Subject: My Astrological Forecast for April 2021 🌷⭐🔮🌜

Astrological and Numerological Forecast for April 2021

The month of April starts off with a lot of Aries energy moving us forward into the new astrological cycle. Many of us are feeling the shift and the need to make changes in our lives. On April 3rd, Mercury enters Aries and this brings with it a swift energy for our minds and our communication. What was previously being felt and perceived under the radar (with Mercury in Pisces) will now be expressed thanks to the action oriented energy of Aries. Interactions tend to be more direct and in your face with the Aries energy fueling our minds and there is a certain impatience that comes with this. Sometimes our conversations may take on more assertive tones which could quickly turn into aggressive tones if we don’t watch our egos when Aries is involved. But taking it slow and gentle is not going to be easy either, so use this energy to help you go after your personal goals and let everyone else worry about themselves for a while. Aries does best when it is left to its own devices, making decisions based on the needs of the self rather than having to confer with others before taking action. This can of course rock the boat for some, so choose your battles wisely and know where to place your focus so that you are achieving harmony in your life. 

On April 11th, we have some more Aries action with the New Moon at 22 degrees Aries. Those with planets in the later degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will feel this the most. This New Moon may act as a powerful catalyst for some people, giving them the energy they need to start taking positive action in their lives! It can be used to fuel your personal goals and give you the courage to overcome any doubts or fears holding you back. There is, of course, an explosive component to this as the Moon rules our emotions and Aries doesn’t usually hold back when it feels something strongly. Aries is about the needs of the self and if you have been neglecting that, you may be subject to the intense emotional energy of this New Moon. So be sure to check in with yourself beforehand: are your individual needs being met? Have you put yourself last in your life...again? What areas in your life need more of your personal attention? And in what way does your life need to come back into balance to give you a greater sense of purpose, peace and harmony? This New Moon can be utilized to help you set out in a new direction with determination and a pioneering spirit, so take advantage of it and use it to boost yourself forward! To know how this will affect you personally, contact me for a reading or join me for my New Moon Meditation on Saturday, April 10th (see the blurb below) and I will be happy to inform you.

On April 14th, Venus enters her own sign of Taurus and we will feel the energy behind both our relationships and our finances slowing down to a more comfortable pace with this. Venus shows us what we desire and what we value. Taurus likes to take things slow, to stop and smell the roses and when Venus is here, she is right at home. This is a great time for enjoying the finer things in life, for experiencing the pleasures that life can bring and for taking the time to appreciate the fruits of our labor. Do be careful of overindulgence and a tendency to be a little too lenient with our free time though, as Taurus is notorious for its love of inactivity. Overall though, this is a great time for being in nature, for being more in the body and for enjoying the beauty in our lives. 

On April 19th, both the Sun and Mercury will join up with Venus in the sign of Taurus and things come down to earth. The transiting Sun in our charts shows us the areas that are highlighted in our personal lives and transiting Mercury shows us where our minds and our conversations will be focused. With Taurus, we are slowing things down, becoming more deliberate with our thoughts and words and more selective about how much energy we exert. This is a time to be more thoughtful toward the future and to enjoy the long process that produces tangible results. This is also the perfect time to work with the earth, to work in the garden and to enjoy the beauty that springtime brings! With all this Taurus energy, look to see which house is ruled by Taurus in your personal chart to see how this might affect you personally. If you need help, contact me. 

On April 23rd, Mars enters Cancer and we can expect to feel the energy shift gears once more in the world as well in our personal lives. Cancer is a cardinal sign, meaning it instigates change and prompts action but it does so in a more subdued and passive manner normally. With Mars here, there is more bravery, more action and more drive to go after things to which we are more emotionally attached or sentimentally drawn. The downside to this is that our emotions can sometimes be the driving force behind our decisions and if we are not emotionally balanced, this could create chaos or conflict in our lives. Mars is not at its best in the sign of Cancer and can often lead many of us to make irrational decisions which inevitably leave some sort of emotional scar either on ourselves or on the people we love. So do be mindful of your emotions during this time and be sure that you are checking in with your own individual needs on a regular basis so that you are not acting out needlessly. 

On April 26th, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. This is happening at 7 degrees of Scorpio so if you have any personal planets or placements within ten degrees of that in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this might impact you more than others. This is an intense energy thanks to the powerful emotional energy of Scorpio so be sure to ground yourself often. Scorpio Full Moons are a wonderful opportunity to purge yourself, to transform and to shed your metaphorical skin. Think of the Phoenix, the mythical creature which dies and is reborn as part of its natural life cycle. Although sometimes a bit intense, it is also a powerful energy for self-transformation and personal renewal. So if you are ready to completely let go of something, walk through the fires of purification and essentially let a part of yourself die, then you can use this time as a powerful reboot, a metaphorical rebirthing if you will to propel yourself in a new direction. Contact me for a reading or join me for my Full Moon Meditation to see how this will impact your personal chart.   

