Subject: NOT Profiles! A 'back to normal' post :)

Hello Friend

I know I know. I have bombarded you with all things Flat Profiles 2015 and I promise to stop now. All of you from my list that want to join have no doubt done so by now, and if you are still on the fence you know where to head when you change your mind :) I won't bang on about it anymore.

Over 200 of you have unsubscribed from my email list, clearly less enthusiastic than me about Profiling! However, 5 also unsubscribed when I gave away that free report, so there we go. 

Right, back to 'normal'. 

In today's post there are a few things of interest:-

  • A trainer whose handicappers should be kept onside during June

  • I take issue,momentarily, with some 'advice' i received in my inbox the other day

  • BETS - some of my bets today, which I have arrived at by using speed ratings and identifying those most likely to front run, or be suited by the pace set up. 

  • Finally, a short moan, inspired by a comment left on the blog that irked me

You can read this post in the usual place HERE

That is all for today, I will be back tomorrow with a race preview or two if I find anything I like and any strong trends to go on. 

All the best,

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