Subject: Pre-Detox Day 7

Topic: Final Prep Day for the Detox

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow is the big day. With all the information in the Program Guide, the Success Kit, and these daily emails, you should feel supported and ready to start this amazing process.

But first, you deserve a pat on the back! Even though we’ve been in the preparation phase, you have taken so many huge steps, and it’s important that you acknowledge yourself and your efforts. It’s a lot of information to take in, but you’re doing great already!

Some Detox Tips

As we continue onto the next phase of this journey, here are five tips for making this process super easy:

  1. Cook once, eat twice – or thrice.
  2. Plan for and pre-cook your meals. Make your soups in advance and freeze them and just reheat when you’re ready! There are doubles in your 11-Day Suggested Meals to make it easy on you! 
  3. Prepare simple salads. If you want to just throw greens, protein, veggies, and a healthy fat into a BPA-free container and take it on the go, awesome!
  4. Prepare your smoothie or breakfast the night before. (Note, however, if you use a high-speed blender such as the Vitamix or Blentec, you won’t be able to prepare smoothies ahead of time since the oxidation process starts immediately and proceeds quickly with these drinks.)
  5. Print out your 11-Day Suggested Meals and Shopping List and keep them with you so you always feel in control. 

And just as important:

Daily Reminders - Hydration for Optimal Digestion and Bowel Movements

  1. Stay hydrated - Carry a BPA-free bottle with tons of lemon, lime, or pieces of grapefruit soaking in water with you at all times to help flush out those toxins.
  2. If you are feeling cold, drink a warm cup of water with lemon and honey or a cup of peppermint tea.
  3. Drink a warm cup of water to flush the lymphatic system. It’s especially helpful to drink warm water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning.

In other words, eat, drink, and be merry! Eat when you’re hungry. Drink before you get thirsty. Be merry as early and as often as possible. You’re in for a great ride. Enjoy it!


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