IM NewsWatch, April 6, 2016 - ‘Half of top-performing marketers use UGC extensively – Forrester' and much more...

April 6th, 2016 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

‘How to Get More Customer Engagement on Your Website’ – Small Business Trends

Barry Molts says, “Just because you build a business website, does not mean that prospects will come. But once someone visits your site, how can you keep them there through effective engagement? The goal is to increase the number of pages they view and the overall time they spend on the site. More time will ultimately mean a deeper impression... [Read more]

‘Half of top-performing marketers use UGC extensively’ – Forrester

Ryan Skinner says, “Last week Salesforce published its ‘State of Marketing’ survey results, which included some interesting findings for data-driven marketers. First of all, the over-ambitious title* and the survey’s methodology tell you to take the findings with a grain of salt. 43% of the survey’s 4,000 respondents were... [Read more]

‘How Online & Offline Marketing Can Work Together’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Inbound marketing is shown to be incredibly effective for attracting website visitors and generating leads. But for many companies, there’s still a place for outbound marketing tactics (like print advertising, broadcasting, and so on) alongside those inbound tactics. So how can offline marketing work hand-in-hand... [Read more]

Free training on topic of viral traffic #ad

Wilco de Kreij spent the last couple of years developing and perfecting an innovative traffic strategy that delivers an endless supply of free traffic. He just released a free video course on it (3 videos), showing his process. You can see the videos, at no cost, here: Viral Traffic Training. De Kreij isn’t selling anything (yet); he is just providing... [Read more]

‘Don’t Buy It: 7 SEO Myths That Drive Me Nuts’ –

enia Stevens says, “Search engine optimization practitioners debate about everything. One SEO expert says guest blogging is dead, while dozens of others disagree, and claim they have evidence to prove otherwise. Another SEO person will tell you a website’s design has very little influence on its search rankings, while another professional... [Read more]

‘Do Your Marketing Emails Prompt ‘Inbox Blindness’?’ – Entrepreneur

Josh Earl says, “Ever heard of “banner blindness”? It’s your email subscribers’ brains’ natural defense against the ads plastered over every website they visit. Think about it: Most websites position their ads in similar places — such as across the top and down the right-hand side of the page And after your subscribers... [Read more]

‘Are longer tweets better tweets? We analyzed 4,700 tweets to find out’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Twitter has decided not to extend tweet lengths beyond the current 140-character limit. But would it matter if it did? To peek at how long tweets typically are, Marketing Land looked at 300 of the most popular brand, celebrity and media Twitter accounts, as listed by social analytics firm Socialbakers. Those accounts are already... [Read more]

Coupon reduces price of MintsApps #ad

If you haven't already gotten your copy (thousands have) of 'MintsApp', then use this coupon when you check out: back2earlybird. The new 'MintsApp 2.0' is selling quickly.  This software is designed to keep visitors to your site engaged by offering them quizzes, polls and questions to participate in... [Read more]

‘Digital customer experience: four innovation methods’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Customer experience and innovation are both hard to pin down. Econsultancy’s new report, Innovating the Digital Customer Experience, in association with Jahia, attempts to do just that. The report examines how to innovate, the concept of practical agility, marginalizing your competition and the ‘innovator’s toolkit’. By... [Read more]

‘Your Step-by-Step Email Marketing Strategy Guide’ – Copyblogger

Beth Hayden says, “Perhaps you already feel like you have a good handle on the little details of email marketing, like writing subject lines, creating opt-in forms for your site, and setting up your welcome message. But maybe what you really need is a comprehensive road map for email marketing that presents a smart email marketing strategy as... [Read more]

‘Hot off the Presses: The MozCon Local 2016 Video Bundle’ – MOZ

Erica McGillivray says, “As an online marketer, Local SEO and Marketing sometimes feels like you’re 8 years old and don’t know to flip the cassette over to the other side (because you were born in 2008). But have no fear — that’s part of the reason why we invited 16 local industry experts to share their best advice, tactical... [Read more]

EZ Video Creator: Marketing videos in a flash #ad

Good videos persuade better than poor videos; that's a proven fact. But good videos aren't easy to make, or at least they weren't until 'EZ Video Creator'. Now, with the new software from Matt Bush, you can build videos quickly using templates you can copy and paste, and customize with your words... [Read more]

‘Local SEO Tips to Sustain Your Business’ – Entrepreneur

Brett Relander says, “One thing sustains startups and existing businesses. With business, sustainability is everything. Massive sales are awesome, but they have to be sustainable. New growth is great, but it has to be sustainable. Come up with another business/startup maxim and you can couple the word sustainable to it as well. If you want long... [Read more]

