Subject: Do you get well and then happy, or happy and then well?


This is the question Tamaey Gottuso asked me as she was interviewing me.

I thought, “What a great question?”

Quickly, I reflected on the many times I had wondered the same thing about all kinds of topics.

Do you make more money and then life gets easier or do you make life easier and then make more money?

Do you have a good time and then meet your partner or meet your partner and then have a good time?

Of course, it isn’t really a matter of either or.
But the question does get you to really think about it, doesn’t it?

Of course, if you are feeling better, it’s easier to feel happier. It’s truly awesome to find a cure or remedy that gets you feeling better quickly.

However, when you aren’t finding a quick cure or a quick answer, there is magic that happens when you give yourself a way to feel happier and better about life.

As a result, you just might find yourself living better, meeting your partner, or even feeling better.

Norman Cousins had a degenerative condition with no cure called ankylosing spondylitis, and was in constant pain. 

He was told he would die within a few months, so he went home and watched movies—funny ones that made him laugh.

Initially, he discovered that laughing gave him several minutes of freedom from pain. Those minutes continued to increase until his laughter eventually cured him.

The same is true within our family interactions and the cells of our own bodies.

He wrote about his discoveries in his book, The Anatomy of an Illness.

I know most of us tend to think life will get better when we heal, make money, find our partner, get the right job, etc..

But consider Norman Cousins’ approach.

Consider giving yourself every reason to feel happy, loved, secure, free (whatever quality of life you value) right now!

Tapping into the magic is about opening up to the quality of life you want to be experiencing. The key here is to really FEEL it.

Then get ready to open your compassion. 

As you start feeling that quality of life in your bones, the unmet needs and fears—feelings of unworthiness and limitations—are going to come up to be released, so you can enjoy this quality of life full time.

It’s your chance to do some deep loving, healing work so that you feel truly worthy and ready to receive life’s gifts.

You can’t get what you want if you are resisting something at the same time you are wanting it.

If there is any resistance, even at a subconscious level, the resistance will limit your fulfillment.

So when your resistance comes up, ask yourself this:

Am I willing to do what it takes to honor and love my resistance, so that I can enjoy the life I want?

If you are, then get ready world, because here you come!

By the way, you can listen to the answer I gave Tamaey about my own experience with wellness and happiness in my interview with her. (See below. ;)

Holding you in your wellness and happiness,

Free Event

Tamaey and her colleagues are interviewing an impressive team of experts, who are sharing their wisdom and experiences about living a truly fulfilled life.

Misa talks with Tamaey about how you use feminine energy to access your vibrant masculine life-force energy for healing. She shows you how this opens you to your ultimate happiness.

Check it out here: 

Inspirational Song
Listen to Jeff Burger’s (Misa’s husband), brand new song, In the Streets of Charlottesville.

Be inspired by it’s impassioned lyrics and stirring music, and share it with your friends.

Then join us in making this song a message of hope for the world.

New Dates and Space Available for Semi-Private Fall Retreat
Good news—there is a space available for Misa’s Fall Retreat for 4 people.

And the new dates, just might make it possible for you to participate. :)

October 30 – November 4
(3 day intensive with Misa, 1 day integration and nurturing; 5 nights)

The theme is Effortless: Beyond the struggle— living a beautiful and fulfilled life in harmony with Spirit

Discover more here:

Program of the Month
Sounds are a fabulous way to honor, acknowledge and express the deepest truths of who you are.

Sacred sounds that come directly from you are tremendously empowering—taking you into the center of the Divine expression that you are.

It is there you find your healing, energy, purpose and direction.

Misa created her Sound Healing for Wellness audio program to give you ways to access wellness in every area of your life—in health, prosperity and happiness!

Read the story about how a woman grew a new valve to her heart with visualization and sounds.

Sound Healing for Wellness is on special this month.

Your Sound Healing course is a pure jewel, and seems to be exactly what I needed at this time! So very lovely to get to the root of healing so graciously. —Amari Gold

Sound Healing Session of the Month
This recorded Sound Healing Session is a popular one.

Finding peace with your choices and life is the emotional energy that supports the healing of RA, as you listen to these life-accepting sound healing vocals from Misa.

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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