IM NewsWatch, February 23, 2015 - 'Here’s how marketers can create value for users in 2015 – Mashable' and much more...

February 23rd, 2015 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 23, 2015

‘Contextual Marketing vs. Personalization’ – StrongView Blog

Jason Klein says, “Contextual marketing has quickly become a buzz word in digital marketing, but the industry has lacked a detailed explanation of what it means and how it can be applied to new and existing programs. Worse, the term “contextual marketing” is often being used to refer to basic personalization. While it is true that knowing... [Read more]

‘4 Steps to Get Business Results from Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Mark Walker says, “In the latest Content Marketing Institute research, there was a clear conclusion: Those who document their strategy are more successful in the long run. However, only 21% said they were able to effectively track ROI (rising to 35% for those who had a documented strategy). A huge number of marketers still guess about their success.... [Read more]

‘Top 5 Offline Resources for Online Businesses’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Melissa Butler says, “On the Internet, the cost barrier to starting up a business is far lower compared to that of starting up a brick-and-mortar business. Low cost and time required starting an online business means more people are using the Internet to create businesses and generate revenue. Contrast that with the multitude of expenses incurred... [Read more]

Motion Suite Pro V3 spices up all your videos #ad

Look at many of the videos on major websites. Even in the background when a speaker is making a presentation, there’s often movement going on. It could be abstract or it could be a scene in a city or something as simple as clouds floating by. Now you can have motion backgrounds with the new Motion Suite Pro V3. This is the third set (and a completely... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketing: Content marketing, social media and SEO predictions for 2015’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “Every year at Email Summit, we ask marketers for their predictions. Before MarketingSherpa reporter Courtney Eckerle interviews you about your marketing predictions in the Email Summit Media Center, I figured it was only fair to put a stake in the ground and make some predictions you could hold me to as well. Prediction #1:... [Read more]

‘The Evolution of SEO? Customer Experiences as Content’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jan Vels Jensen says, “SEO is not dead, despite what a lot of people have been saying recently. You still need to ensure that you’re using best on-site SEO practices. If your competitors are optimizing their Web pages effectively through strategic use of keywords, internal linking, and image optimization—and you aren’t—then you’ll... [Read more]

‘7 Ways To Use Emotion To Drive Conversions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tim Ash says, “Illogical and unlikely as it seems, decision-making in humans is ruled by the emotional brain. People decide first based on how they feel, and then justify that decision with what seems like a consciously balanced weighing of pros and cons. Savvy marketers know that establishing an emotional connection with their visitors and/or... [Read more]

Kindle Category Conqueror system to increase sales for authors #ad

Benji Wilson has had five best-selling Kindle books and over 110,000 downloads in all. He attributes his success to his research into the category system Amazon uses to classify books. By his careful use of the right categories, he was able to increase his sales dramatically. One month he even sold over $11,000 in downloads of 4 of his books. He has... [Read more]

‘Facebook admits publishers are concerned its direct-to-Facebook publishing plan will lead to a ‘lack of control” – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Facebook’s VP of product Chris Cox has admitted its proposed revenue share deal with publishers, where it is encouraging them to upload articles to its mobile apps direct, has been met with some challenges. Speaking at Re/code’s Code/Media conference in California on Tuesday, Cox said Facebook was “early... [Read more]

‘The Pinterest Buy Button Might Rock Your Ecommerce’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Last Thursday, Re/code revealed that Pinterest is laying the groundwork for an eCommerce “buy” button. According to reporter Jason Del Rey, merchants could be able to start limited testing in as little as three months. With more than 70 million monthly users, Pinterest is easily one of the largest and fastest-growing social networks... [Read more]

‘Start Planning To Provide Social Customer Support Beyond Twitter and Facebook’ – Forrester

Ian Jacobs says, “Industry analysts travel—a lot. It is, therefore, no surprise that I care deeply about airlines’ frequent flyer programs and track the changes to those programs as closely as baseball obsessives track star players’ slugging percentages. When I want information on what these changes mean practically in my situation (Will... [Read more]

Use Arbitrage to build a profitable online service business #ad

In 2013, Arbitrage Underdog was released to marketers around the world. Now, it has been enhanced (they call it “reloaded”) with new capabilities and works even faster and provides better results than ever before... [Read more]

