Subject: October Newsletter: Happy Halloween!

Health and Safety Tips to Ensure a Fun and Safe Halloween

Children and adults of all ages love to participate in activities for Halloween! However, we must remember the importance of staying safe while we are having fun.

  • Dress for the weather - if it's chilly outdoors, make sure that your child's costume is loose enough for warm

  • A parent or adult should accompany trick-or-treaters that are younger than the age of 12. Parents can pin a piece of paper with your child's name, address, and phone number on the inside of your child's costume in case you get separate.

  • If your child is trick-or-treating without you, make sure to set expectations - discuss a familiar route and set a curfew for your child. If they have a cell phone, make sure they carry it with them at all times.

  • Practice hand hygiene - carry hand sanitizer with you to keep you and your children's hands clean while you are trick-or-treating.

  • Discard any items that are not sealed properly or look questionable.

  • If your child has any food allergies, please look at each item's food label carefully first.

  • Most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Check out our additional Halloween tips to keep you and others safe.

October is Physical Therapy Month

Physical Therapy Month is a time to recognize the profession of Physical Therapy as well as provide information about the benefits physical therapy has to help improve the lives of our patients.

For more information about Physical Therapy, please read our latest blog from Ashley Jones, Spencer Hospital's Rehabilitative Services Director.

Ivy League Educated Radiation Oncologist Joins Abben Cancer Center

Dr. D. B. Nguyen, an Ivy League trained and experience radiation oncologist, has joined Abben Cancer Center of Spencer Hospital as the full-time radiation oncologist. The path that led him to northwest Iowa was a challenging and interesting journey.

For more information about Dr. Nguyen joining Abben Cancer Center, please follow the link below.

Spencer Hospital Staff Earn Very First Team GEM Award for Going the Extra Mile to Help a Coworker

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington

Our Spencer Hospital co-worker Chuck brings smiles to many faces – patients and co-workers alike – through his kindness. So, when Chuck, one of our Nutrition Services professionals, was temporarily laid up following an accident, his co-workers responded with similar caring gestures, helping him out in numerous ways. In recognition of those “Team Chuck” co-workers, this group has been honored with the very first Team GEM Award. GEM stands for “going the extra mile” and these co-workers happily provided extra help to assist Chuck during his recovery. Those honored as part of “Team Chuck” hail from a number of different departments, including his own Nutrition Services teammates to HR, physical therapy, home health and the birth center. Many thanks and congrats to our “Team Chuck” members – Mari Howard, Roxanne Maeyaert, Beth Hopkins, Kaylee Hopkins, Sharon Frederick, Laila Wolterman, Lisa Porter, Tracey Erb, Rachel Hoffman, Tatum Geerdes, Michael Schauer, Patty Schulz and Jeannette Hasley!

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