IM NewsWatch, February 2, 2016 - 'Eye-Tracking Study: How Consumers View Display Ads – MarketingProfs' and much more...

February 2nd, 2016 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

‘Time-Saving Email Marketing Tips to Take Back Your Day’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Strapped for time? Feeling frazzled? Wondering if you’ll even have time make it to the end of this blog post? (It’s ok if you don’t, you won’t hurt my feelings.) If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re the perfect candidate for email marketing. Email helps you make meaningful connections with your... [Read more]

‘Mobile First: 4 Must-Know Marketing Trends for Small Business’ –

Margarita Hakobyan says, “When the business gods of 2015 offered up their annual marketing trend predictions, they warned that April would bring “Mobilegeddon” and dire consequences for businesses that failed to “mobile-optimize” their websites. And as the prediction came to pass, Google did indeed penalize those non-mobile friendly sites... [Read more]

‘3 Marketing Claims That Hurt Your Reputation’ – Entrepreneur

Kimanzi Constable says, “As you scroll through Facebook, the one thing that probably stands out is the Facebook ads. Facebook ads are a powerful way for entrepreneurs to advertise their business and services, but they have also brought out a whole new level of deceptive marketing. There are wild claims being made, and leads/customers are falling... [Read more]

ReClick software re-engages visitors for better sales results #ad

ReClick effects is breakthrough technology (hosted for you as SaaS) that helps you catch a visitor’s attention with animated effects. They may be tempted to leave your site without taking action, but ReClick arrests their attention and gets them to take a second look. This new system includes over 40 eye-catching effects and animations to add... [Read more]

‘Eye-Tracking Study: How Consumers View Display Ads’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Do consumers actually notice online display ads served on Web pages? Which format of ads do people look at and engage with the most? To find out, Meditative conducted an eye-tracking study of 39 participants of mixed ages who were assigned certain search tasks. Digital display ads were shown in the leaderboard (728×90),... [Read more]

‘Google Revenues Beat Expectations With $21.3B In Q4 And $75B In 2015’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “Google parent Alphabet just released fourth quarter and full year earnings. The company surprised analysts and beat their consensus expectations on the top and bottom lines. CFO Ruth Porat said the company’s revenue growth was a product of mobile search acceleration, YouTube and programmatic. Fourth quarter revenue was... [Read more]

‘What Is a Content Marketer?’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “Long ago, copywriting legend John Carlton told me that the best copywriters didn’t just master their own discipline; they also mastered related disciplines — like marketing, SEO, and negotiations. This is true for content marketers, as well. A content marketer is a master of many disciplines. But what exactly does... [Read more]

PageFlame: Instant Viral Traffic from Facebook #ad

Lee Pennington and Danny Ade just released 'PageFlame', software that can transform your Facebook marketing. To successfully sell on Facebook, you need to get your message in front of the right people. This requires getting it into the news feed where they will actually see it, not depending on their decision to visit your fan page... [Read more]

‘What’s it Take to “Go Viral?” 11 Traits to Give Your Idea Wings’ – MOZ

Matt Round says, “Before joining Distilled I worked for UsVsTh3m, an experimental Trinity Mirror project, where we created hundreds of games, quizzes and daft “toys.” We had unprecedented freedom to try out new interactive formats, learning a great deal about what works… and what doesn’t. The key to success was “viral”... [Read more]

‘Customer Co-Production: How one furniture company tested self-assembly messaging to enhance value and reduce frustration’ – MarketingExperiments

Liva LaMontagne says, “Self-service and customer co-production of products is everywhere — customers assemble furniture themselves, follow directions on food packages to prepare meals, scan their own groceries at supermarkets and use online banking. Despite its price-lowering and customization value, co-production has a dark side, requiring... [Read more]

‘Why e-receipts are important for customers & retailers alike’ – Econsultancy

Georges Berzgal says, “At last, Apple’s incredibly useful in-store service of emailing consumers their receipts is becoming common place amongst other UK retailers. No sooner had Argos replaced its 20m catalogues per year with iPads, we saw the retailer offer the option to receive a digital version of their receipt by email (e-receipt) for... [Read more]

Easy TV Money® 2.0: your guide to affiliate marketing in 2016 #ad

Veteran online marketer, Nick Chou has revised and improved his popular 'Easy TV Money', training that shows how Chou has earned big from affiliate marketing with Clickbank and other affiliate networks. Starting with no experience and virtually no money, in the last 10 years he has earned millions of dollars... [Read more]

‘Facebook: News Feed Algorithm Now More Influenced By User Feedback & Surveys’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Beginning today, Facebook’s News Feed algorithm is relying more heavily on user feedback and surveys, and not in the form of the traditional signals such as likes, comments and shares. Instead, Facebook says it’s relying more on the data it collects from in-Feed user surveys and feedback from its Feed Quality Panel. As... [Read more]

