Subject: Sometimes It's Hard to Practice What You Preach

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"It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself."
Eleanor Roosevelt
It's been awhile, I know. January 31st to be exact. It's not that you haven't been on my mind. You have. And that's why I've been on a bit of an unplanned hiatus. 

I shared a bit about my health journey in a previous newsletter, but in case you missed it here are the highlights: I worked too much, slept too little, worried about things outside my control (a lot), and listened to everyone but myself. Which resulted in adrenal exhaustion.

If you don't know what adrenal exhaustion is, congratulations. You're doing something right! In a nutshell, adrenal exhaustion is when your stress hormones are out of control and result in symptoms like:
  • insomnia
  • anxiety and panic attacks
  • lack of focus
  • inability to cope
  • incessant worrying
  • turning into a total control freak
  • exhaustion beyond anything you've ever experienced
There's more but let's not dwell on that. What was both personally and professionally one of the most challenging years of my life has become my greatest blessing. I learned that if I expect others to follow my example, I actually have to lead by example. 
So ... 
  • No more late nights on the computer. 
  • My number one priority is making time for family, friends and community. 
  • When I'm tired, I rest. Even if it's just deep breathing and reminding myself I don't have to push through anything to get things done.
  • No more hurrying, multi-tasking or over-scheduling. Doing one thing at a time has relieved more stress than you can imagine. Focusing on one thing saves time and I'm getting a lot more done.
  • No more impulse buying to make myself feel better. This is both a personal and professional commitment that's really helping. I can't tell you how many times I've purchased something (usually after 8PM and on-line) and had buyer's remorse — usually within minutes. I've learned that joy is obtained through experiences, not material items.
It's taken the better part of a year to get back on track. And the biggest takeaway is I'm happier. Happier in my work, my marriage and family. Slowing down has given me so many gifts. One of which is a saying I used to tell my IIN students all the time ~ 

Turn Your Gaze Inward

We are constantly looking for answers from the outside world. Most likely because those of us gifted with sight are bombarded with promises through visual stimulation vying for our attention. When all we really need is neatly stored inside us. Call it intuition, wisdom, faith, or your inner voice. We all have it if we can just shut out the noise and listen. There's a bible quote that I love, “Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10 which essentially means stop striving or stop fighting. 

I can only hope that these insights will fall on ears ready to hear. We all have our own journeys to take and I honor and respect yours. If you're ready ... when you're ready ... be still. There's a treasure trove of life's greatest gifts waiting to be revealed to you.

With all my heart,  
PS: My goal is to write at least once a month and continue sharing health tips, recipes and free Master Classes. I'm putting it in writing to hold myself accountable so stay tuned. It's going to be a great year!

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