IM NewsWatch, May 18, 2016 - ‘Decoding SEO: Understand What Your Consultant is Telling You – Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 18th, 2016 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

‘Local SEO: Become the voice online for your market’ – Marketing Land

Corey Barnett says, “When it comes to local content marketing, too many businesses fall into the trap of self-promotion, writing solely or primarily about their products and services. Or worse, their blog is rarely updated, or it’s full of filler content that only serves to boost search rankings. Rarely does this approach translate into engaged... [Read more]

‘Recovering Your Organic Search Traffic from a Web Migration Gone Wrong’ – MOZ

Aleyda Solis says, “I know you would never change a URL without identifying where to 301-redirect it and making sure that the links, XML sitemaps, and/or canonical tags are also updated. But if you’ve been doing SEO for a while, I bet you’ve also had a few clients — even big ones — coming to you after they’ve tried to do... [Read more]

‘3 Ways Writing Helped Me Build a Business, Launch a Dream, and Find My Purpose’ – Copyblogger

Jeff Goins says, ““What’s happened to you is rare,” my friend Mark told me in a conversation that persuaded me to quit my job and write full-time. “Nobody saw it coming. I know you and I didn’t see it coming.” That was it. The day I decided to become a writer. After that conversation, I gave my notice, found a nice corner in our house... [Read more]

Next Generation of Push Notification Technology #ad

Jimmy Kim‘s latest software release is Push Connect Notify. This new software lets you “push” messages to your subscribers with whatever promotion or news you want to share. Push Connect Notify is simple powerful software that lets you to subscribers opt in for receiving these push messages, messages that go to their browser instead... [Read more]

‘Why The Facebook Ecosystem Dominates Social Media Budgets ' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jay Baer says, “Facebook (and its sister network, Instagram) are beginning to dominate how social marketers spend their paid amplification budgets. As we know, paid amplification of social media is more important than ever in this era of disappearing organic reach. As I’ve written about many times, Facebook’s goal is to increase their revenue,... [Read more]

‘How to Fix the 4 Biggest Problems With Content Writers’ – CMI

Nail Patel says, “Over the 10-plus years that I’ve been writing, the content marketing industry has experienced massive change. At first, there were just a few of us plunking out a couple of blog articles a week. Back then, it was pretty easy to get a lot of traffic, comments, “likes,” and subscribers. Then, more and more people started... [Read more]

‘How to Find the Best Online Tools for Running Your Website’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Building a website requires you to use different tools and resources. Tools make the work easier and can systemically repeat many tasks to free up your time to take those actions that move the needle in your business. You can avoid many mistakes by employing tools as you build your website. This is especially true... [Read more]

40 beautiful covers for e-books; fire sale price #ad

Well-known graphic artist Jeremiah Villagomez just released a new set of his professional e-covers, a package he calls Ecover Genesis. You’ll get 40 premium graphic designs that Villagomez designed. They will make your ebooks, your PDFs, your reports, and your re-branded PLR products look like they are top quality. And the price can’t be... [Read more]

‘Decoding SEO: Understand What Your Consultant is Telling You’ – Entrepreneur

Andrew Raso says, “Eighty percent of sales are executed by just 8 percent of salespeople. This doesn’t mean that there are some killer sales reps out there who are simply better wired at bringing home the bacon, it means most sales teams are failing to execute because we officially live in a new hyper connected, fast paced and digital-first... [Read more]

‘Website Metadata Explained: How to Make Your Content Shareable’ – AWeber

Grace Stoeckle says, “AWeber just launched our new mobile app, Curate. Why do I mention this in an article about metadata? Because Curate relies entirely on metadata to create beautiful, readable newsletters for our customers. Metadata is the life force behind Curate. Does your website suffer from being “un-shareable?” It was during the course... [Read more]

‘Printing your way to SEO success’ – Marketing Land

James Green says, “I run a small digital marketing agency in the UK, and we have a strong focus on search in all its paid, organic and local formats. Over the years, we’ve come across all manner of clients. All shapes and sizes. Local businesses. National businesses. E-commerce businesses. Online and offline (or “bricks and clicks,” as we... [Read more]

Video Overplay: put videos to work selling for you #ad

Cindy Battye has released new software that provides a new way to make videos earn money for you. Whether you are an old hand at online marketing or are brand new, you probably know that video is the most powerful way to get viewers and readers of your site to stay involved... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons You Aren’t Earning Enough Links’ – Entrepreneur

