Subject:Ā January 2021 Astrology Forecast šŸ”®ā­ā„ļø

January 2021 Astrological Forecast

We start the year and the month with the fiery energy of the Leo Moon in a not so pleasant aspect with several other planets, ringing in the new year with some very stubborn and fixed energy. Maybe this will propel some of us into rebellion while others dig their heels in deeper, but the optimistic energy of Leo might inspire others to ignore the petty stuff and have a good time anyway.Ā 

The first big news of the year is the planet Mars entering the sign of Taurus on January 6th and stays there until March 5th. This can be stabilizing for many as the slower movement of Taurus causes the Mars energy to focus more deliberately. However, thanks to the fixed sign energy of this year, this can be triggering for some people any time the Moon is in Leo or Scorpio. Should you be feeling this, do your best to stay grounded (Taurus) as you direct your energy (Mars) with more deliberate intent towards those things that are worth fighting for, but take a lesson from this and learn where you need to be more flexible and what things you might have to change in order for your life to be more harmonious.Ā 

Shortly after, Mercury enters Aquarius and Venus enters Capricorn on January 8th. Aquarius being a more cerebral sign, Mercury does well here, often improving our communications with others especially over matters that involve groups, organizations and societies at large. It can help us to take a more objective look at matters and to look for innovative solutions that benefit more people. Venus in Capricorn is rather practical and looks for things of lasting value rather than frivolous fun, like it was in Sagittarius. Capricorn is all business, so our affections may turn a bit more practical while Venus is here as we look for things of a higher quality to fulfill our desires. However, on the plus side, this is a good time for investing in your future whether that be in material goods, your education or your retirement fund. Hook this up with the New Moon to get extra juju, but do this before Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th - more on that later.

We have a New Moon in Capricorn on the 12th of January and this is good energy for making plans, setting goals and investing in your future. This is happening at 23 degrees Capricorn. This New Moon is a little rough around the edges thanks to a conjunction with Pluto, which favors power struggles and emotional manipulation to get its way. Around this same time, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter all in Aquarius will be squaring off against Mars and Uranus in Taurus which could cause some flare-ups in our personal lives as well as in our society. Given whatā€™s going on in America right now, this could lead to more public protests, riots or even fighting in the streets. Do yourself a favor and stay home if you can and resist the urge to go head to head with someone unless you know itā€™s going to be worth it. Pick your battles, I always say.Ā 

On January 14th, Uranus goes direct at 6 degrees Taurus. It has been retrograde for the past few months which sort of acted as a damper on our urges to make changes in our lives. Now with the direct motion forward once again, we will likely see the beginning of radical change which many of us have felt coming for a while now. Uranus is unpredictable, revolutionary and chaotic and with its forward motion through the sign of Taurus in full force, we can expect to be surprised. For the most part, Taurus is associated with material things such as our possessions, our finances, our food and our land. Look to see which house is ruled by Taurus in your chart to know what area of your life will most likely be affected by this. If you are not sure, send me your birth info and Iā€™ll let you know. Better yet, book an appointment with me and Iā€™ll give you all the juicy details.

On January 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius bringing in a more social and intellectual energy. The Aquarius energy is strong with the addition of the Sun coming in at this time and I suspect many will have their eyes on the world at large and whatā€™s going on in society. A conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the Moon the day after is sure to bring some intensity to matters especially having to deal with Taurus issues, most notably the economy.Ā 

We have a Full Moon on January 28th at 9 degrees Leo and it's receiving a lot of hits from other planets so this could be an emotional time for some of us! If you have any personal planets in the first 19 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius, you might be feeling this more than most. Leo Moons tend to bring the drama especially if we canā€™t do what we want and with all this other planetary energy getting involved, we just might see some of us throwing temper tantrums.Ā 

