Subject: The Year 2021 General Astrological Forecast ⭐️🌞🌙

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The Stars and The Year 2021

Hello and Happy New Year! I am working on the January 2021 monthly forecast and I will send that out shortly, but before I do, I wanted to share what I saw while looking at the stars for the year ahead...

Considering the events of the year 2020, everyone is looking at 2021 with a mix of hopefulness and trepidation and looking at the stars, I’d say the madness is not yet over. Whereas the cardinal signs got hit hard in 2020, the year of 2021 sees major activity in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). This energy can be rigid, inflexible and uncompromising but it can also be dependable, persistent and tenacious, given the stick-to-it-ness nature of these signs. Sometimes this is a good thing, other times, not so much. Considering the current state of affairs in the United States right now, it could likely mean a serious push to change our social systems and an equally serious pushback to resist the change.

However, considering the fact that both Saturn and Jupiter are now in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will most likely see a push by the people to break down the old structures that keep us locked in ways that are no longer appropriate for the times. Aquarius is the sign of the people and Saturn, its traditional ruler, is coming in strong this year, being backed up by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth. Aquarius has the reputation of being the rebel in the zodiac, unwilling to conform just because someone said they should and given that there are a series of squares happening between Saturn and Uranus in the year 2021, I’d say that we are on the brink of a new era as the people are demanding serious change.

I also find it interesting that the public internet’s first Saturn Return is happening this year - what could that mean in the everyday usage of the digital realm? It’s no small thing that, in 30 years, the internet went from the joys of open and free global communication to the restrictive, controlled and censored internet we see now. The guys who started Big Tech went from being the starry-eyed geeks who wanted to fight the power to actually becoming the power themselves. They now hold more influential power and international control than the governments and the mainstream media and the people are getting tired of it. 

With Saturn once more in Aquarius, we could see cyberspace return to the ideals of a free and open internet as well as the resurgence of open-source technology. Grassroot alternative tech companies are popping up all over right now in response to this Big Tech overreach as more and more people are losing interest in the Big Tech platforms. Aquarius’ modern ruler is Uranus, to which many astrologers give the rulership of the internet. Uranus is currently in Taurus, in a square relationship to Saturn in Aquarius and this is a contentious aspect. Think of it as squaring off against someone in an argument. Considering the multiple squares between these two planets this year, this should be interesting as I feel more and more people will want to break free from the constraints currently being placed on our global communication and I don’t see Big Tech taking that lightly!

Also happening this year of significant note is the fact that we will have three outer planets in their ruling signs. Whenever this happens, the planet is working in its purest form and holds a lot more weight. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, while Saturn moved into Aquarius in December of 2020. Jupiter then enters Pisces in May, before it retrogrades back into Aquarius for a while and then returns to Pisces at the end of the year. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces (and Sagittarius) and Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius (and Capricorn).

Neptune in Pisces has brought sensitivity but also confusion to the world as it helps us to wake up to social injustices happening on the planet but it has a tendency to blur facts with fantasy. It starts off with good intentions but becomes muddy or diluted the more we take things to extremes and pretty soon, we are denying scientific facts and walking around in a cloud of confusion, afraid of upsetting anyone for fear of being seen as insensitive. The upside of this energy is that those who seek enlightenment and spiritual growth will find it through service to others, displays of compassion and an understanding of our underlying unity as a species.

With Jupiter in Pisces there is a tendency to become rather zealous and dogmatic in our beliefs, judging those who do not see things our way as wrong, sinful or downright evil. There is a risk of strongly held beliefs being pushed upon us or of institutions forcing their ways upon the people, where if someone should step out of line with the official narrative, there will be Orwellian consequences straight out of his novel 1984. That’s one possibility, but let us instead focus on the positive side of this where Jupiter’s optimism and straight shooting approach to life can have an uplifting influence upon the planet, pushing us instead toward our spiritual goals and utopian ideals. With Saturn in Aquarius, this is possible as we are becoming more and more aware of the need to work together as a collective, rather than as institutions.

Overall, the year 2021 looks to bring in more change and resistance to that change thanks to the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) being heavily involved in this year’s astrology. If you happen to have a personal planet in one of these signs, be prepared and remember that change is the only constant in this universe. The personal lesson here is learning to be flexible and while at the same time knowing where you need to stand your ground. If you are not sure of your personal planets, click on the red button below to book a reading with me.

Every time the Moon moves through Leo or Scorpio this year, we get a T-Square aspect between the Moon, Uranus and Saturn. A T-square is a very challenging aspect in astrology but can lead to healing and self-development when the right mindset is applied. This T-Square will be amplified whenever the fast moving planets make their passes through the fixed signs (Mars will be transiting Taurus, Leo and Scorpio this year). All this fixed energy is very stubborn and can sometimes seem impossible to change. We are likely to see a lot more clashes between the people and institutions, between groupthink and individualism as new power structures come in and old ones are torn down. 

Things may seem out of control and scary for some this year, but I encourage you to take the high road and focus on the things you can control and the only thing you ever really can control is you and your response to the world. Never forget that your focus is your superpower and wherever you place your focus, you send creative energy. Imagine what we could do if we opened our hearts and our minds and focused together as a collective on a more peaceful and loving planet. So keep your focus on the things you want to see rather than on the things you wish to eradicate and let’s bring in a new era where the needs of the many truly outweigh the needs of the few.

Here’s to a better year ahead and a brighter future for us all. I will be sending the monthly forecast for January soon. To get a better idea on how 2021 will be for you, book your appointment with me and I’ll be happy to read the stars for you. Or if this is the year you are ready to get your spiritual life on track, consider my life coaching services. It is my path in this life to help others find their way to living a more joyful and fulfilling life and I would be delighted to help you too. 

May your year of 2021 be one of hope, freedom and growth. Happy New Year!

The Laughing Gypsy

Laughing Gypsy, 2326 Wheaton Way, Suite 140, Bremerton, WA 98310, United States
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