Subject: Karate's 3 Biggest Mistakes: November 2009 Newsletter

November 2009 Newsletter!

Hi All,

Karate's 3 Biggest MistakesWelcome to November’s newsletter! We have a new podcast this month called “Karate’s 3 Biggest Mistakes”. As the title suggests it is about what I feel are the three biggest errors made by karateka today. These three mistakes are so important because people often do not realise that they are making them and don’t fully understand the serious implications of allowing these mistakes to creep into their martial practise. Curious as to what these three mistakes are? If so, you’ll have to listen to the podcast! See Section 1.

We’ve also added two new downloads to the website since the last newsletter. These are Bunkai-Jutsu 2 and Bunkai-Jutsu 3; which have been two of our most popular DVDs and I hope the download format proves popular with those yet to see them. See Section 3.

Section 4 has details of all the seminars in the coming months and the early part of 2010. I’m cutting down on the overall number of seminars in 2010 and section 5 contains details of the small number of dates left in the first half of 2010 for those who would like me to visit their dojo.

This newsletter also contains information on my upcoming seminars in Denmark (this weekend!), Ireland (21st Feb 2010), Australia (March 2010) and a “heads up” on my return to Canada (May 2010)!

We also have details on the latest free historical boxing book by Kirk Lawson (section 7) and the first full English translation of “Karate-Do Taikan” by Mario McKenna (section 15)!

Please also note the advance warning for my and Mike Liptrot’s 4th annual weekend training camp in the Lake District (section 6) and the new article by Nick Engelen (section 17).

And on top of all that, we have loads of updates and information for you! Please look at the contents list below and check out all the items that are of interest!

Many thanks to everyone for their strong support of these newsletters!

Speak soon!


All the best,







1 – Karate's Three Biggest Mistakes (New Podcast)
2 - Update: Extreme Impact with Iain Abernethy & Steve Williams
3 - New DVD Downloads: Bunkai-Jutsu 2 & 3
4 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars (including early part of 2010!)

5 - Available Iain Abernethy Seminar Dates for 2010

6 - Iain Abernethy & Mike Liptrot 2010 Weekend Seminar!

7 - The Art and Practice of Boxing (FREE E-Book)

8 - Jissen Issue 6 Update
9 - Iain Abernethy in Australia in March 2010!
10 - Society of Applied Traditional Martial Arts Update
11 - Sensei Patrick McCarthy in Rome - May 2010

12 - Iain Abernethy in Denmark: This weekend!

13 - Iain Abernethy in Canada in 2010!

14 - Fighting for Lives Super Seminar: Saturday 14th of November

15 - Karate-Do Taikan: English Translation!

16 - Lion-Dog Now Live!

17 - The sword master and the merchant (New Article by Nick Engelen)


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"So that the end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom" - John Locke

(Quoted at opening of the chapter on Nage No Kata in Don Draeger's "Judo Formal Techniques")



1 – Karate's Three Biggest Mistakes (New Podcast)


Karate's 3 Biggest Mistakes

In this month’s podcast I’d like to look at what I feel are the three biggest errors made by karateka today. As regular listeners will know, I like to keep my podcasts positive as it is way too easy to stand back and point out what is wrong with the martial arts.

Personally, I’d rather put forward solutions and suggest how things could be made better. However, people will only be interested in potential solutions if they are aware there is a problem in the first place. So what I thought I’d do in this podcast is point out what I feel are the three most common, and yet frequently unseen, mistakes in karate.

I hope you’ll forgive me for being a little “negative” on this occasion and that you appreciate that my purpose in pointing out these errors is to encourage us to think of positive solutions and to help ensure that both the art of karate and its practitioners can reach their maximum potential.

These three mistakes are so important because people often do not realise that they are making them. There are other common errors to be sure, but what makes these three so problematic is that people either don’t recognise they are making them or don’t fully understand the serious implications of allowing these mistakes to creep into their martial practise.

Curious as to what these three mistakes are? If so, you’ll have to listen to the podcast! In the podcast we explore these three mistakes and then move on to suggest what steps we need to take to ensure we avoid them. I hope you enjoy the podcast and I’ll be back with more next month.


Please follow the link to download the podcast or to listen to it online:


I-Tunes Page:

Podcast RSS Feeds Page:

Podcasts archive:



2 - Update: Extreme Impact with Iain Abernethy & Steve Williams


eXtreme Impact"I fall to the floor. I’m breathing so hard that my lungs feel like they are about to burst. I look down at my broken body. I can hear nothing but the sound of my pounding heart. I have a splitting headache as my brain screams for oxygen. My muscles are so exhausted that my body can no longer move. So it doesn’t. Mentally and physically I have nothing left. This is hell. And then it starts; like it always does: “Get up! Get a grip of yourself and get on your feet!” The inner voice. My will. My sprit. It’s the one thing that will never lie down and die. So I get to my feet and I do it all again. This is how I train. This is INTENSITY."


