Subject: The ups, downs and unexpected turns of being a content creator👀

Hello, hello, hello!

We're in the third month of the year, which means we're hitting the 90 day mark soon for new habits to form into lifestyle changes.

For all of those who had made goals for themselves just as I had - I hope you're doing a better job than I have. I'll be the first to put my hand up to say I haven't stuck with my goals consistently, but it's a work in progress. 😅

Hey, they say shoot for the moon and if you miss you land among the stars, which I think is still a better position to be in at the end of the year.

Off topic - Hope everyone was safe from the rains and if there was flooding in your area, I hope it was minimal water damage.

I'm fortunate enough to live at the top of a small hill, but even then the garage and streets were flooded. I don't remember ever experiencing such rain in Sydney as a kid or such extreme weather we've been getting these few years.

It does make you pause for a moment to contemplate whether you're doing your part as a carer for the planet. Even if it's just bringing your own bag to the supermarket or remembering to turn the light off when you leave the room...


Kindness from strangers makes filming

THAT much easier

I film alone most of the time, and my content is predominately outside.

Which is another way of saying - filming is hard. 😂 But one thing about being a content creator is you get to put yourself out there and experience interactions with other people that genuinely give you a boost of faith in humanity.

Just a few weeks back when I went out filming for my KL Food Truck video - A very kind couple helped me secure a table. It doesn't sound like much, but when the lines were long and you had to order before getting a seat, this was actually super helpful.

It was a MASSIVE help. (Thank you Cindy & Peter if you're reading this)

Btw, just in case you haven't watched yet - the above was the KL Food Truck video, as well as the food truck I mentioned in my last Sydney Insider newsletter.

Realities of being a content creator

Rarely are things 100% smooth sailing - its more a question of how rough the waters can get. But from experience, the waters never stay chopping for too long...

My main camera broke near the end of February, which placed me in a pickle on how to film. Do I film with my phone? Or do I rent a camera while mine is being fixed? The thing is, renting sometimes has a minimum time period, and those that don't have a min. period are extra pricey. I even considered buying a new one completely. 

Trust me I was tempted to open up the wallet and get a new one. But thankfully sony lent me a lens & camera body to try out. So I was able to keep my existing 2 camera set-up as I wait for my camera to get repaired. (one for food shots and one for vlogging)

Sydney Night Noodle Market!

A few friends and I were planning to go, but I saw it got postponed yesterday on IG. Not sure when it'll be rescheduled, but whenever it does get held - I'm definitely going!

If you see me there, then please come up to say hi. It's always really nice to see you guys in real life.

I can't wait to eat my way through, but also nice to attend a biggish event outdoors like pre-covid times. ☺️

But until then, talk to you next time.


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