IM NewsWatch, March 7, 2016 - '‘Pinterest’s buyable pins help lure new sales and customers – Internet Retailer' and much more...

March 7th, 2016 at 10:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, March 7, 2016

‘5 Reasons Why You Need a PPC Expert to Help You with Your Campaign’ – Small Business Trends

Ronald Dod says, “We’re living in a golden age that finds more and more entrepreneurs going into business for themselves, and it’s not hard to see why. Thanks to the Internet, anyone with a marketable skill can build a website or start a business for very little cost up front. If they play their cards right, work hard, and stay the course,... [Read more]

‘Pinterest’s buyable pins help lure new sales and customers’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Buyable pins, which let consumers buy products directly within a pin, are only available within iOS and Android mobile apps. But they’ll soon be available on the web, Pinterest says. Pinterest’s buyable pins are helping consumers discover new brands, leading to incremental sales for some online retailers. Merchants getting... [Read more]

‘From 0 to 233,000 Members: 7 steps to running an effective LinkedIn group’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Brian Carroll says, “LinkedIn groups are one of the many helpful aspects of the professional community available on the platform. It can help you to build connections, get questions answered, share your expertise and demonstrate thought leadership. With this in mind, I started the B2B Lead Roundtable Group to be a community for people to learn... [Read more]

Buyers List Arbitrage: Free training on building a buyers list #ad

When you build a mailing list, big is good but only if the people on the list are likely to buy from you. Put another way, in list building, quality is more important than quantity. The best quality list is one filled with buyers of products in your niche. Usually, the way to get a list of buyers is to launch a product and save the contact information... [Read more]

‘Why “Go Viral” Is Not An Effective Content Marketing Strategy’ – Marketing Land

Rachel Lindteigen says, “Most marketers would love to go viral — they want that amazing pickup, millions of shares, tons of attention, the elusive 15 minutes of fame. Why wouldn’t you aim for huge success? It sounds amazing, right? I want to go viral, sign me up… right? Why not? Going viral isn’t an effective content strategy because it’s... [Read more]

‘Launching An App? You Need These Tips for Promotion’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “Launching an app of any kind can be extremely profitable if it is a success. Half of the battle besides creating a great app is promoting that app effectively within a certain budget. While guerilla marketing campaigns might not work for an app, there are plenty of other options. Taking advantage of online marketing is essential... [Read more]

‘10 Tricks for Generating Website Leads’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “Most small businesses want their website to generate leads — but, unfortunately, most small business websites are not built to do so. All is not lost, though. Here are 10 things you can do to improve the lead generating power of your website, starting immediately. 1. Go mobile-friendly Having a mobile-friendly website... [Read more]

Instamate: Use Instagram for targeted visitors to any offer #ad

If you are looking for more traffic to your websites and, especially, to your offers, Instagram can bring a lot of visitors and can prime them for taking action. To help you use Instagram as well as possible, Luke Maguire has created 'Instamate'... [Read more]

‘Report: Facebook plans to open Messenger to publishers later this year’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Facebook’s big plans for Messenger may also include publishers. The company plans to open up its messaging platform to developers later this year during its F8 developer conference, according to a new report in Marketing Land. The feature will allow publishers to share content through Messenger via chat bots, with short... [Read more]

‘Should You Publish Guest Blog Posts on Your Website?’ – Copyblogger

Stefanie Flaxman says, ““Come sit down, Child. Gently put your hands on my crystal ball,” I say, directing you into my dimly lit fortune teller studio. I’m wearing a Stevie Nicks-inspired black lace shawl and gold hoop earrings. “You’d like to know if you should publish guest blog posts on your website, yes? Let’s ask.” My long,... [Read more]

‘Discovering Which Sites Your Target Audience Visits’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Identifying your target market is only one-fifth of the battle. If you want to win the proverbial war, you have to know your audience inside and out. Discovering the sites they visit and using that knowledge to your advantage is key, but the best practices to do so can feel unclear. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand outlines... [Read more]

TrafficFresh: better engagement for visitors; Discount Extended #ad

If you are looking for free traffic strategies that build your traffic better than SEO, you may want to check out this new product called 'TrafficFresh'. Many online marketers long for the "good old days" when eager people, just getting to know the internet, clicked on every link they came across. Back then, traffic was easy... [Read more]

‘How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your PPC Budget’ – Marketing Land

Jacob Baadsgaard says, “Pay-per-click advertising is all about buying online market share. People are searching online for something relevant to your business, and you pay to show up in that search. It’s a great model, provided that those impressions actually turn into sales. Unfortunately, even if your PPC efforts are producing profitable sales,... [Read more]

