IM NewsWatch, May 17, 2016 - ‘How to Maximize Your Online Sales Leads – Entrepreneur' and much more...

May 17th, 2016 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

‘7 Things to Keep In Mind When Choosing an SEO Agency’ –

Tim Clarke says, “Like any worthwhile business investment, aelecting a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency requires time for careful consideration, and this is doubly true if your business relies heavily on online search for brand discovery. The sheer number and variety of SEO firms to choose from is enough to give anyone pause. During this... [Read more]

‘How to Maximize Your Online Sales Leads’ – Entrepreneur

Chris Smith says, “Eighty percent of sales are executed by just 8 percent of salespeople. This doesn’t mean that there are some killer sales reps out there who are simply better wired at bringing home the bacon, it means most sales teams are failing to execute because we officially live in a new hyper connected, fast paced and digital-first... [Read more]

‘Five Ways Marketers Can Rev the Consumer Engagement Engine’ – MarketingProfs

Tom Collinger says, “To understand how consumers learn about and take actions related to brands, for more than a century marketers have relied on the Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) model, developed by Elias St. Elmo Lewis in 1902. However, the growing influence of the consumer’s voice in an always-on digital environment has made... [Read more]

Video Overplay: put videos to work selling for you #ad

Cindy Battye has released new software that provides a new way to make videos earn money for you. Whether you are an old hand at online marketing or are brand new, you probably know that video is the most powerful way to get viewers and readers of your site to stay involved. Battye’s WordPress software, Video Overplay, makes the power of video... [Read more]

‘The secret to email marketing success: delivering relevance’ – Marketing Land

James Green says, “It’s no secret why marketers rely on and continue to invest in email. In 2015, there were more than 4.35 billion email accounts and nearly 2.6 billion email users worldwide. And according to eMarketer’s Retail Email Marketing: Benchmarks and Trends in the US, internet users of all ages continue to open promotional emails,... [Read more]

‘Inbound Link Building 101: 33 White Hat Ways to Build Backlinks for SEO’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Backlinks (i.e., inbound links) are different from outbound links (links from your website to another website) and internal links (links from one website to another page on that same website). You can learn more about the differences between all three link types here. The right backlinks can do two great things for your... [Read more]

’10 Classic Copywriting Books for Results-Driven Content Marketers’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “There are two main ways for content marketers to absorb vital copywriting mechanics: learning and practicing. I’m not going to help you with the practicing part today. You simply need to write … and keep on writing. But I will assist with the education part by recommending 10 classic copywriting books that will help... [Read more]

Fortune 500 companies and celebrities drive traffic for you #ad

The new social media site Periscope is full of opportunity for marketers, but most marketers haven't caught on to it yet. This new site adds 10 years of content every day, and virtually all is free for you to use for your own marketing... [Read more]

‘Just How Long Are Big-Company SEOs Waiting for Their Most Important Changes?’ – MOZ

Will Critchlow says, “What would you say if I told you that the average SEO at a big company has been waiting over six months for their highest priority technical change and doesn’t anticipate seeing it deployed for at least another six months? (40+% have been waiting over a year). If you work in that kind of environment, there’s a good chance... [Read more]

‘Lead generation forms: Five uncommon strategies to increase conversion rates’ – Econsultancy

Marcus Taylor says, “Forms sit at one of the most critical points in your marketing funnel – the point at which a visitor can become a lead. Because of this, forms have a disproportionate amount of influence on your marketing results. When you double the conversion rate of your form, you double the effectiveness of every single traffic source,... [Read more]

‘Google Channels Pinterest with Saved Images’ – Small Business Trends

Antony Maina says, “Back in November 2015, Google dove into the world of Pinterest-esque photo bookmarking, allowing users to save photos and organize them in folders directly from their mobile browsers. Building upon this service, Google recently announced that it was bringing the Pinterest-like service for saving photos, articles, and other... [Read more]

Why most people don't make any money online #ad

Matthew Neer  has a secret, one that many marketers never grasp. But people earning over $5,000 dollars per month online know the secret and use it to their advantage. Neer shares this secret in his training, The 5K Formula System... [Read more]

‘Customer-centric Marketing: 3 landing page pitfalls to avoid’ – MarketingExperiments

Ken Bowen says, “During our May Web clinic, Does Fear-Based Marketing Work? How one company saw a $45 million increase in revenue by changing their messaging tone, we capped off the webinar as we usually do – by live optimizing a page submitted by you, the fine MarketingExperiments reader. This month, we offered feedback on a page sent in by... [Read more]

‘Fill That Funnel: 4 Tips for Capturing More (and Better) Leads’ –

Dan Steiner says, “As business owners and marketers, we’re all trying to capture more leads. But it’s not always just about quantity. We also want to capture quality leads that allow us to improve conversion rates and drive sales. If you fall into the latter category, then you need a strategy for collecting leads at the right place and the... [Read more]