Samuel Edwards says, “You know to succeed in link building, you can’t rely on shady tactics or automated placement. You have to do your best to build links in a natural way. You may use a blend of smart link building through guest posting or co-op opportunities, but for the most part, you try to attract links naturally. You’ve read all the... [Read more]

‘PPC skeptics: Are you one of these 6 types?’ – Marketing Land

James Green says, “There are still a great many businesses that aren’t advertising online — or at least not diverting healthy budgets to it. In fact, one survey showed that small businesses are only spending 3 percent of their total ad budgets on Web ads. I’ve talked to a lot of companies over the years and found some of them to be apprehensive... [Read more]

‘Sweating the Details – Rethinking Google Keyword Tool Volume’ – MOZ

Russ Jones says, “I joined Moz in August of 2015 and fell right into the middle of something great. Rand had brought his broad vision of a refined yet comprehensive SEO keyword tool to a talented team of developers, designers, data scientists and project managers… and now, me. I was hoping to ease in with a project that was right up my wheelhouse,... [Read more]

Fortune 500 companies and celebrities drive traffic for you #ad

The new social media site Periscope is full of opportunity for marketers, but most marketers haven't caught on to it yet. This new site adds 10 years of content every day, and virtually all is free for you to use for your own marketing... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Email Content' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Tony Delmercado says, “Need more and better leads from your content marketing? (I mean, who doesn’t?) Email marketing is still the go-to tool for getting and nurturing quality leads, engaging and escorting them all the way through your sales funnel. However, ask yourself, “How many commercial emails do I delete every day without even opening... [Read more]

‘Your Guide to Creating and Sharing Content in 2016’ – CMI

Matt Banner says, “In that moment when you post something to a social media channel, you wait for the “likes,” shares, favorites, and retweets to come. Sometimes, though, they never come. How do you create content that makes your audience share it without fail? How and when do you share it on social media for maximum results? Let’s take... [Read more]

‘Marketing Advice from 3 Funded Fashion Startups’ – Entrepreneur

Fan Bi says, “Developing your brand as a startup is a tall task. In fact even though starting a company today might be easier, launching a brand is tougher than ever before due to the proliferation of new companies hitting the market. What we believe is the key is taking the time to know exactly who you’re targeting and what they’re looking... [Read more]

Why most people don't make any money online #ad

Matthew Neer has a secret, one that many marketers never grasp. But people earning over $5,000 dollars per month online know the secret and use it to their advantage... [Read more]

‘How to repurpose your best content for email and beyond’ – AWeber

Tom Tate says, “Like many marketers, I can get overwhelmed when it comes to producing high-quality content on a consistent basis. That’s why I find the idea of repurposing content so appealing. If you’ve been following our blog, you’ll remember Monica’s post on repurposing content. I was so inspired by the ideas she compiled, that I wanted... [Read more]

‘7 Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing an SEO Agency’ –

Tim Clarke says, “Like any worthwhile business investment, aelecting a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency requires time for careful consideration, and this is doubly true if your business relies heavily on online search for brand discovery. The sheer number and variety of SEO firms to choose from is enough to give anyone pause. During this... [Read more]

‘How to Maximize Your Online Sales Leads’ – Entrepreneur

Chris Smith says, “Eighty percent of sales are executed by just 8 percent of salespeople. This doesn’t mean that there are some killer sales reps out there who are simply better wired at bringing home the bacon, it means most sales teams are failing to execute because we officially live in a new hyper connected, fast paced and digital-first... [Read more]

‘Five Ways Marketers Can Rev the Consumer Engagement Engine’ – MarketingProfs

Tom Collinger says, “To understand how consumers learn about and take actions related to brands, for more than a century marketers have relied on the Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) model, developed by Elias St. Elmo Lewis in 1902. However, the growing influence of the consumer’s voice in an always-on digital environment has made... [Read more]


‘The secret to email marketing success: delivering relevance’ – Marketing Land

James Green says, “It’s no secret why marketers rely on and continue to invest in email. In 2015, there were more than 4.35 billion email accounts and nearly 2.6 billion email users worldwide. And according to eMarketer’s Retail Email Marketing: Benchmarks and Trends in the US, internet users of all ages continue to open promotional emails,... [Read more]

‘Inbound Link Building 101: 33 White Hat Ways to Build Backlinks for SEO’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Backlinks (i.e., inbound links) are different from outbound links (links from your website to another website) and internal links (links from one website to another page on that same website). You can learn more about the differences between all three link types here. The right backlinks can do two great things for your... [Read more]

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