‘Small Business Blogging: 5 Reasons It Works & Tips for Execution’ –

Rick Riddle says, “You don’t have time. That’s a given if you are a small business owner. And often, you don’t have the money to hire others to plan and implement a content marketing strategy. You’re advertising as much as your budget will allow, and you have a Facebook page; you’re putting in effort on LinkedIn, and your daughter is... [Read more]

‘3 Smart Online Marketing Lessons From A Racing Phenomenon’ – Small Business Trends

Jeff Charles says, “If you’re an entrepreneur, you already understand how important marketing is. It’s one of the main methods you use for getting more customers. But it isn’t easy. It can pose a challenge to many business owners. However, sometimes it’s just a matter of finding the right approach. If you’re reading this article, you’re... [Read more]

Want to write a Kindle best-seller? #ad

Ariel Sanders is offering a free e-book called 'Kindle Samurai', to help beginning book writers plan their Kindle work for the best sales results. In this book, Sanders explores some critical topics for successful authorship. He want to show you how to rank on Kindle, with the lest effort and expense... [Read more]

‘How to Stir Up Reader Interest by Dishing Out Your Ideas’ – Copyblogger

Caroline Early says, “This week, I’m excited to share one of our newest shows with you: Zero to Book. On this episode, Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss reader feedback, exceeding expectations, and three ways to apply the principle of generosity breeding reciprocity. As they discuss, your existing audience members help you in two ways: they... [Read more]

‘Some Must Knows For Entrepreneurs In 2016’ – Entrepreneur

Hrishikesh Datar says, “Truthfully, starting a start-up is always difficult. Every new product is unique and when someone really believes in what they have to share with the world, this becomes a whole lot easier. When the initial plan has been set and the basic framework of the company is in place, as entrepreneurs, we can, then concentrate... [Read more]

‘Forrester Wave Report Names Top Four Social Listening Tools’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “In this age of social, listening tools have become marketers’ ears. In its new Wave report on Enterprise Social Listening Platforms, for instance, Forrester Research noted that social listening helped Yoplait realize it needed to drop high fructose corn syrup from its yogurt, and an unnamed carmaker figured out the main reasons... [Read more]

CPA List Domination: Using Bing for CPA Profits #ad

A lot of marketers are finding that Bing delivers more sales, at lower cost, than Google. It was only a matter of time before CPA affiliates began using Bing for these offers, too... [Read more]

‘Focus on Mobile: How to Capture Customers on Their Smartphones’ –

Faizan Raja says, “The devices that we hold in the palm of our hand contain more technological power than the spacecraft used in the Apollo Space Missions to the moon. Think about that for a second. The rectangular shaped piece of glass in the palm of your hand has more technological horsepower than an entire spacecraft that successfully took... [Read more]

‘The Savvy SEO’s Guide to Backlink Analysis’ – Entrepreneur

Aaron Agius says, “Backlink analysis is one of the most discussed and strategized search engine optimization (SEO) tasks out there. But today, there are so many relevant tools out there that backlink analysis has become a seemingly overwhelming task. The good news is, you don’t have to take all the same arduous steps the other SEOs tell you... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing in a Mobile-First Era: How to Get It Right’ – MarketingProfs

Shani Rosenfelder says, “With social media, podcasting, videos, push notifications, and other mobile marketing channels taking over our lives, you may think that good-old email is losing its dominance in the mobile age. Well, think again and take a look at the Litmus chart, below. Around half of all the messages sent during the second quarter... [Read more]

‘Responsive Design Mobile Marketing Emails Generate 24% More Clicks’ – Marketing Land

Amy Gesenhues says, “According to new data from email marketing provider Yesmail, brands that embrace responsive design for all of their mobile email marketing efforts earn 24 percent more clicks than brands not using responsive design, but only 17 percent of marketers have fully adopted responsive design. For its Q4 2015 Benchmark Report, Yesmail... [Read more]

‘4 Effective Ways to Create Viral Content’ – Small Business Trends

SBT team says, “When you hit the publish button on your content, do you immediately start obsessing over your share counts? David Leonhardt of The Happy Guy Writing Services obsesses over his content marketing reach, and he’s not ashamed to admit it. He also thinks that you should start paying attention to your reach as well. Why? Because when... [Read more]

‘5 Split Tests You Can Run Today to Write More Engaging Email Content’ – Aweber Blog

Liz Willits says, “How can I make the best, most engaging email ever? That’s a great question. To answer it, there are a few options. You could send various versions of emails to your subscribers in the hopes that you’ll magically hit upon an email that performs better. But this doesn’t guarantee you’ll find a solution and it takes a lot... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Make Your Blog Post Interactive on the Cheap’ – HubSpot

Valerie Levin says, “Static marketing content is as outdated as print-only newspapers. Just as day-old newspapers become litter in the streets, static digital content is useless to the average reader. With such an inundation of static marketing content, one piece hardly stands out from others, meaning brands blend and ideas fade. Readers crave... [Read more]

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