Subject: Finding joy

Hi Friend,

I recently decided to create a journaling program. One reason was I wanted to do more journaling and needed something to get me back on track. The other is even more compelling. Every day I see women who have lost the ability to experience joy in their lives. They’ve been lured into the lie of busyness. The one where they get up, grind through their day, and fall into bed exhausted. Only to repeat the same pattern again and again. Day after day.


That may sound a bit dramatic, but it’s true. Women come into my office every day with a variety of health problems like difficulty sleeping, excess weight, exhaustion, mood swings, uncontrollable cravings, PMS/menopausal issues, and the like.


But the biggest stealer of health is often discontent.


Women everywhere are experiencing stress on an epic scale. They’re suffering with anxiety and depression – most of it hidden. Their actions may show someone who’s got it all together, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. The smile on their face is a bit forced and when someone asks how they’re doing, they often downplay the real answer. I see it. Every. Single. Day.

If you're like most women, you've gone through life doing all the things asked of you because you're conditioned to DO. There’s this constant pressure to get things done, push through, and soldier on.

We’ve become so accustomed to this state of being that we don’t even question it anymore. It’s part of everyday life. Some might call it reality. I call it a tragedy.


Here’s an interesting fact: The Chinese word for busyness is represented by one symbol with two components. The first one means heart. The other means to lose, disappear or perish.


Our busy lifestyles are taking us out of our heart and keeping us trapped in our heads. We cannot live harmoniously if our internal wisdom is constantly being over-ruled by our logic. To preserve our serenity, we need to change the way we’re living.


There is never a better time to make changes in your life than the moment you’re in right now.


Which brings me back to Finding Joy: A Journaling Adventure program. If there’s one thing we have the power to do, it’s change.  


Finding Joy is about remembering who you are before the world, and your limiting beliefs told you who to be. It's about inviting peace into your space, so you can finally hear what your heart wants and lean into your greatest joy. It's about remembering what it's like to listen instead of react. It's about remaining open to what you already embody, and to what you already know.


If this sounds like something you need, I hope you’ll follow your heart and rediscover your own pathway back to joy.


The program is nearly finished. Will you be ready to take the leap, jump in and let the adventure begin?


From my heart to yours,