‘How to Use Video to Increase Sales Conversions’ – HubSpot

Guillaume Delloue says, “Online video is big. Huge, even. Digital marketing firm Syndacast estimates that 74% of web traffic will be video in the next couple of years. Yet, a majority of companies fail to use this rapidly growing medium beyond the classic marketing video on their site’s homepage. In 2015, video empowers savvy marketers and... [Read more]

‘Writing Confirmation And Welcome Emails People Love’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “With a fresh cup of coffee by your side and your fully-charged computer in front of you, you place your fingertips on the keyboard. It’s time to write your first email. After a 15-minute cycle of typing, deleting and staring at a blank email template, however, you find that you can’t seem to gather the right words. What... [Read more]

‘Driving Traffic from Facebook’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Facebook. Facebook has been growing massively. It sends out a tremendous amount of traffic, and as a result, more and more of us in the field of web marketing as a whole, and because it’s so interesting... [Read more]

New WP Theme builds Adsense sites #ad

Professional theme designers iWebStudio and their leader Heru S. have just released a new WordPress theme that makes building sites with Adsense ads a lot easier... [Read more]

‘Here’s how marketers can create value for users in 2015’ – ‘Mashable’

Lindsay Rothfeld says, “”We’re living in a digital first world. How you play that in your favor is critical.” Jonathan Lee, global managing director of planning and strategy at Huge, says that clients must be willing to take a risk, but also clearly define the their brand’s capability or service. “One thing hasn’t... [Read more]

‘How I Went From 10 To 200 Opt Ins Per Day’ by John Chow

Chow says, “You’ve heard me say over and over again that the money is in the list. My email list is the number one reason my blog makes the money it does. Everything I do is geared toward increasing the size of the list. The bigger the list, the more money I make. On this episode of Driving with John Chow, I give you my top tips on how I increased... [Read more]

‘Your Field Guide to Designing Mobile Friendly Emails’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “Today, more than half of emails are opened on a mobile device… yet less than half of marketers are designing with mobile in mind. In fact, 75 percent of readers are likely to delete a message for not being mobile friendly. Crazy, right? Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with these tips and tricks to make your email... [Read more]

3 Steps To Making More Profit With Video Marketing #ad

It’s been about 2 years since Joshua Zamora announced the first version of Tube Sniper Pro. Since then, he and his partners, Andrew Naser and Aravindh Sridhar released version 2. Together these two versions sold over 1600 copies... [Read more]

‘Microsoft, McAfee update antivirus software to protect against Superfish’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Lenovo is working with Microsoft and McAfee to help protect its users from the security vulnerabilities created by Superfish’s adware. Microsoft’s Windows Defender and McAfee’s antivirus software were both recently updated to remove Superfish’s adware from affected Lenovo PCs, according to the company, SEE... [Read more]

‘Get Insights on Visual Social Content’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Visual marketing automation company Chute has unveiled a new solution that helps companies tap into real-time insights from consumer photos and videos shared on Twitter and Instagram. The solution, dubbed Chute Insights, aims to help marketers learn more about their customers, band, industry and competitors. With Chute Insights... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Ups Its Spam Fighting Efforts: Cuts Number Of “Spam Clicks” In Half’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Pinterest has upped its game against spam, claiming to have cut the number of Pinners who click on spam in half during the last six months. In an announcement released today, the company said the amount of spam reported on the site has “nose dived” so low that it’s not even a useful metric anymore. According to Pinterest,... [Read more]

‘How to Easily Write Better Emails [Infographic]’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Email has become the primary way most of us communicate in the business world — so much so that it often replaces face-to-face interactions. Just think about how many people you’ve emailed, but never actually met. This is especially common for marketers today. For example, as a blogger who manages contributors,... [Read more]

‘LinkedIn has launched an ad network, its first big leap into ad tech’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “LinkedIn announced Thursday its first major leap into ad tech, with the launch of a global display advertising network. It’s the next stage of thestrategy it set out last year to build out a $1 billion business-to-business (b2b) marketing businesses. The professional social network has partnered with AppNexus... [Read more]

‘5 Ingredients of Effective Lead Nurturing’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Contact information is easy to get, but how do you turn a lead into a customer? There is no magic bullet for conversion, despite the many wild promises you may hear, but lead nurturing can drive huge improvements. In fact: 79% of marketing leads never convert to sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause for poor performance... [Read more]

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