Subject: Don't ask yourself WHY...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

this week I have a question for you about how you approach your

Before I continue I'd like to remind you to visit my blog where
you'll find some excellent posts which will inspire you:

Your self esteem is closely connected with your attitude towards
your ability to succeed. There is also nothing worse for your
self esteem than blame.

How you talk to yourself is very important to your self esteem.

Do you ask yourself "why did I do that?" or "Why didn't I say

What you're doing by asking yourself why questions is preparing
to blame yourself.

Think about that. When you ask why you are actually criticizing
what you did.

Rather than ask "why....?" Use questions with "how" or "what".

For example in stead of "why did I act that way?" you could ask
yourself "How could I have acted in that situation?" or instead
of "why did I say that?" use "what could I have said to him?"

Can you see the difference?

So remember stop asking yourself why and stop placing blame
(usually on yourself).

See you next week,
Karl Perera

Life Coach and author of "Self Esteem Secrets" E-book: