What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI? - IM NewsWatch, May 16, 2024

May 16th, 2024 at 10:48 am EDT
Internet Marketing NewsWatch
Thursday, May 16, 2024

What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI? [TED]

In the Age of AI, marketing thrives on data. AI crunches customer info to predict preferences, enabling laser-focused campaigns with personalized content. This human-AI teamwork unlocks a new level of customer engagement, fostering brand loyalty and driving conversions. Here is a TED video ‘What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI?’... [Read more]

Branding & Marketing In The Age Of AI with Seth Godin [Video]

AI is revolutionizing branding and marketing. It analyzes vast data to understand customer desires, crafting hyper-personalized experiences that resonate deeply. This empowers brands to develop targeted messaging, predict trends, and automate tasks, freeing marketers to focus on creative strategy. The result: a more efficient, data-driven approach that... [Read more]

Using LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales [Podcast]

LinkedIn turns you into a magnet for qualified leads. Craft a stellar profile that showcases your expertise, then engage with relevant groups and share valuable content to build trust. Targeted outreach with personalized messages fosters connections, while utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you laser-focus... [Read more]

20 “AI Employees” for doing all your marketing tasks #ad

AI Employees Software AI Employees gives you the opportunity to use what may be the world’s first AI App powered by Google’s highly trained and experienced team of 20 “AI employees”. They can handle all your marketing needs such as: ? Website Development ? Sales Funnel Creation ? Email Campaign Management ? AI Image &... [Read more]

Content Marketing In 2024: The Ultimate Guide [Guide]

Content marketing in 2024 is all about quality over quantity. AI is a rising star, helping create niche content and personalize the experience for audiences. Video is still king, with short-form content thriving and longer formats gaining traction on platforms like YouTube. Forbes Small Business Writer Laura Hennigan has published ‘Content Marketing... [Read more]

DMI Lists Six AI Tools for Designers

AI tools for designers boost efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and spark creativity by generating unexpected design ideas. Digital Marketing Institute contributor Tanla Jackson has published an article featuring six AI tools for creative designers. She says, “In an industry fueled by innovation, AI in digital marketing offers so many... [Read more]

Myth Vs. Reality: The truth about digital analytics [Report]

Digital analytics involves the collection, measurement, and interpretation of data from various online channels to understand user behavior, optimize digital strategies, and improve overall performance, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and drive meaningful results in the digital realm. Digital Marketing Depot has published a new white... [Read more]

Using AI To 10X Sales Prospects [Podcast]

Using AI in sales enhances efficiency by analyzing customer data to personalize interactions, predict buying behavior, and tailor product recommendations, ultimately boosting conversion rates and driving revenue growth through targeted strategies and insights-driven decision-making. HubSpot... [Read more]

Munch: new traffic strategy taking the online world by storm #ad

Munch is changing the way we think about getting traffic, and we are sharing the news with our readers. We recommend anyone looking to start or grow their business online look into this to see whether it’s applicable to your business. Especially now that it has been perfected so that anyone can plug in this traffic and start generating long-term... [Read more]

Turn Your Customer Insights into Personalized, High-Impact Email, June 6 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘Turn Your Customer Insights into Personalized, High-Impact Email’ on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “Your email service provider (ESP) helps you reach your customers and offers capabilities to deliver personalized, engaging messages. But it can t do it alone.... [Read more]

Guide To Creating Linktree

Linktree is a tool used primarily by social media users, influencers, and businesses to optimize their Instagram bio link. Instead of being limited to a single link, Linktree allows users to create a landing page with multiple clickable links, directing followers to various websites, social profiles, or products. This enables users to efficiently promote... [Read more]

Understanding The Psychology of Short-Form Content

Short-form content is a dynamic and effective way to communicate ideas in a concise manner. It thrives on brevity, delivering impactful messages that resonate with audiences in a world where attention spans are fleeting. Whether it’s through social media posts, catchy headlines, or bite-sized articles, short-form content captivates, informs, and... [Read more]

WP Defense: Secure your site from malware and cyber-attacks #ad

Without WP Defense, you may be leaving your website vulnerable to cyber-attacks any longer. With it, you can enjoy the confidence of knowing that your online presence is fully protected.... [Read more]

Digital Accessibility as Strategy: A Practical Guide to Building Inclusive Brands, May 30 [Webinar]

