IM NewsWatch, April 5, 2016 - ‘‘How to Achieve 100/100 with the Google Page Speed Test Tool – MOZ' and much more...

April 5th, 2016 at 9:15 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

‘Content Marketing: Forget About the 5%’ – CMI

Joe Pulizzi says, “At the end of Karen McGrane’s keynote speech at Intelligent Content Conference 2016, she talked about getting to 95%. Specifically, she discussed how a responsive web design can get you to 95% of your goals … so don’t be in such a rush to get to adaptive or personalized content (the last 5%). If you reach the 95%, then... [Read more]

‘The Best Video Content for Every Step of the Marketing Funnel' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jonathan English says, “Take yourself back to your childhood chemistry lessons. I bet at least once your teacher droned on about how heating up a substance would make the particles in it move faster. What has this got to do with video content marketing? Here’s the picture: Your marketing funnel is that substance your teacher was telling you about.... [Read more]

‘In Their Hands: How to Improve Your Mobile Search Ranking in 2016’ –

Brian Hughes says, “As mobile search continues to grow at an explosive rate, brands are discovering that the techniques they use to get pages to rank highly in desktop searches simply do not apply the same way to mobile. Mobile and desktop SEO are two different marketing channels that require two different search strategies. Assuming your desktop... [Read more]

High performance customer driven funnels mean more sales #ad

As you have read, the new MintsApp 2.0 was released yesterday. This software is designed to keep visitors to your site engaged by offering them quizzes, polls and questions to participate in. That interaction tends to hold people’s attention. This attention keeps them engaged on your site, but it also does more. You can tailor the product offers... [Read more]

‘Website Spring Cleaning: A 5 Web Clinic crash-course to help you tidy up your webpages’ – MarketingExperiments

Ken Bowen says, “With winter firmly in our rearview mirrors, spring is officially here. Daylight savings time is upon us. March Madness is in full swing. And baseball’s opening day will have taken place by the time you’ve read this (Go Cubs!). What better time then than to do a little spring cleaning of our webpages? Don’t worry, at MarketingExperiments,... [Read more]

‘Does Google stand a chance against Facebook in mobile display?’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “It’s no secret that Facebook has been steadily building up its ad technology — directly challenging Google. These moves, coupled with the introduction of native ad formats that appear throughout Facebook’s mobile news feeds have propelled it past Google to become the leading seller of display advertising worldwide. The... [Read more]

‘Something Big is Happening With Snapchat: Why Businesses Shouldn’t Wait to Get Started’ – HubSpot

Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “There’s a funny pattern of awakening that tends to happen when a technological advancement sneaks up on us. It starts with a mess of confusion. We don’t understand the technology or its purpose: “I don’t get Twitter. Why would I want to know what you had for lunch?” It then evolves into... [Read more]

EZ Video Creator: Marketing videos in a flash #ad

Good videos persuade better than poor videos; that's a proven fact. But good videos aren't easy to make, or at least they weren't until 'EZ Video Creator'. Now, with the new software from Matt Bush, you can build videos quickly using templates you can copy and paste, and customize with your words.... [Read more]

‘Does the rise of messaging apps mean brands need a ‘bot’ strategy?’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Private messaging is social’s next big ad frontier, but there’s huge potential for these apps to evolve beyond being just another ad platform. In the East, platforms like WeChat show how messaging apps can be potent channels for commerce, and all indications are that the same could one day be true in the West. Last... [Read more]

‘9 Books Every Content Marketer Should Read’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “I’ve been struggling to write this post for some time because when you work in a field like content marketing, where the landscape can change from month to month, it’s difficult to recommend books to read. And I read a lot of books. For instance, books on social media written five years ago may be outdated today if... [Read more]

‘How to Achieve 100/100 with the Google Page Speed Test Tool’ – MOZ

Felix Tarcomnicu says, “Website loading speed is a priority for the overall user experience, and it’s also one of the hundreds of SEO ranking factors. Truth is, nowadays people don’t have the patience to wait more than five seconds for a page to load. If your website isn’t loading fast enough, you’ll lose potential customers. With... [Read more]

How Ordinary Marketers Get Extraordinary Exposure at Zero Ad Cost #ad

Well-known marketers, Alex Mandossian and Steve Olsher are looking for a few beginning marketers to take under their wing for detailed, high-quality marketing training... [Read more]

‘3 digital marketing pros sound off on upcoming Instagram algorithm’ – Marketing Land

Alison Zeringue says, “Author Robert C. Gallagher once said, “Change is inevitable — except from a vending machine.” In digital marketing, we know this all too well. We know that as soon as we get comfortable with a platform, and maybe even achieve a level of mastery, it’s going to change, and we’ll adapt. So why is everyone freaking... [Read more]