‘Report: Twitter Won’t Count Links, Photos in 140-Character Limit’ – Entrepreneur

Roberto Baldwin says, “According to Bloomberg, Twitter is prepping an update to its service that will keep photos and links from counting against the 140-character limit of a post. Currently the URL that points to images and sites counts against the space available in tweets. The new feature is expected to launch within two weeks according to... [Read more]

How You Can Leverage Google to Tap into Amazon’s Bounty #ad

Some Amazon affiliates do quite well by specializing on a particular niche and offering a range of products specifically for that niche. The better your niche, the more they earn. Mo Miah and his team have created new software that will help you find niches that are designed to create a good income for you... [Read more]

‘3 segmentation strategies to maximize profits’ – Marketing Land

Daniel Faggella says, “It’s no secret that email segmentation can increase the engagement rates of your messages. Nearly 40 percent of marketers who segment their lists saw better open rates, and 24 percent had increased deliverability and ROI on email marketing, according to eMarketer. Your prospects and customers are not all the same. Some... [Read more]

‘How to Retain More Customers: A Handy Guide to Creating a Positive Customer Experience [Ebook]’ – HubSpot

Ellen Bartolino says, “We’re willing to assume that customer growth is important to your business, but creating an effortless customer experience that inspires retention is kind of complicated. Most companies spend the majority of their money trying to bring in new customers, but did you know that increasing customer retention rates by... [Read more]

‘Does Your Website Include a Call-to-Action? 4 Ways to Make It More Effective’ –

Dan Steiner says, “Businesses put a lot of work into their websites, carefully choosing color and text to ensure maximum impact. Unfortunately, the days of “brochure sites” are long gone. Today’s customers want something more when they visit a website, whether it’s instant access to the information they need or help with returning a product... [Read more]

Videotocks: Hi-Res photos & videos for your sites and docs #ad

Fachrul Stream has gathered a large collection of brand new 1920x1080 stock footage backgrounds and HD photos into a package that he calls Videotocks, Volume 2... [Read more]

‘How Ad Blockers Benefit Both Consumers and Advertisers’ – Entrepreneur

Jonha Richman says, “Ads are the content producer’s and business owner’s best friend, but the Internet surfer’s and online consumer’s worst nightmare — well, at least for some people. You’ve seen ads on your favorite sites, as well as on your search engine results. People have mixed views about online ad placements; some users... [Read more]

‘Facebook brings its brand-friendly video ads to its ad network’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “If an ad can run on Facebook, eventually it’s going to run anywhere Facebook can run it. At least that seems to be the trend. A week after Facebook brought its retargeting ads to Instagram, it’s bringing its brand-tailored video ads to its ad network of third-party sites and apps, Audience Network. And it’s bringing that... [Read more]

’20 Creative Email Subject Lines That Restart Stalled Conversations’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “Business emails: Easy to send, difficult to perfect. Professionals receive an average of 88 business-related emails a day, according to the Radicati Group’s 2015 Email Statistics Report. So how are you supposed to stand out? Answer: your subject line. Short (40% of all emails are opened on mobile first, where only four to... [Read more]

‘Quantitative marketing: You have enough data to improve performance. I promise.’ – Econsultancy

Evan Dunn says, “”We don’t have enough data.” This is a common refrain from brands as they begin to ‘go digital’ and launch more campaigns, but hesitate to deploy comprehensive analytics. Or it’s the line used to ward off assertions that advanced analytics could be the key to successful omnichannel marketing. The... [Read more]

‘Instagram’s new analytics give detailed insights’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Looks like a missing piece of the Instagram pie is finally coming to the platform. Instagram is testing detailed analytics, according to Later (formerly Latergramme). The analytics, otherwise named Insights (similar to Facebook’s own analytics), are going to provide some pretty detailed information, really arming marketers... [Read more]

‘Buyer Personas You Want to Use: The 9 Essential Parts’ – CMI

Marcia Riefer Johnston says, “Ever been part of a team that skipped over creating personas to get to the “real work”? Or maybe you had personas, but everyone ignored them. Personas are easy to dismiss. The problem with ignoring personas – as Ardath Albee pointed out at the Intelligent Content Conference in her talk, How to Develop Audience... [Read more]

‘Lights, Camera, Action: 5 Ways to Maximize Your Video Marketing Potential’ –

Ruchard Smith says, “The modern era of entrepreneurship is pretty discrete when it comes to strategies and executions. Days are gone when trial and error methods used to work like charm. Organizations are thin on time as every second there is a new competitor, breathing down their neck. Over the years, businesses have been expressive and this... [Read more]

‘5 Simple Video Editor Apps That Will Make Your Content Shine’ – Entrepreneur

Murray Newlands says, “Simply put, video is the alpha and omega when it comes to content marketing. Video content is on top, becoming more and more popular as consumers lean away from overt marketing and towards native advertising and influencer marketing. According to the Content Marketing Institute, video content will account for 55 percent... [Read more]

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