IM NewsWatch, February 1, 2016 - 'Data-Driven Marketing in 2016: Bigger, Faster, Better – Entrepreneur' and much more...

February 1st, 2016 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 1, 2016

‘You’ve Got Mail: The Comprehensive Email Marketing Guide’ – team says, “In the year 2016, email marketing is no longer an option for businesses, it’s a requirement. Regardless of industry or function, email marketing is a relatively affordable and highly beneficial marketing function. It allows you to have direct contact with your customer, and in many cases, can provide an opportunity... [Read more]

‘Data-Driven Marketing in 2016: Bigger, Faster, Better’ – Entrepreneur

David Steinberg says, “As technology-savvy, data-driven marketers, our job is to get out the right message, in front of the right audience, at the right time, to drive the right (desired ) onsumer behavior. And we have to do that more efficiently and more effectively than we’ve seen traditional approaches do Our job, then, isn’t... [Read more]

‘MarketingZoom Launches Site For Buying And Selling Marketing’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “A new website, launching in a public beta this week, believes that marketers need better ways to find targets and resources. Called MarketingZoom, the Portland, Oregon-based company is the brainchild of president/founder Tony Scott. He also runs a motor sports marketing agency in the Portland area called Drive Motorsports... [Read more]

PageFlame: Instant Viral Traffic from Facebook #ad

Lee Pennington and Danny Ade just released PageFlame, software that can transform your Facebook marketing. To successfully sell on Facebook, you need to get your message in front of the right people. This requires getting it into the news feed where they will actually see it, not depending on their decision to visit your fan page. Let your ad in the... [Read more]

‘Endorsements, Reviews, and Astroturfing: New FTC Guidance for Marketers’ – MarketingProfs

Karl Kronenberger says, “In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released new guidelines that directly affect many marketers and advertisers, especially those that engage in affiliate marketing. The previous time the FTC published guidelines related to endorsements and reviews was in March 2013, when the FTC released its updated .Com Disclosures. In... [Read more]

‘Introducing Forrester’s Digital Maturity Model 4.0′ – Forrester

Martin Gill says, “For the past eight years, business leaders have used Forrester’s eBusiness and digital marketing assessments to mature their firms toward excellence. In 2013, we introduced a comprehensive digital maturity model that consolidated our interactive marketing and eBusiness maturity models.Two years applying the model with... [Read more]

‘How We Increased Organic Traffic by Over 50% Using Technical SEO Updates’ – HubSpot

Matthew Barby says, “We’ve got a confession to make: We’ve been making a few rookie SEO mistakes within our own website. For a company that is supposed to be at the forefront of inbound marketing and SEO, this isn’t something that we’re entirely proud of. But even experts make mistakes, right? Instead of shying away from... [Read more]

Easy TV Money® 2.0: your guide to affiliate marketing in 2016 #ad

Veteran online marketer, Nick Chou has revised and improved his popular 'Easy TV Money', training that shows how Chou has earned big from affiliate marketing with Clickbank and other affiliate networks. Starting with no experience and virtually no money, in the last 10 years he has earned millions of dollars... [Read more]

SocialRobot “Ranks Your Videos on Page 1 of Google in 48 Hours” #ad

Without any technical expertise at all, you can use Joshua Zamora‘s SocialRobot to bookmark your videos on 500 or more sites. This extreme collection of backlinks can bump your video much higher in the search engine results, which can lead to many more clicks, which can lead to higher earnings. Zamora is running a very short-term sale on SocialRobot.... [Read more]

‘Your Content Isn’t as Influential as You Think It Is' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jeffrey L. Cohen says, “Content marketers like to think we are important. We’ve changed the face of modern marketing, haven’t we? We create the content that drives awareness, builds relationships with prospects, and helps move them along their path to purchase. Well, according to a study of marketing technology buyers by Walker Sands, we have... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Make Boring Web Content a Lead-Generating Weapon’ – CMI

Dan Stelter says, “Too many business websites aren’t useful marketing weapons. Instead, they’re like firing a gun loaded with blanks. Website visitors look at a page or two, don’t find anything relevant or helpful, and leave, never to return. Your site’s typically static pages are the most overlooked lead-generating secret weapon in your... [Read more]

AdExpress: Make online ads with great visuals #ad

Just launching today, 'AdExpress' is a web-based app, by Jay Venka and Abhi Dwivedi, that will let you design world-class, high-converting graphics for ads on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Mobile Apps and a lot more. This software includes customizable templates (50+) that you can use to create your own ads that look professional, attractive and inviting... [Read more]

‘Six things that make a good subscription service’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “In my right hand I have a mug of Brazilian coffee (Fruit and Nut Espresso). The coffee was delivered through my letter box yesterday, courtesy of Pact Coffee, one of many coffee subscription services. However, Pact doesn’t like to think of itself as a subscription service. Its founder, Stephen Rapoport, believes many subscription... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help Invigorate Your Standard Content Routine’ – Copyblogger

