IM NewsWatch, March 8, 2016 - '7 Digital-Marketing Predictions You Need to Keep Your Eye On – Entrepreneur' and much more...

March 8th, 2016 at 9:17 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

‘Growing Pains: 4 Challenges Next-Gen Social Media Will Need to Overcome’ –

Timothy Carter says, “For some of us, social media is a simple means of communication making it easier to stay in contact with friends and family. For others (like me), it’s an inexpensive marketing channel we can leverage to power our businesses. In both contexts, social media has become a permanent fixture of our society, and it’s almost... [Read more]

‘7 Digital-Marketing Predictions You Need to Keep Your Eye On’ – Entrepreneur

Samuel Edwards says, “Digital marketing is very fluid. Strategies are changing on a continual basis and it’s impossible to sit back and relax. If you want to gain an advantage over your competition, you need to always be on the cutting edge. And while digital marketing changes on a weekly basis, there’s something about the launch of a new... [Read more]

‘The Top Sales Challenges of 2016’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “What are the biggest challenges that salespeople will face this year—from prospecting through closing and account management? To find out, Richardson surveyed more than 400 salespeople who work for companies in a wide range of industries: 85% of respondents are employees of B2B companies, 58% work for businesses with more than... [Read more]

AliExpress: Become an affiliate for world’s biggest merchant #ad

Yes, Alibaba’s AliExpress is bigger than Walmart, bigger than Amazon, bigger than Shopify and bigger than McDonalds. Last year UPS and FedEx handled 5 billion packages from Alibaba. And it invites affiliates to help it make sales. It costs nothing to become an affiliate and it’s simple to join. Here are some key facts about the Alibaba... [Read more]

‘Why copying campaigns between search engines misses opportunities’ – Marketing Land

John Cosley says, “Each month, users conduct more than 100 billion searches on search engines globally. And every day, a portion of the searches they perform involve queries that have never been made before. Those facts are widely cited, but fewer marketers are aware that at least a third of all searches conducted are from query terms unique to... [Read more]

‘Change Is Afoot For The Modern B2B Seller’ – Forrester

Mary Shea says, “”. Change Is Afoot For The Modern B2B Seller The Forrester Blog  [Read more]

‘4 Data-Backed Techniques for Sending Better Prospecting Emails’ – HubSpot

Katie Ash says, “Many people claim to know the secrets to optimal email performance. But a closer look reveals this advice is often based on assumptions about human behavior and logic. Testing remains ever important for all elements of email marketing. After all, numbers don’t lie. At SaleCycle, we use email to educate and share content with... [Read more]

Buyers List Arbitrage: Free training on building a buyers' list #ad

When you build a mailing list, big is good but only if the people on the list are likely to buy from you. Put another way, in list building, quality is more important than quantity... [Read more]

‘Is Instagram’s blocking of social cross-promotion a harbinger of things to come?’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “With most brands active in multiple social channels, it’s no surprise that many seek to cross-promote their various social accounts. But could the ability to do that be severely curtailed in the future? Instagram’s behavior suggests that it could. Facebook, which owns Instagram, decided to block users from adding... [Read more]

‘Google’s AMP: The Fun and User-Friendly Guide to Accelerated Mobile Pages’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “Watch the video. Ignore the copy. That’s my advice to you once you land on Google’s site dedicated to the new Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project: “The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have... [Read more]

‘Match Your Local SEO to Your Business Type with the Local SEO Checklist’ – MOZ

Miriam Ellis says, “Is your brand visible to potential customers? If you’re a local business and you haven’t nailed down your local SEO, you’re missing the opportunity to be seen when that customer searches on desktop or on mobile. But local SEO isn’t some mysterious entity. It’s a series of concerted steps. And... [Read more]

Instamate: Use Instagram for targeted visitors to any offer #ad

If you are looking for more traffic to your websites and, especially, to your offers, Instagram can bring a lot of visitors and can prime them for taking action... [Read more]

‘Appeal: Does your value proposition actually make customers say, “I want this product or offer”?’ – MarketingExperiments

Daniel Burstein says, “Startups can reveal some pretty enlightening information about what makes a successful value proposition. After all, unlike established companies with divisions and brands and patents and factories and distribution networks, the main asset many startups have is their value proposition (often communicated as an “elevator... [Read more]

‘Where will SEO go this year?’ – Marketing Land

John Cosley says, “In the world of SEO, 2015 was relatively quiet. Sure, search marketers had a plethora of algorithm updates, constantly evolving snippets, instant answers and ever-changing metrics to contend with, but SEO practitioners are used to that pace of change. However, with conversations in the first quarter of this year still swirling... [Read more]

