2024 Guide to Email Deliverability - IM NewsWatch, May 17, 2024

May 17th, 2024 at 10:25 am EDT
Internet Marketing NewsWatch
Friday, May 17, 2024

Everything You Should Know About Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis involves assessing rivals’ strengths and weaknesses to inform strategic decisions and gain a competitive edge in the market. By understanding competitors’ offerings, pricing strategies, and market positioning, businesses can refine their own strategies for success. HubSpot contributor Christine White has published an... [Read more]

The 2024 Guide to Email Deliverability [Guide]

Email deliverability ensures your messages reach the inbox, not the spam folder, fostering effective communication and engagement. It’s the gateway to successful email marketing campaigns, requiring meticulous attention to factors like sender reputation and content quality. Digital Marketing Depot has published ‘The 2024 Guide to Email Deliverability’. The... [Read more]

2024 Digital Marketing Strategy Guide [Guide]

2024 digital marketing is a dance with data. With the decline of third-party cookies, building strong first-party data strategies and leveraging AI for insights will be key. Authenticity reigns supreme, with user-generated content (UGC) playing a starring role in building trust with audiences. Marketers must be adaptable, embracing new platforms and... [Read more]

VoiceClonerAI: Clone any voice in 16+ languages #ad

VoiceClonerAI introduces a new era in voice technology. Unleash its power to discover a remarkable innovation that takes voice replication to a new level of accuracy and realism. This is not just a tool, but a game-changer, allowing you to generate speech so lifelike it mirrors human nuances and characteristics. Imagine the ability to create audio content... [Read more]

How to Use Strategic Networking to Grow Your Agency [Podcast]

Strategic networking is building meaningful connections, not just collecting business cards. Focus on quality over quantity, targeting individuals who share your goals and can offer mutual benefit. By providing value and fostering genuine relationships, you create a powerful network that unlocks opportunities and... [Read more]

How To Build an Impactful Content Dashboard With Google Looker [Guide]

Google Looker is a business intelligence and analytics platform that empowers organizations to explore and visualize their data for informed decision-making. Acquired by Google in 2020, Looker integrates seamlessly with Google Cloud Platform, offering powerful data analytics solutions. Content Marketing Institute has published... [Read more]

What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI? [TED]

In the Age of AI, marketing thrives on data. AI crunches customer info to predict preferences, enabling laser-focused campaigns with personalized content. This human-AI teamwork unlocks a new level of customer engagement, fostering brand loyalty and driving conversions. Here is a TED video ‘What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI?’... [Read more]

20 “AI Employees” for doing all your marketing tasks #ad

AI Employees Software AI Employees gives you the opportunity to use what may be the world’s first AI App powered by Google’s highly trained and experienced team of 20 “AI employees”. They can handle all your marketing needs such as: ➤ Website Development ➤ Sales Funnel Creation ➤ Email Campaign Management ➤ AI Image &... [Read more]

Branding & Marketing In The Age Of AI with Seth Godin [Video]

AI is revolutionizing branding and marketing. It analyzes vast data to understand customer desires, crafting hyper-personalized experiences that resonate deeply. This empowers brands to develop targeted messaging, predict trends, and automate tasks, freeing marketers to focus on creative strategy. The result: a more efficient, data-driven approach that... [Read more]

Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales [Podcast]

LinkedIn turns you into a magnet for qualified leads. Craft a stellar profile that showcases your expertise, then engage with relevant groups and share valuable content to build trust. Targeted outreach with personalized messages fosters connections, while utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you laser-focus... [Read more]

Content Marketing In 2024: The Ultimate Guide [Guide]

Content marketing in 2024 is all about quality over quantity. AI is a rising star, helping create niche content and personalize the experience for audiences. Video is still king, with short-form content thriving and longer formats gaining traction on platforms like YouTube. Forbes Small Business Writer Laura Hennigan has published ‘Content Marketing... [Read more]

Munch: new traffic strategy taking the online world by storm #ad

Munch is changing the way we think about getting traffic, and we are sharing the news with our readers. We recommend anyone looking to start or grow their business online look into this to see whether it's applicable to your business.... [Read more]

DMI Lists Six AI Tools for Designers

AI tools for designers boost efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and spark creativity by generating unexpected design ideas. Digital Marketing Institute contributor Tanla Jackson has published an article featuring six AI tools for creative designers. She says, “In an industry fueled by innovation, AI in digital marketing offers so many... [Read more]

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