Stefanie Flaxman says, “You’re probably familiar with “art imitating life” and “life imitating art.” I know I am. We can apply this idea to content marketing, as well. Your content may imitate life if it’s engaging, entertaining, and useful. You take recognizable, relatable elements from life and infuse them into your content toconnect... [Read more]

‘Targeted Link Building in 2016’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “SEO has much of its roots in the practice of targeted link building. And while it’s no longer the only core component involved, it’s still a hugely valuable factor when it comes to rank boosting. In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand goes over why targeted link building is still relevant today and how to develop... [Read more]

$100k Facebook Formula for 2016 #ad

As a marketing platform, Facebook started small, but as more and more members started actively (even, vigorously) investing their time on Facebook, marketers became interested.  Today, it's not only the site with the most members. It's probably the site with the most marketers trying to earn a living on it... [Read more]

‘Top 5 Ways Consumer-Generated Content Is Amazing for SEO’ – MarketingProfs

Michael DeHaven says, “For more than 12 years, I’ve worked with consumer-generated content as a core component of my strategic SEO work. About half of that time was focused on the search optimization of job postings for a well-known job board. The other, more recent half focused on consumer content in the form of end-user reviews. Throughout... [Read more]

‘7 Powerful Ways to Make Your Emails More Persuasive’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “Communication is the lifeblood of sales and marketing. Successfully closing deals, providing value, explaining complexities — they all rely on your ability to express yourself clearly and persuasively. The outreach email is a special breed of writing. You only have a very small window of opportunity to capture your reader’s... [Read more]

‘Google’s AMP Project Gets Google Analytics Support’ – Marketing Land

Amy Gesenhues says, “Google says its soon to be launched AMP project will be supported by Google Analytics. Aimed at creating web pages that load faster on mobile devices, Google’s AMP – short foraccelerated mobile pages – was announced in October of last year. Shortly after announcing AMP, the project gained support from ad platforms like... [Read more]

Can Landing Page Monkey do all this for your business? #ad

Well, there's a lot more, but we have to first give a nod to its main function: landing pages (also known as squeeze pages or opt-in pages) are its primary reason for existence, and it does them well... [Read more]

‘4 Mistakes to Avoid When Revamping Your Paid Strategy' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Aya Fawzy says, “For marketers, the most important thing is how much traffic you convert—right? Marketers are brainwashed to think they can pick the right offer to the right person, and it’s as simple as that. But it’s not—there is no secret formula that tells you how. Forget about the mainstream marketing advice you always hear, and focus... [Read more]

‘Four Examples of Businesses and Technologies Taking Mobile Marketing to the Next Level’ – MarketingProfs

Alp Mimaroglu says, “A war is raging for users in the mobile world. Right now, in the digital marketplaces for Apple and Android, users have a choice of 1.5 million and 1.6 million apps, respectively. With such app market saturation, staying relevant is a battle. Accordingly, app designers are continually trying to find new and innovative ways... [Read more]

‘How to Use Your About Us Page to Connect With Customers’ – CMI

Elena Ruchko says, “Consider how Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn used the power of stories in a social experiment. The Significant Objects project was designed to demonstrate how a narrative can affect an object’s value. The creators asked writers to craft rich stories about each object, then they posted each item for sale on eBay accompanied... [Read more]

‘How to Sell Your Clients on the Move to Mobile Apps’ – HubSpot

Jana Barrett says, “Agencies act as trend-informers for companies that lack the time and know-how to keep up on their own, and though most agencies are all-too-familiar with client objections and techniques to combat them, changing technology brings with it changing questions. Mobile apps are far from new, but SMBs still have trouble digesting... [Read more]

‘What will impact Martech & Ad Tech trends in 2016?’ – Econsultancy

Glen Hartman says, “The union between marketing technology and advertising technology is strengthening, like it or not. I see two major meta-trends this year that are impacting technology and how marketers are going to apply it. The first one is that solutions need to support campaigns that are more targeted and relevant. You could also say... [Read more]

‘How Threddies Uses Email Marketing to Connect with Crafters and DIYers’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “As Elana Donmoyer slowly rolled her collection of handmade clothing and accessories around the parking lot of a Phish concert over a decade ago, she never thought her humble efforts to fund her trips to watch her favorite band would someday transform into a business that would help support her family. As a crafter and DIYer... [Read more]

‘Amazon sales climb 22% in Q4 and 20% in 2015’ – Internet Retailer

Allison Enright says, “The e-retailer says 47% of units sold in Q4 were by sellers on its marketplace, and that Prime membership grew 47% in the United States in 2015. Inc. today reaffirmed its leading position as the top e-retailer in North America, reporting 2015 full-year revenue of $107.01 billion, up 20.2% from $88.99 billion in... [Read more]

‘Build Better Ads: 7 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ad Campaign’ –

Jerry Low says, “Social media marketing has quickly become a high performing, relatively low-cost option to market your brand’s presence online. A Facebook ad campaign, in particular, can be an excellent way to improve your brand’s visibility, drive traffic to your website, and improve your overall bottom line. In this article, we will... [Read more]

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