‘How One Company’s New Blog Strategy Increased Lead Flow by 700% in One Year’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Ever feel like your business is too “niche” to benefit from blogging? Then consider this: 16% to 20% of searches people ask in Google have never been searched for before. No matter how unique your niche is, it’s likely that people are searching for the content you’ll create. The great thing about... [Read more]

‘Tips and Tools to Ensure Speed Doesn’t Kill Your Site’ – CMI

Aaron Orendorff says, “Back in February, Joe Pulizzi dropped this bombshell of a headline: One Thing Is Killing Content Marketing and Everyone Is Ignoring It. Not surprisingly – just five days later — it was the most-shared CMI article on social media. With 51 comments and counting, the question is, “Why?” Easy … people are frustrated.... [Read more]

Free Training: Buyers List Arbitrage #ad

A Buyers List in your niche is the epitome of a useful mailing list. This is a list of people who have actually bought something in your niche. People who have bought once are likely to buy again, more likely than someone who has never bought before... [Read more]

‘5 Critical Building Blocks of Social Media Marketing And How to Put Them in Place’ –

AJ Agrwal says, “Social media marketing is an immensely effective way of succeeding in business. At the last count, there were 936 million people using Facebook on a daily basis. That’s an incredible amount and similar numbers have been spotted on other social media platforms. There are correct ways to market on social media. You need to get... [Read more]

‘How to enhance your Google Knowledge Graph result (case study)’ – Marketing Land

Tony Edward says, “As Google continues to expand and roll out more Knowledge Graph results, we are now seeing opportunities to enhance the information within the Knowledge Graph panels. In February, Google started to allow official site representatives to edit/suggest changes to their Knowledge Graph panels. Recently, I was able to help one of... [Read more]

‘Data can be toxic, here’s how companies should handle it’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Data is the lifeblood of the digital economy and represents one of the most valuable assets a company can develop today. But according to leading security expert Bruce Schneier, “data is a toxic asset and saving it is dangerous.” Why? Saving data is dangerous because lots of people – including those with nefarious... [Read more]

Sean Donahoe's "EZ Popups" Software is live #ad

Don't let your website traffic go to waste. Making sales is the ultimate reason for driving traffic to your site. No sales means wasted traffic. Sean Donahoe has just released his new software, 'EZ Popups', which grabs visitors attention and coaxes more of them to engage with your offer... [Read more]

‘How to Measure Engagement the Right Way’ – CMI

Andrew Raso says, “The term “content engagement” gets thrown around a lot. I get that. Why would we be creating content if we didn’t want people to engage with it? But what, in all seriousness, does engagement actually mean? “Clicks,” “social shares,” and “time on page” are phrases I often hear when companies talk about how... [Read more]

‘Six Ways Thinking Like a Cartoonist Boosts Your Content Marketing' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Kathy Klotz-Guest says, “It’s no secret—I am a humor nerd. At 8, my first class presentation was on one of Hollywood’s first comic stuntmen, Harold Lloyd! As a marketer, storyteller and performing improviser, I love anything that makes me think and laugh. That’s why I love cartoons so much. We all do. If you’re human, anyway! You can say... [Read more]

’10 Things Every B2B Tech Marketer Needs to Know’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “For B2B tech marketers, it’s crucial to understand the real value of the technology you’re promoting – whether it’s a simple consumer product or a complicated enterprise service. The real trick of technology marketing is learning a subject (one which may be completely foreign to you) quickly and efficiently.... [Read more]

‘Boost Your Web Traffic with These 5 Proven Tips’ – Small Business Trends

Melinda Emerson says, “No matter how much Web traffic you get, you always want more. After all, the more traffic your website receives, the more customers you have, at least in theory. But maybe you’ve struggled to get even 100 visitors a month to your website. How do other small businesses manage to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors?... [Read more]

‘75% of marketers say social media marketing is paying off’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “That’s a 46-percentage point increase from a year ago, according to a new Salesforce report. Social media is generating better returns on investments this year than it did last year, according to Salesforce’s new “2016 State of Marketing Report.” The report finds that 75% of retailers and other marketers say that social... [Read more]

‘How to Use Email Marketing to Build Meaningful Relationships’ – Aweber Blog

Ryan Robinson says, “Since it’s inception, email marketing has catapulted into becoming the primary method by which most businesses generate a substantial portion of their revenue. In fact, a few of my products are only available for purchase if you’re in my email community. To me, email marketing represents so much more than just a revenue... [Read more]

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