Subject: 🏇My Free Jumps Stats Bible Inside

Hello, Friend

RTP Jumps Stats 2022/3 : READ HERE >>>

The 'winter' jumps season proper is slowly cranking into gear, for all we could do with a deluge up and down the land, 'firm' still remains in many going descriptions, small fields galore. Hopefully it changes soon enough.

As you know, I like having some 'trainer stats' content within my daily blog posts, in addition to the 'tipping' and various other bits and pieces. My 'monthly trainers' have done well since last October, so well you could justify 'backing blind' for small stakes. (+80 or so BFSP, good fun to £2.50 bets, +£200)

However, I also like using other angles as a 'starting point/way in', giving you and me a ready made shortlist in which to ponder, or just adding to our wider puzzle solving endeavours.

This year I have researched two sets of stats.. my 'Trainer Track Profiles' repot which this season focusses on chases only, and my new 'Staying Chase' report, which as you can guess, focusses on 5f sprinters... (I wanted to research something to help with my 'tipping' also)

As a thanks to those of you who continue to open my emails, all 1950 or so of you, I thought I'd give it to you for free, just click the big green button below...

With any luck you find it an interesting read and it helps you beat the bookies in the months ahead.

So far, since 7th Oct, they have been doing their job in helping to identify winners - that gives us a better chance of landing on the odd one!

TTP: 2/8,5p, -2

Staying Chasers: 2/5,4p, +3

There is one 'staying chase' qualifier today for my David Pipe angle...

2.15 Exet – Red Happy- 11/4

Fingers crossed he runs well. (I think he should...)

With any luck in time to come, such stats and chat may help us all become chase experts.


Let's have some fun...(and make some money)

I've had a few emails in (genuinely, at least 3!) regarding my Members Club and access this winter. I'm pulling together my offer this week, with more news to follow early next week.

It will include a 30 day trial, an additional 30 day 'money back guarantee' period after initial payment, and an early bird discounted price for those of you who read these emails.

You will in effect get 60 days access risk-free, but I wanted to wait for the racing to hot up (and for some rain) so that there were not too many blank days during your trial. Adam's tipping / race analysis will start hotting up in the next week or two also.

Anyway, more news on that next week.

For now, do read my latest stats report HERE >>>

Thanks for reading,