And finally, we end the month with Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, going retrograde on April 27th. Outer planets frequently go retrograde, so typically the impact isn’t felt on a personal level so much, but rather on a collective level. Pluto retrograde tends to destroy things slowly. With Pluto in the last few degrees of Capricorn going retrograde, we are likely to see more dissolving of the old ways, of the old systems and the old paradigms. Pluto retrograde also shows us our shadows. On both a global and a personal level, we will most likely be confronted with our fears, our shame and our guilt from past actions. And although painful, it is a necessary step in the process of spiritual evolution to become aware of the shadow so that we can then begin to understand it and integrate it. With Pluto, this is a very slow but necessary process. Pluto will go direct again on October 6th.

In numerology, April is a number 9 universal month. We often see things coming to an end during this phase, we finish up projects, clean up spaces and wrap up projects. There is also a great humanitarian and spiritual energy to the number 9 which asks us to get in touch with the universe at large and look at the bigger picture. There is an idealism with this number and a sense of brotherhood and unity. This is some much needed energy right now and I encourage you to lean into that. In this universal year of the number 5, a year of change and personal freedom, it is important to remember the big picture and who we are at our core: spiritual beings having a human experience. The 9 reminds us that we are all connected and that the freedom for the human collective is just as important as our individual freedom. So this month, reach inside and find what brings you that sense of connection to others, to the planet and to the universe and expand your heart to include all of it. This planet is on the brink of great change and it is by the heart that we must be guided if we are to realize the ideals of our collective and bring the peace we all wish to see. 

Astrology and numerology are both universal and personal so planetary transits and numerical influences like the ones described above will affect each one of us differently according to our own personal charts. To see how it affects yours, book your appointment with me. Don’t forget I can do phone and video readings! For more details, click the button below or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 

April brings a mix of energies to the planet; first pioneering and encouraging us to take action in our lives and then we shift gears and slow things down in order to reassess and get our feet back on the ground. Use this time to first get yourself moving in the direction you want to take but remember to slow down every now and then and appreciate the little things. But most of all, remember that you play an important role in the universe and that without you, the world would not be the same. We may all be One in the vast ocean of consciousness but each one of us is still an individual drop in that ocean. There is no other just like you and your unique life experience is treasured by Life itself. In other matter and you have value. Never forget that.

I hope your month is amazing and may the stars guide you.


The Laughing Gypsy

ANNOUNCEMENT: For locals, please join me for my free Moon Meditations! I plan on doing this on or around the New and Full Moon every month. Learn more about astrology and yourself. If you register, I will also take a look at your personal chart and let you know how each Moon will affect you personally. I only have seating for 7 people however, so act fast! Registration is required and there will be a waitlist. Register for April’s events on my website here:


The following are the rewarding and challenging days of the month for each sun sign. Generally speaking, on rewarding days you can expect things to go a little smoother for you and in your favor more often. On challenging days, you might find your patience wearing thin and that others don’t quite get you. If you don’t know your sun sign, reply to this email with your birthday and I’ll be happy to help you!

ARIES: Rewarding 10,11,12. Challenging 25,26

TAURUS: Rewarding 13,14. Challenging 27

GEMINI: Rewarding 15,16,17. Challenging 1,2,28,29,30

CANCER: Rewarding 18,19. Challenging 3,4

LEO: Rewarding 20,21. Challenging 5,6,7

VIRGO: Rewarding 22,23,24. Challenging 8,9

LIBRA: Rewarding 25,26. Challenging 10,11,12

SCORPIO: Rewarding 27. Challenging 13,14

SAGITTARIUS: Rewarding 1,2,28,29,30. Challenging 15,16,17

CAPRICORN: Rewarding 3,4. Challenging 18,19

AQUARIUS: Rewarding 5,6,7. Challenging 20,21

PISCES: Rewarding 8,9. Challenging 22,23,24


Are you brave enough to look at your Shadow Self? This reading will reveal hidden aspects of yourself that require your conscious awareness to facilitate deep, spiritual healing. Although sometimes painful, this reading can bring you to a new level of spiritual understanding and profound appreciation for your soul’s journey. Get this special 60 minute reading for only $60 this month by using coupon code: 21SHADOWS upon booking.

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