Subject: Lockdown Training Ideas, Webinar on Sunday, Online One-to-One / Small Group Training with Iain, etc

Hi All,

I hope you’re all doing well in these strange times. I know lots of youwill still be in various states of lockdown and hence it will not be possible to train hands-on at the moment. In difficult times, it can be come all too easy to focus on what you can’t do. However, it’s always more productive to focus on what you CAN do.

It is still possible to make significant progress toward your training goals. Additionally, training can provide a touchstone of normality in these abnormal times. That, along with the mental and physical health benefits of exercise, can be very beneficial in making the world in which we find ourselves as pleasant as is possible. In Section 1, I have some basic lockdown training ideas for you that I hope you will find useful.

I now have a small number of slots open for people wanting online instruction on a one-to-one / small group basis. This can include practical lessons on technique, bunkai, power generation, etc and / or theoretical consultations on training, teaching, etc. I can’t fit that many into my schedule, but there is some availability for those who are interested (details in Section 2).

We have a live webinar this Sunday on solo drills for the application of Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan! Details in Section 3!

Finally, we recently started a new in-depth series looking at applications and drills for the “Tomari-Te Family” of kata. This includes comparing and contrasting all the variations of Wankan (Shotokan and Matsubayashi-Ryu) Matsukaze, Rohai / Meikyo, etc. Parts 1 to 4 are already in the app, with part 5 coming next week. See Section 4 for details.


Thanks for all your support of these newsletters!

All the best,




1 – Lockdown Training Ideas
2 – Online One-to-One / Small Group Training with Iain
3 – Live Webinar this Sunday!
4 – The Tomari-Te In-Depth Series



IMPROVE YOUR KATA: The traditional kata were designed for solo practise! They are perfect for these times! Choose one or two kata to focus on and commit to improving them as much as possible before the end of lockdown. I would advise against doing the kata all the way through all the time. Instead, work your way through, section by section, trying to improve each section a little each time; then do the kata straight through at end the session. Learn to self-correct by being very aware of what you should be doing vs. what you are actually doing. The improved levels of body awareness will greatly help your progress in all elements of your martial arts. Try to get feedback from instructors and training partners via online training and then work on the areas that need improving. Failing that, video yourself doing a given section and then watch it back. What are the discrepancies between the movement as you thought you were doing it and what you see on video?

SHADOW SPAR: Whilst sparring with a partner may not be possible at the moment, you can still maintain and develop your movement skills and stamina! Shadow sparring is great for that! Mix it up a little so you may do one round on footwork only, one round of just hand techniques, one round of just kicks, one round of hands and feet, one round of specific combinations and counters, etc. Mix it up to include defensive techniques, elbows, knees, trapping, solo-throws, ground fighting movements, etc. Switch the contexts up too! Do some rounds in the context of consensual fighting, and then do others where you think more about the self-protection context and include multiple enemies, weapons, escape, dialogue, the surrounding environment, etc. Use a timer / app on your phone to time out the rounds (1 min, 90 seconds or 2 mins, with a rest period that makes you work hard without overdoing it). It’s very important to visualise what is going on and create an immersive experience! Lots of very beneficial ways to train and lots of variety too!

IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS: Now could be a good time to do some supplementary fitness training! Run, skip, follows some online workouts, etc. Maybe invest in some home weights, resistance bands, kettlebells, sandbag, etc to improve your strength and muscular endurance. If you can, put up a punch bag and work on your power, technique and stamina. When you get back in the dojo, your improved fitness will maximize your performance and progress.

IMPROVE YOUR FLEXIBILITY: Do a little stretching each day and it all builds up! You can multitask with stretching too. Do it while watching TV or listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks. It will take no extra time out of your day and it will help improve your technique, efficiency of movement and it will help you avoid injury. You could emerge from lockdown more flexible than when it started!

STUDY: If the lockdown is giving you more time on your hands, use that time productively. Read martial arts books, watch martial arts videos, research technique, training methods, history, etc. Such study will deepen your martial arts and expand your horizons.

GET AN ONLINE TRAINING PARTNER: Reach out to your clubmates and ask if any of them want to do some online training via zoom, etc. You can go through things together, correct each other’s technique, share information, etc. One fun drill is to have one person feed techniques towards the camera while the other counters! All the benefits of shadow sparring, but it’s more fun because of the reactive element.

AND LOADS MORE! There are tons of way to productively train at the moment. As I’ve said before, don’t think of this as lockdown, but as a “virally mandated solo training retreat” :-)



I now have a small number of slots open for people wanting online instruction on a one-to-one / small group basis (maximum of five people to ensure detailed feedback). This can include practical lessons on technique, bunkai, power generation, etc and / or theoretical consultations on training, teaching, etc. I can’t fit that many into my schedule, but there is some availability for those who are interested.

Sessions are limited and will be allotted on a first come, first served basis. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Timings can be adjusted to accommodate times zones / differences. Sessions last 1 hour. The cost is for the hour’s instruction (not per person) and lesson preparation time: £160 / €180 / US$ 220.

Discounts: There is a discount for those booking three sessions: £420 / €480 / US$ 570. App Members and Combat Group Instructors (WCA / BCA / BCKA) get an additional 10% off both the single session and group of three prices.

If you are potentially interested and would like to know more, please email



Live Webinar this Sunday! Solo drills for the bunkai of Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan! No prior knowledge of the kata needed!

Sunday the 31st of January at 16:00 UTC! 16:00 UTC / 4pm UK / 17:00 Central Europe / 8am Western USA / 11am Eastern USA / 00:00 Perth / 03:00 Sydney (1st of Feb).

Training will last 1 hour. Will be on demand in the app shortly afterwards!

Equipment: Single focus mitt ideally needed.

Register (optional): Central Icon on the bottom menu > “Events and Classes” > Scroll to bottom of the page > Tap to view all details! All app members welcome!

You can find the app by searching “iain abernethy” in either the App Store (iPhone / iPad) or Google Play (Android). If you need help setting up an account, please email and we will get you set up with a free trial.

Set up an account:

Info on the app:

Need help joining us? Email



The latest in-depth series looks at many of the kata which are said to be connected to the Tomari region of Okinawa. This includes Wankan (Shotokan and Matsubayashi-Ryu) Matsukaze, The Rohai Family (Itosu Rohais, Matsomora Rohai, Meikyo, etc).

In the series, we cover drills and bunkai for those kata and identify where they would seem to have common methods and common principles, as well as discuss where they vary. We also talk about their documented history and then further theorise about their possible creation and evolution (while making clear what is known and what is conjecture).

Parts 1 to 4 are already in the app. The remaining parts will be added weekly (as part of the app’s weekly update) until the series is complete.

Watch them in the app here: Main Menu > Kata Bunkai > The Tomari Te Family > The Tomari Te Family In Depth > Parts 1 to 4.

You can find the app by searching “iain abernethy” in either the App Store (iPhone / iPad) or Google Play (Android). If you need help setting up an account, please email and we will get you set up with a free trial.

Set up an account:

Info on the app:

Need help joining us? Email


That’s all folks!

All the best,
