Subject: Marketing – Lose the Heavy Hand

Visibility Generating
& Authority Building
Writing and Marketing Information

October 29, 2014 / Newsletter 102914

Marketing – Lose the Heavy Hand

People get information in all kinds of ways now, and companies can no longer talk
at the consumer. You have to engage in a discussion and let people create, discover, and
share information and not just try to sell them things.

~ Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks

The marketing landscape has changed. In fact, it's been changing for a while now. Rather than focusing your marketing strategy on 'hard selling', you need to work on engaging and informing your visitors, readers, and subscribers. Your audience needs to be a part of the discussion.

This builds trust and loyalty which in turn motivates people to say YES to what you're offering. This also help build a successful business.

It does seem most marketers know the importance of this strategy and use it, but I still see a few who don't get it.

People are much more 'buyer savvy.' They don't want to be told what to do, they want to be informed. So, keep this in mind in your content marketing.

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A Cool Tool to Check Out

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See all that you'll learn in my 6 week e-class through WOW! Women on Writing: just CLICK HERE. (The last class is November 3rd.)

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Karen Cioffi, Online Platform and Website Optimization Instructor
For small businesses, writers, authors, and solopreneurs

Karen Cioffi, Freelance Writer
For Businesses and Individuals

karencioffi [at] ymail [dot] com

I'm an affiliate for some of the products I recommend. I only tell you about products I've checked out.


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Karen Cioffi-Ventrice, P.O. Box 672, No. Bellmore, New York 11710, United States
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