Inclusivity and digital accessibility aren t just trends, they re necessary; it s a necessity. Neglecting digital accessibility alienates potential customers. Instead, brands should harness digital inclusion for meaning engagement that leaves nobody out. Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘Digital Accessibility as Strategy: A Practical... [Read more]

Four Steps To Promote Your Content

Content promotion is the beacon that guides your creation to its audience, illuminating its value amidst the noise of the internet, ensuring it doesn’t go unnoticed. It transforms mere information into engagement, fostering connections and driving meaningful interactions with your audience. HubSpot contributor Kayla Irhig has published an article... [Read more]

Constructing a Robust Social Media Strategy

A well-defined social media strategy is crucial for businesses to effectively engage their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive meaningful interactions. It serves as a roadmap, guiding content creation, fostering community engagement, and ultimately, achieving marketing objectives in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Content Marketing... [Read more]

Etsy Ease: How to build dropshipping income on Etsy #ad

Etsy is a marketplace that offers a platform for the sale of handmade or vintage items. (In the Etsy context, any item over 20 years old is considered.) The site is home to a wide array of products, from physical or digital vintage art prints, which can be acquired virtually nothing, to handmade jewelry, clothing, soaps, pet accessories, and even planners of various types, among many other items.... [Read more]

Refocusing on Brand in a Performance Era, May 30 [Webinar]

Performance marketing focuses on measurable outcomes and ROI-driven strategies, utilizing data analytics and targeted campaigns to maximize conversions and optimize marketing spend. Its agile approach allows for real-time adjustments, ensuring efficient allocation of resources and consistent growth in revenue. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Using... [Read more]

Martech Misalignment Adds Up to Wasted Budgets [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Martech Misalignment Adds Up to Wasted Budgets’ featuring Robert Rose. The CMI team says, “A new CMO study from Duke University projects that any growth marketers see in their budgets over the next five years will mainly be spent on managing technology. Yet, the report also finds... [Read more]

How to use ChatGPT for SEO the right way in 2024 [Video]

ChatGPT enhances SEO endeavors through personalized content creation, keyword optimization, and strategic insights, leading to improved website rankings and increased traffic. Its versatile nature in generating varied content and grasping user intent empowers businesses to maintain a competitive edge in the digital realm. HubSpot has published a new... [Read more]

Cooking Video Library with PLR #ad

If you have an interest in the cooking niche, this multi-faceted Cooking Video Library with PLR includes videos, articles, and images for your website and e-books to sell.... [Read more]

How To Master Sales Prospecting With AI In 2024 [Podcast]

HubSpot has published the latest Marketing Against The Grain podcast episode How To Master Sales Prospecting With AI In 2024 . The video covers the following: Transform your business with AI for sales. AI: efficient, versatile, depends on data quality. AI should profile people... [Read more]

Marketing Experimentation Strategy: Define and differentiate between experimentation and execution in marketing activities [Podcast]

MarketingSherpa has published the latest How I Made It In Marketing podcast episode Marketing Experimentation Strategy: Define and differentiate between experimentation and execution in marketing activities . Daniel Burstein says, “Coders are rewarded for writing new features,... [Read more]

Useful Strategies for Blogging Success in 2024

In 2024, blogging success hinges on engaging storytelling and strategic multimedia integration. Navigating emerging platforms and fostering authentic connections amplify impact and reach. Copyblogger contributor Megan Mahoney has published an article featuring 11 blogging tips for beginners to succeed in 2024. She says, “Whether you re blogging... [Read more]

Reminder- How AI-Powered Data is Transforming the Future of Marketing, May 16 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Adweek webinar to be held on May 16, 2024. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘How AI-Powered Data is Transforming the Future of Marketing’ on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 1.00 pm ET. The Adweek team says, “Do you really know who your customers and prospects are? AI has allowed brands and agencies to get a richer... [Read more]

SEJ Shares 25 Snapchat Statistics & Facts

Snapchat is a major player in the social media sphere, and an effective marketing tool as well. Search Engine Journal contributor Annabelle Nyst has published an article featuring 25 Snapchat statistics and facts for 2024. She says, “What started as a small collection of tools in 2011 has now expanded to a massive library of innovative features,... [Read more]

Mastering Multi-Touchpoint Content Strategy: Navigate Fragmented User Journeys, May 29 [Webinar]

Digital platforms are constantly multiplying, and with that, user engagement is becoming more intricate and fragmented. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Mastering Multi-Touchpoint Content Strategy: Navigate Fragmented User Journeys’ on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join us as we... [Read more]

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