Subject: Be Careful What You Post On YouTube...


So there's this video making the rounds on social media...

In it, an instructor and his students are demonstrating some very questionable (and cheesy-looking) firearms techniques with airsoft pistols.

And yes, there's a sort of ninja theme going on with the stuff they're demonstrating. And no, they guy is not a ninjutsu instructor.

People are basically eviscerating this guy and his students over these videos. Granted, they're not as bad as the tae kwon do black belt test videos that were going around earlier this year (those were just awful), but they're bad enough to be considered serious lulz for folks on the interwebs.

Now, I have to say that when I first saw these vids making the rounds, I had my share of laughs watching them. I'm no combat handgunning expert, but I have been NRA pistol instructor certified (since expired), and I've attended more than one seminar on defensive handgun applications... and what was being taught in those videos looked nothing like what my shooting instructors taught. 

In fact, I'd say it bordered on being downright dangerous.

Even so, I kind of feel bad for the instructor in these videos. From what I can tell, he's a nice, well-intentioned guy who is just trying to do some fun stuff with his students. Since we really have no context for the video content (other than what we can see from the videos), we have no idea whether he's actually teaching this stuff as self-defense, or just offering it as a sort of martial arts LARPing session for his students.

And that brings me to the moral of this story...

Folks, you don't have to put everything you do in your school online. In fact, it might be best if you started being highly selective about what you decide to post to Facebook and YouTube. 

Sure, it's fun to shoot video of you and your students doing demos or just goofing off around your dojo. I get it. But if it's not your best stuff, if you're not putting your best foot forward, if it's not the most polished, whiz-bang footage...

...then save it for your Christmas party year-in-review presentation, and spare yourself the humiliation of having your school and students ridiculed all over the internet over something that you posted online that was only intended for your students.

Best regards,

Mike Massie

P.S. -  Next podcast episode will be up tomorrow afternoon. I'm attending a defensive knife seminar on Saturday (#fun), so I have to get it out tomorrow or it'll be until next week before I get to it.
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