently read page.

Summer Entertaining Raffle

Live your best life this summer! This raffle will be held Thursday, June 29.

The Summer Entertaining raffle bag ($77 value) includes:

  • $25 The Ave gift card

  • 2 serving platters

  • 2 stemless wine glasses

  • 3 piece bake and take set

  • 1 ice cream scoop

  • 1 pizza cutter

  • 1 cheese slicer

  • Penzey’s Arizona Dreaming salt-free seasoning

  • Hot fudge topping and sprinkles

There are 192 tickets in the Fun and Games raffle so far—wow!

Ready to read? Of course you are! 😘

So visit or click the button below!

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