‘The Ideal Word Counts for Social Media Posts’ – MarketingProfs

Verónica Jarski says, “What are the ideal word counts for your social media posts and blog articles? Here’s a look at the different ideal content lengths according to an Express Writers infographic. Twitter has a 140-character limit, but the ideal tweet is just 100 words. “Tweets that are 100 characters or shorter enjoy 17% more engagement... [Read more]

‘The 4 Cs: A recipe for precise remarketing campaigns’ – Marketing Land

Susan Waldes says, “Last fall, I had a great time participating in “The Great PPC Account Structure Debate” at SMX East. And I loved reading how the debate shook down recently with a different panel at SMX West. You don’t have to have attended one of those sessions, though, to know that paid search people are passionate and vocal about their... [Read more]

How Ordinary Marketers Get Extraordinary Exposure at Zero Ad Cost #ad

Well-known marketers, Alex Mandossian and Steve Olsher are looking for a few beginning marketers to take under their wing for detailed, high-quality marketing training. Like every other entrepreneur and independent marketer, the most critical problem you face is getting enough exposure of your business and its products and services to the people who need your help... [Read more]

‘How to Market Your Event – the Zumba Way’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Regina Love says, “It’s finally here, the moment I’ve been waiting for: ZINCON 2016! The Zumba® Instructor Network Convention has been the talk of the year amongst Zumba instructors worldwide. In our world, it’s the most secretive, yet thrilling, event of the year. Being a participant in the buildup to this convention reminded me that... [Read more]

’13 of the Best Examples of Beautiful Email Design’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “When you’re an email marketer, your to-do list often looks like this: Generate opt-in leads, segment your lists, set up lead nurturing workflows, draft clear and concise email copy, check your emails for deliverability, optimize for plain text and HTML, and so on. Geez … isn’t there any fun in email marketing... [Read more]

‘Follow the Chain: How a Customer’s “Internet DNA” Leads to Conversion’ –

Daniel Romano says, “Today options are plentiful for e-commerce marketers, from instant articles on Facebook to buy buttons on Instagram. Publishers and platforms are exhausting all their resources to improve monetization efforts and their ability to deliver more options for advertisers. But before E-commerce brands select what channels to market... [Read more]

Sean Donahoe's "EZ Popups" Software is live #ad

Don't let your website traffic go to waste. Making sales is the ultimate reason for driving traffic to your site. No sales means wasted traffic. Sean Donahoe has just released his new software, 'EZ Popups', which grabs visitors attention and coaxes more of them to engage with your offer... [Read more]

‘Four useful tips for making online ads relevant & personal’ – Econsultancy

Sean Philip says, “Contrary to what we in the industry might like to think, most people have total antipathy towards advertising. At best it’s a necessary evil. But advertising really could be so much more, providing it’s useful. And the way to make something useful is to make it relevant, through contextualisation and personalisation. Every... [Read more]

‘Marketing technologists: Here are eight steps to boost your info security’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Twitter has decided not to extend tweet lengths beyond the current 140-character limit. But would it matter if it did? To peek at how long tweets typically are, Marketing Land looked at 300 of the most popular brand, celebrity and media Twitter accounts, as listed by social analytics firm Socialbakers. Those accounts are already... [Read more]

‘Inbound Marketing — What is it and Why Does it Matter?’ – Entrepreneur

Derek Newton says, “I’ll say it: the days of outbound marketing are over. The “Wolf of Wall Street” mentality of harassing customers over the phone, sending spamy emails, and going door-to-door to close deals has become much less effective in recent years. Customers have access to so much information every day, they’ve become increasingly... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: Forget About the 5%’ – CMI

Joe Pulizzi says, “At the end of Karen McGrane’s keynote speech at Intelligent Content Conference 2016, she talked about getting to 95%. Specifically, she discussed how a responsive web design can get you to 95% of your goals … so don’t be in such a rush to get to adaptive or personalized content (the last 5%). If you reach the 95%, then... [Read more]

‘The Best Video Content for Every Step of the Marketing Funnel' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jonathan English says, “Take yourself back to your childhood chemistry lessons. I bet at least once your teacher droned on about how heating up a substance would make the particles in it move faster. What has this got to do with video content marketing? Here’s the picture: Your marketing funnel is that substance your teacher was telling you about.... [Read more]

‘In Their Hands: How to Improve Your Mobile Search Ranking in 2016’ –

Brian Hughes says, “As mobile search continues to grow at an explosive rate, brands are discovering that the techniques they use to get pages to rank highly in desktop searches simply do not apply the same way to mobile. Mobile and desktop SEO are two different marketing channels that require two different search strategies. Assuming your desktop... [Read more]


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