Subject: These contain wisdom...enjoy

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

Hope this week is going great for you...

If it's been a bit of a struggle then know that you're not alone.
Life is not meant to be easy.

This week I wanted to share a few quotes with you and ask for
your favorites.

Are there any quotes that have helped you or made you think? Then
please share them and I may publish your comments on my website.

Over to the quotes then:

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous,
leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into
and above the clouds." Edward Abbey

I love this quote because it is so inspiring! It is worth taking
the difficult road sometimes because the reward is worth it.
Always choosing the easy path or the short cut may not be your
best choice.

"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed
at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." Bob

Nothing really to add to this except that the wisdom in this
quote is amazing. Not selfishness, but a way to live and give of
yourself to the world and enjoy life is to find what you truly
love doing and do it.

If you'd like more inspiration then take a look at this page:

See you next week,
Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book: