IM NewsWatch, March 4, 2015 - 'Examples of high-performing visual content marketing – Econsultancy' and much more...

March 4th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

‘3 Must Have Tools to See How Visitors are Really Using Your Website’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Knowing WHY visitors are going to your site and WHAT they are doing once they get there are two of the most important questions your business or brand should be asking itself. While most web sites, blogs and brands are busy focusing their efforts on simply increasing their site traffic, backlinks and social media following… “smart”... [Read more]

‘7 Common Mistakes Companies Make With Google AdWords’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Eric Siu says, “Did you know that there’s a form of marketing that returns $44.25 for every $1 spent? I’d ask you to guess what it is, but if you’ve read the title of this article, it’s probably pretty clear that the answer is email marketing. Far from being “dead,” email marketing still has one of the highest engagement rates and... [Read more]

‘1 Million B2B Sales Jobs Will Vanish by 2020 [New Research]’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “The trend can’t be ignored any longer — buyers are more informed and self-sufficient than ever before. They can do all the research they want about a particular product or service on the company website, and even buy online if the option is available. So what role does the salesperson play in the new B2B buying... [Read more]

Experts say your site loses 50% of its traffic #ad

According to SEO experts, your website is losing almost 40-60% of its visitors just few seconds after they visit the site. It’s called the Bounce rate. It’s the percentage of visitors that come, visit a single page and “bounce” back to where they came from without looking at any more of your site. And the problem gets worse.... [Read more]

‘Sundar Pichai: Here’s How You Ought To Think About Google’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Looked at one way, Google is an online advertising company with a lot of peripheral—and mostly not-very-profitable—side businesses in mobile devices and Internet service. Looked at another, it’s an ambitious-bordering-on-crackpot technological innovator that just happens to make its money from ads. Google, of course,... [Read more]

‘Three great examples of high-performing visual content marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Danny Ashton says, “In my last blog post I explored the reasons why content marketing with visuals leads to significant improvements in web and social engagement. Now I bring you the proof, with a few real life examples I found while doing research. For more on this topic download Econsultancy’s Digital Content Strategy Best Practice Guide or book... [Read more]

‘Which Digital Marketing Tactic Has the Biggest Revenue Impact?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “One-third of marketers say they do not know which digital marketing tactic has the biggest positive impact on revenue, according to a recent report from Webmarketing123. The report was based on data from a survey of 600 marketing professionals (a combination of B2B and B2C) based in the United States. Some 26% of respondents... [Read more]

Don’t give up on solo ads. Make them pay off #ad

Solo ads, in which a mailing list owner sends your ad to the list, can be an expensive waste of money if you use them wrong. But, as Paul Nicholls points out, they can give you a major return of investment if used correctly. Nicholls has a long history of building his business by carefully buying solo ads and seeing an ROI of 50% to 200% or more in... [Read more]

‘Optimal Image Sizes For All The Social Networks’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

ML team says, “So many social networks, so many different ideal image specs. It’s enough to drive a social media manager to … rant on Twitter. Fortunately, the folks at Spredfast have put together a guide with the latest photo specifications for just about every social network on the planet. Among other things, the guide will help you with... [Read more]

‘Dan Pink on How to Succeed in the New Era of Selling’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Selling isn’t what it used to be. And for most of us, that’s a good thing. Gone are the days of alpha males who are “always closing.” Today, in the new era of selling that has dawned, many of us are spending much more of our time selling than we even realize. This is the subject of Authority Rainmaker keynote speaker... [Read more]

‘How Google Pulls Structured Snippets from Websites’ Tables’ – MOZ Blog

Bill Slawski says, “There are many pages on the Web that are filled with data in the form of tables. It’s possible that if you weren’t paying attention you may have missed Google Table Search entirely—it hasn’t gotten a lot of press as far as I can tell. If you include tabular data on the pages of your site, though, you... [Read more]

CTA Bar creates Calls to Action at the click of a button #ad

If you aren’t a technical genius, you may have trouble creating professional-looking call to action buttons and forms. That’s about to end with a new product by Sam Bakker, 'CTA Bar'. Your bar calling people to action is shown on your home page (or any other page) inviting people to opt in. When they click on the bar, they get an opt-in form and after opting in, a thank you page .... [Read more]

‘New Google Contacts aims to merge Gmail and Google+’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Google is previewing a new version of Google Contacts that aims to simplify the service — by combining users’ Gmail and Google+ connections in one place. The new Google Contacts, a service usually accessed on desktop browsers, will make it easier for people to find connections and keep contact information up to date, Google... [Read more]

‘How well is your digital marketing performing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “How would you like to receive a free personalised copy of the Adobe 2015 Digital Marketing Survey? The report, which Econsultancy has helped to produce, reveals which optimization tactics savvy marketers will use in the next 12 months and gives tailored recommendations on how to build your own winning strategy. In order to... [Read more]

‘6 Tricks to Optimize Your Site for Search Engines and Real People’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mitch Meyerson says, “In the early days of SEO, “on-page SEO” was synonymous with keyword stuffing, hidden text, and robotic sounding copy. But like everything else in the SEO world, on-page SEO has undergone a renaissance. Today, the goal of on-page SEO is three-fold: 1. Strategically embed keywords into your pages so Google can easily understand... [Read more]

SuperBizz theme; maybe the most complete, flexible WP theme ever #ad

'Superbizz WP Theme' was announced a week ago, with little fanfare, by 'iWebStudio', an established elite author on They have created  40+ Premium Themes, and sold thousands of copies of their themes.... [Read more]

‘Announcing the 2015 Online Marketing Industry Survey’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “We’re very excited to announce the 2015 Online Marketing Industry Survey is ready. This is the fifth edition of the survey, which started in 2008 as the SEO Industry Survey, and has also been known as the Moz Industry Survey. Some of what we hope to learn and share: Demographics: Who is practicing inbound marketing... [Read more]

’14 Tools and Resources for Conducting Market Research’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “We are creatures of habit, especially when it comes to buying behavior. We know the location of our favorite products in the store, and we trust that they will work, year after year. In fact, Americans buy the same 150 items, which accounts for 85% of household needs. People don’t like change. And it is a battle to... [Read more]

‘What Motivates Customers to Make Recommendations on Social Media?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Want to get more customers to recommend you on their social networks? Then you’ll need to know what drives them to make those recommendations and which networks they prefer. The most trusted social media platform for product/service recommendation is Facebook, according to the following Social Media Link infographic,... [Read more]

Commission Jacker software pulls in free traffic to your offer #ad

Vivek Narayan is an old hand at online marketing, and he has created a number of training products, primarily on CPA Marketing. Narayan focuses on CPA (Cost per Acquisition) because CPA marketing is purely a matter of traffic. If you can get a lot of targeted free traffic or cheap traffic.... [Read more]

‘Why You Need Content & Martech To Work Together’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Mary Wallace says, “Within the typical marketing organization, the people responsible for marketing technology (Martech) and those running Content Marketing are completely separate from one another. Martech is more technical in nature, involving if/then statements and ones and zeroes. Content Marketing is creative, evoking emotions and promising... [Read more]

‘Marketing Budgets 2015: digital investment continues to grow [infographic]’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “7% of companies plan to increase their digital marketing budgets, the highest rate since our Marketing Budgets survey began, and up from 71% last year. This stat is taken from our Marketing Budgets 2015 Report, published in association with Oracle Marketing Cloud. The survey, featuring responses from almost 600 companies,... [Read more]

‘A Service-Based Business’s Guide to Email Marketing’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Lisa Furgison says, “Service-based businesses like computer repair shops, staffing agencies, cleaning services, marketing companies, e-commerce businesses and a whole host of others use email marketing to promote their business. While many service-based businesses embrace the power of email marketing, it’s safe to say the way you utilize email... [Read more]

‘10 Ways to Improve the Open Rates of Your Marketing Emails’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sujan Patel says, “Did you know that there’s a form of marketing that returns $44.25 for every $1 spent? I’d ask you to guess what it is, but if you’ve read the title of this article, it’s probably pretty clear that the answer is email marketing. Far from being “dead,” email marketing still has one of the highest engagement rates... [Read more]

‘Autopilot Releases New Digital Marketing Platform’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As marketers look to engage with more consumers than ever before they must have a powerful platform that enables them to not only reach new consumers but connect with them as well. Autopilot, a cloud-based software company, has unveiled a new multi-channel marketing platform. The new platform delivers a variety of features to... [Read more]

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