And to end the month on yet another intense note, Mercury goes retrograde on January 30th! This time it will be in the sign of Aquarius, which means the other retrogrades this year will be in its fellow air signs, Gemini and Libra. When Mercury goes retrograde, astrologers have discovered that many mishaps tend to occur as our daily lives tend to get interrupted. There is often trouble with our communication whether it be missing documents, misspoken words, broken phones, bad negotiations, or deleted emails, there is usually some sort of mixup with our communication during this time. We also see that vehicles and electronic equipment often go haywire under this influence so it is not advised to buy new things at this time. Travel is not favored during this time either as there are often delays due to communication breakdowns or equipment just not working. This is also not the best time for serious decisions if you can help it. If you do need to make a serious decision and would like some help on finding the best timing in your chart, contact me as finding the best time for doing things you elect to do (called electional astrology) is my specialty.

So what should you do during a Mercury retrograde?Ā  I always remind people of the prefix ā€œreā€, because thatā€™s what you do during a Mercury retrograde - pretty much any word that starts with the prefix ā€œreā€. Repair, redo, rewrite, relax, rethink, record, etc. This is a time for going back over things, for fine tuning and for fixing up anything that needs attention and maintenance. This isnā€™t the time to start something new if you can help it, especially anything important.Ā 

Most of all, Mercury retrograde reminds us that we must follow the rhythms in our lives and be willing to let go of what we need to in order to keep the flow of our lives going steady. With Aquarius, itā€™s mostly about ideas that we have about ourselves, about our associations, about society and about how we fit into the world at large. This might be especially difficult this time around though as Aquarius doesnā€™t particularly favor letting go of ideas. Make the most of it by not trying to push or force anything during this time, but learn to find the new rhythm coming in and lean into it. Let go of what must go and bend with the changing winds. We must learn to be flexible if we are going to have a better life experience. As mother nature reminds us, nature has a way of breaking branches that do not bend. We would all do well to remember that as the stubborn energy of the fixed signs are being challenged to change this year and we need to bend with it or risk breaking off! Mercury will be retrograde from January 30th until February 21, for more details such as the shadow periods, check out this page.Ā 

In numerology, we are now in a number 5 universal year - a year of change. The number 5 is about freedom, variety, travel, mass communication and stirring things up. Itā€™s a very active energy, it canā€™t sit still for long and it is anything but predictable. Combined with the energy of the planets this year, this undoubtedly brings a revolutionary spirit to 2021. People arenā€™t going to just sit by and do nothing this year and to me, thatā€™s promising in lieu of the pandemic restrictions weā€™ve all been under since early 2020.Ā 

January 2021 is a number 6 universal month and this puts the focus on the home and family as well as on service to others. It is a good month for beautifying the home or for redecorating your surroundings. This is also good energy for spending time with those who love and doing what you can to create a comfortable environment for you and yours.

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Donā€™t forget I can do phone and video readings and I now have the capability to record your online reading with me! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as I can.Ā 

May the stars guide you!


The Laughing Gypsy


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others donā€™t quite get you. If you donā€™t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and Iā€™ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 18,19,20. Challenging 5,6

TAURUS: Rewarding 21,22. Challenging 7,8

GEMINI: Rewarding 23,24,25. Challenging 9,10

CANCER: Rewarding 26,27. Challenging 11,12

LEO: Rewarding 1,2,28,29. Challenging 13,14,15

VIRGO: Rewarding 3,4,30,31. Challenging 16,17

LIBRA: Rewarding 5,6. Challenging 18,19,20

SCORPIO: Rewarding 7,8. Challenging 21,22

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 9,10. Challenging 23,24,25

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 11,12. Challenging 26,27

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 13,14,15. Challenging 1,2,28,29

PISCES: Rewarding 16,17. Challenging 3,4,30,31

JANUARY SPECIAL - The Year Ahead Reading

Curious what to expect in your personal life for the year 2021? This special reading and coaching session involves taking a look at the stars, your numbers and the tarot to show the most likely activity in the main areas of your life: health, home & family, love life, career and your spiritual life for the coming year. Please note, an accurate birth time is required for an accurate astrology reading. From now until January 31st, 2021, get this special 90 minute reading for only $80 by using coupon code: YEAR2021 when you book!

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