Subject: New Year. New Goals. New content plans for YouTube ☺️

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Tropical Fields uses only high-quality ingredients to produce delicious healthy snacks without the need for preservatives, colourings or additives. Find Tropical Field’s famous Crispy Coconut Rolls made with real coconut milk at your nearby Aldi or Harris Farm today, or find the full range of delicious guilt-free snacks at Costco. I tried a few in my latest video while snacking with friends and enjoyed the coconut rolls and coconut wafer thins the most.

You can watch the video below to see for yourself:

2022 Goals

I like making goals for myself, and I’ve had this habit since I was a kid growing up. This year is no different. One of my favourite books is called 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. It’s a really good guide on how to create good habits and break bad ones.

Now I read somewhere that if you have a goal, you shouldn’t tell people about it, because the act of telling people about your goals might make you less likely to achieve it… so, I won't share all of my goals, just a few personal ones, so you can hold me accountable. (feel free to call me out in the comments lol)

Go swimming at least three times a week

I want to develop a consistent exercise routine this year - not just because I need to work off all the food I eat, but, I suffer from lower back pain. All the sitting down while editing, the heavy backpack with all my gear has somewhat exacerbated the pain, and when I’m filming and standing for long periods, it gets really uncomfortable. Of all the exercises I’ve tried, for me personally, swimming helps a lot, and this year, I am going to commit to going swimming regularly. (If the pools stay open)

Journal once a day - doesn’t have to be a full page, but at least one line to capture my thoughts for the day 

2021 went by too fast for me, it felt like a blur. I’ve said this before, but I do feel that as I get older, time flies by even faster. I was so caught up with working, and creating content every week, that I never really stopped or paused. So this year, the goal is to give myself at least 2 minutes every night, to capture my thoughts for the day - I would hate to keep growing but look back on it all, and have it all to be a blur. 

Read 1 book a month 

Believe me, I was tempted to say 1 book a week, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Going to start small, and aim for 12 books this year. As of late, I really enjoy reading personal development / self-help books, so if you have any good recommendations please send it my way! 

Exploring New Content

So towards the end of 2019, I made a huge goal of reaching 100,000 subscribers before the end of 2020, not knowing what would happen a few months later. 

A lot of things have changed, and none changed according to plan but I’m still grateful for how much the channel has grown since 2019. I still get that moment of shock when one of you come up to say hi. It’s like, wow, the numbers and comments I see on the screen are real people in the real world! 

And its always neat seeing your comments - letting me know my videos help you guys find places for your weekends, next gathering or your next trip to Sydney. It definitely gives me the motivation to keep making content online. Thank you so much! 

Speaking of content…

The recent lockdown saw me cooking A LOT. I was cooking most days of the week for all 3 meals, which meant I had to learn new recipes to keep things interesting.

I went from holding the knife precariously to…holding the knife without people in the comments telling me to tuck my finger tips in. XD I really enjoy cooking now and want to do more cooking content to share recipes I find around the web or easy recipes I’ve come up with in my moments of wanting to use-up-what-I-have-in-my-fridge. 

How many of you guys tried my no bake coffee cream cheese cake?

Someone was lovely enough to let me know they made one for Christmas and loved it, which made my day. 

(The recipe is in the below video at around the 12min mark)

..the only problem with cooking videos is figuring out how to easily film in my current kitchen without my back facing the camera or the lighting looking weird between angles…

Anyway, I’ll cap off this email here. As always, if you have any video ideas, let me know! And if you have any book recommendations, send them my way too  

Thanks for reading til the end. Take care and chat soon! 


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