‘Content Strategy Versus Content Volume: How HR tech company, WorkCompass, wrote less content, but increased leads by 300%’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Paul Cheney says, “Content marketing is a lot of work. Any company doing content marketing has to also run a media business on the side of their regular business. But what if you could do less writing and still increase your leads by 300%? That’s exactly what Alan O’Rourke did at HR performance management software company, WorkCompass, with... [Read more]

‘4 Content Marketing Tips to Boost Your Personal Brand’ – Entrepreneur

Dan Schawbel says, “Content marketing — in the form of sharing useful content such as blogs or videos with web viewers who relate to your brand — can be one of the most successful digital marketing methods for your personal brand, but only with a solid strategy in place. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 B2C Content... [Read more]

AdExpress: Make online ads with great visuals #ad

Just launching today, 'AdExpress' is a web-based app, by Jay Venka and Abhi Dwivedi, that will let you design world-class, high-converting graphics for ads on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Mobile Apps and a lot more... [Read more]

‘Four Practical Segmentation Tips for B2B Marketers’ – MarketingProfs

Ed King says, “Congratulations! You have invested in a customer relationship management (CRM) and a marketing automation platform (MAP). You are capturing leads and running campaigns. Ready for more? Your next mission, if you choose to accept it, is segmentation. In this article we’ll explore four ways segmentation can improve demand generation,... [Read more]

‘No-Hype SEO: A Realistic Formula For Making SEO Work For Your Business, Part 2’ – Marketing Land

Daniel Faggella says, “In part 1 of this series, we talked about the origins of good marketing, how SEO fits into modern marketing, why it’s the most dependable and consistent form of quality lead generation, and (most importantly) how to start your SEO machine. Today, we’re diving into the last two levels that will take you from just generating... [Read more]

‘The Lean Startup Guide to Email Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “The truth is, email marketing is simple—and extremely effective—if done correctly. But the problem is, there’s way too much information that can get you stuck. This is especially true with startups, when you’re burning through cash and need to produce results as quickly as possible. Fortunately, the Lean Startup methodology... [Read more]

$100k Facebook Formula for 2016 #ad

As a marketing platform, Facebook started small, but as more and more members started actively (even, vigorously) investing their time on Facebook, marketers became interested... [Read more]

‘Data visualization: 14 jaw-dropping examples’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Sounds like a buzzword, but actually makes a lot of sense. Data visualization is the art of presenting often complex datasets in a visually engaging way. ?The hope is that presenting data in this way will make it more engaging and easier to understand, so it’s particularly helpful in terms of speaking to clients or internal... [Read more]

‘B2B Demand Generation: How to Attract More Leads Faster in 2016’ –

Andy Beohar says, “Now that we’re well into 2016, it’s time to get your prospective customers excited about what you have to offer so that they are ready to make a purchase. Often referred to as demand generation, this process is essential for B2B businesses looking to generate leads and start cultivating long-term relationships with customers. However,... [Read more]

‘You’ve Got Mail: The Comprehensive Email Marketing Guide’ – team says, “In the year 2016, email marketing is no longer an option for businesses, it’s a requirement. Regardless of industry or function, email marketing is a relatively affordable and highly beneficial marketing function. It allows you to have direct contact with your customer, and in many cases, can provide an opportunity... [Read more]

‘Data-Driven Marketing in 2016: Bigger, Faster, Better’ – Entrepreneur

David Steinberg says, “As technology-savvy, data-driven marketers, our job is to get out the right message, in front of the right audience, at the right time, to drive the right (desired ) onsumer behavior. And we have to do that more efficiently and more effectively than we’ve seen traditional approaches do Our job, then, isn’t... [Read more]

‘MarketingZoom Launches Site For Buying And Selling Marketing’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “A new website, launching in a public beta this week, believes that marketers need better ways to find targets and resources. Called MarketingZoom, the Portland, Oregon-based company is the brainchild of president/founder Tony Scott. He also runs a motor sports marketing agency in the Portland area called Drive Motorsports... [Read more]

‘Endorsements, Reviews, and Astroturfing: New FTC Guidance for Marketers’ – MarketingProfs

Karl Kronenberger says, “In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released new guidelines that directly affect many marketers and advertisers, especially those that engage in affiliate marketing. The previous time the FTC published guidelines related to endorsements and reviews was in March 2013, when the FTC released its updated .Com Disclosures. In... [Read more]

‘Introducing Forrester’s Digital Maturity Model 4.0′ – Forrester

Martin Gill says, “For the past eight years, business leaders have used Forrester’s eBusiness and digital marketing assessments to mature their firms toward excellence. In 2013, we introduced a comprehensive digital maturity model that consolidated our interactive marketing and eBusiness maturity models.Two years applying the model with... [Read more]

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