Subject: ❤️ [Free Competition] Name A Racehorse!

Hello, Friend

I hope you're having a great week.

Something a bit different today - one of you reading this email could soon be seeing a racehorse hit the track, named by you! Hopefully some of you find that prospect exciting!

Our RTP Syndicates are expanding and we're embarking on a new adventure with Amy Murphy's husband, Lemos, who is very shrewd when it comes to buying and selling racehorses. He has some eye for a young horse, bought relatively cheaply (usually as a yearling), and later sold for a profit. Amy and Lemos make a great team and we're excited about the future of this model.

They've had a lot of success in the last year or two doing just that - trading racehorses is essential for smaller yards to survive, especially on the flat.

As such, we'll soon be sharing a new opportunity with more of an 'investment' slant. We are partnering with Lemos and offering shares in a 2YO flat filly, who will be ready to run soon. The intention is to sell her at the appropriate point and make a tidy profit. Or to keep her in training until August at the very latest, before then being sold. A maximum 6 month commitment.

She's by Equiano x Amber Road, and is showing all the right signs at home.

However, before we embark on this adventure, she needs a name! And that's where you come in.

  • You can watch a video of our filly working HERE>>> 

  • You can find her pedigree HERE>>> (which may give inspiration):

You can enter our competition, and submit your name, HERE >>>

There are no rules for the sort of name you can put forward. We will have to check they're available via the BHA. (you can check here>>>)

This free competition will run until close of play this Saturday. We will then select a shortlist of 2 or 3 and put it to a vote on our social media channels.

The name with the most votes wins and that will be our filly's name.

If said name was submitted by your good self, you will have named a racehorse and can follow her throughout her career.

However, you will also win:-

  • An invite to Amy's yard in Newmarket to meet the horse.

  • An invite to an RTP Syndicate Newmarket Open Day

  • A bottle of Champagne

It's all a bit of fun.

So, if you'd like a racehorse carrying your name, just click the green button below and get entering. Just one name per entry, to help focus the mind! :)

As always, thanks for your time,

All the best,