‘The New Digital Divide’ – ReadWrite

Cortney Hardinge says, “Buried beneath all the news about Apple this week, another story about digital privacy broke in Maryland — less glamorous, but arguably just as impactful to many people. On March 1st, the Washington Post reported that the Maryland Senate again delayed action on a bill that would have clamped down on the recording... [Read more]

TrafficFresh: better engagement for visitors; Discount briefly extended #ad

If you are looking for free traffic strategies that build your traffic better than SEO, you may want to check out this new product called 'TrafficFresh'. Many online marketers long for the "good old days" when eager people, just getting to know the internet, clicked on every link they came across. Back then, traffic was easy... [Read more]

‘What marketers need to know about Facebook’s livestreaming push’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “With Facebook Live, the world’s largest social network has entered the live-streaming space in a big way. As with most new Facebook product launches, there are many considerations for brands and marketers. Here’s what they should know about Live. Mark Zuckerberg is “obsessed” about it Facebook co-founder... [Read more]

‘Five Customer Insight Mistakes You Must Avoid’ – MarketingProfs

Denyse Drummond-Dunn says, “With so much information flowing into organizations these days, we are all feeling a little overwhelmed. What’s worse, however, is that customer insights haven’t increased at the same rate as data availability. Customer insights are essential to growth and continued success, yet they remain the elusive holy... [Read more]

‘5 Strategies to Effectively Determine Your Market Size’ – Entrepreneur

TX Zhuo says, “Besides developing an exceptional product or hiring the right talent, doing some much-needed market research is the most critical step for any startup. A part of this research should involve market size. Without knowing your market size, you may be conducting business in a market so small, it’s next to impossible to make any... [Read more]

Want to write a Kindle best-seller? #ad

Ariel Sanders is offering a free e-book called 'Kindle Samurai', to help beginning book writers plan their Kindle work for the best sales results. In this book, Sanders explores some critical topics for successful authorship. He want to show you how to rank on Kindle, with the lest effort and expense... [Read more]

‘WordPress releases plugin to support Facebook Instant Articles’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “With Facebook’s eventual launch for Instant Articles to all publishers on April 12, WordPress has prepared for the deluge of interest in this new publishing platform by launching its own plugin to transform WordPress content into Instant Articles. The plugin launch was announced by the WordPress VIP team as well as Facebook’s... [Read more]

’45 Sales Prospecting Tips to Help Sellers Identify & Connect with Uber-Busy Buyers’ – HubSpot

Pete Caputa says, “Prospecting is hard for most salespeople. In fact, prospecting was identified as the hardest part of the sales process in the 2015-2016 State of Inbound Sales Report. But, it doesn’t have to be. These 45 tips from three remarkably insightful sales experts should make it much easier for you. At the upcoming Sales Acceleration... [Read more]

‘Small Business Blogging: 5 Reasons It Works & Tips for Execution’ –

Rick Riddle says, “You don’t have time. That’s a given if you are a small business owner. And often, you don’t have the money to hire others to plan and implement a content marketing strategy. You’re advertising as much as your budget will allow, and you have a Facebook page; you’re putting in effort on LinkedIn, and your daughter is... [Read more]

’11 of the Best Microsite Examples We’ve Ever Seen’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “They say the best things often come in small packages. Think about it: jewelry, Snapchats, books, the keys to a brand new car … all of these things support this notion. And with our attention spans shrinking below that of a goldfish, it should come as no surprise that we’re beginning to crave more focused content... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Why You Need a PPC Expert to Help You with Your Campaign’ – Small Business Trends

Ronald Dod says, “We’re living in a golden age that finds more and more entrepreneurs going into business for themselves, and it’s not hard to see why. Thanks to the Internet, anyone with a marketable skill can build a website or start a business for very little cost up front. If they play their cards right, work hard, and stay the course,... [Read more]

‘Pinterest’s buyable pins help lure new sales and customers’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Buyable pins, which let consumers buy products directly within a pin, are only available within iOS and Android mobile apps. But they’ll soon be available on the web, Pinterest says. Pinterest’s buyable pins are helping consumers discover new brands, leading to incremental sales for some online retailers. Merchants getting... [Read more]

‘From 0 to 233,000 Members: 7 steps to running an effective LinkedIn group’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Brian Carroll says, “LinkedIn groups are one of the many helpful aspects of the professional community available on the platform. It can help you to build connections, get questions answered, share your expertise and demonstrate thought leadership. With this in mind, I started the B2B Lead Roundtable Group to be a community for people to learn... [Read more]


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