In recent newsletters I've been telling you all about the project that Steve Williams and I have been working on called "Extreme Impact". Extreme Impact is a training system that reflects the drills that myself and Steve use to develop power, technique, anaerobic fitness, speed and explosiveness. We recently filmed five units which cover drills to develop all aspects of the following techniques:

  • Extreme Impact Unit 1 - Developing a Knockout Jab!

  • Extreme Impact Unit 2 - The Cross: The Ultimate Knockout Shot!

  • Extreme Impact Unit 3 - Roundhouse: The King of Kicks!

  • Extreme Impact Unit 4 - Front and Side Kicks: Straight Down the Line!

  • Extreme Impact Unit 5 - Strength & Plyometric Drills: Not for the Fainthearted!

These units will be available exclusively as downloads in coming weeks. Steve and I have now seen the edits of most of the programmes and we are delighted with how they are looking. All going well we will have the downloads (and some free previews) available very soon.


If you are a martial artist who wants to train in a way that will separate you from the crowd, I think this training system will be of great interest to you. Regardless of whether you are a "traditionalist" like myself, or a "modernist" like Steve, we feel sure this training system will be of great interest to you. Please watch this space for details as things develop!


One Important Note: EVERYTHING you see on these downloads was recorded live and no camera tricks were used! We give you our word that on all of the live demonstrations nothing was speeded up, no sound effects were added, and neither of us are "hamming things up" for the camera. The speed and impact is 100% genuine and martial artists were harmed in the filming of these programmes ;-)


Extreme Impact: Enough Said!



3 - New DVD Downloads: Bunkai-Jutsu 2 & 3


Over the last few months we have made a number of our DVDs available as digital downloads. This month we have added two of our most popular programmes:


Bunkai-Jutsu: Practical Kata Applications Volume 2 - Naihanchi / Tekki & Passai / Bassai-Dai (NEW!)

Bunkai-Jutsu: Practical Kata Applications Volume 3 - Kushanku / Kanku-Dai (NEW!)


Thanks to everyone for their enthusiastic support of this format!


The downloads are £10 cheaper than the DVDs and there is obviously no postal costs too (we can’t make them any cheaper because – although downloads save the cost of producing the physical DVD – we still need to recoup the costs of filming and editing the actual programmes).

Download Details:
The downloads are Quicktime files. QuickTime is a very popular video format and the majority of computers (both Macs and PCs) have the required player installed. In the unlikely event that your computer does not already have the required software, QuickTime player can be downloaded for free from

How It Works: After your payment has been processed you will be directed to a webpage that gives you your unique download link (also sent to you via email). This link will remain active for 48 hours. Simply download the file during that time.

Download Advantages: Cheaper than DVD - No shipping costs - No waiting for the title to be delivered by post.

DVD Advantages: Higher picture quality - Interactive menus and bonus features - You can watch DVDs on TVs in addition to computers.

Details of the two new downloads are copied below:

Bunkai-Jutsu 2Bunkai-Jutsu: Practical Kata Applications Volume 2 - Naihanchi / Tekki & Passai / Bassai-Dai (Download)

Bunkai-Jutsu is the analysis of the karate katas (forms) and their application in real combat. The fighting applications of the katas is one of the most fascinating and sadly misunderstood aspects of karate practice.

Volume two covers Naihanchi (Tekki) and Passai (Bassai-Dai). Today, Naihanchi / Tekki is often undervalued due to its simplistic appearance. This download shows the highly effective close-range fighting applications of the form and reveals just why the kata was so highly regarded by the masters of old.

The second part of the program covers Passai / Bassai-Dai kata and demonstrates the strikes, throws, takedowns, locks, neck-cranks, chokes, combative strategies etc that have made this form one of the most popular in the history of karate.

Cost: £15.00 (Save £10.00 + No Shipping Costs) 

Click this link to purchase:



Bunkai-Jutsu 3Bunkai-Jutsu: Practical Kata Applications Volume 3 - Kushanku / Kanku-Dai  (Download)

Bunkai-Jutsu is the analysis of the karate katas (forms) and their application in real combat. The fighting applications of the katas is one of the most fascinating and sadly misunderstood aspects of karate practice.

Volume 3 covers the applications of Kushanku / Kanku-Dai. The kata is a record of the highly effective striking and grappling methods taught by the Chinese martial artist Kushanku. It is said that the kata was constructed by the legendary Tode Sakagawa, who became a student of Kushanku's when he came to Okinawa in 1756.

This kata is also known as Kosokun (alternative pronunciation) and Kanku-Dai (Japanese name for the form). This download provides instruction on the no-nonsense fighting techniques hidden within the kata.

Cost: £15.00 (Save £10.00 + No Shipping Costs) 

Click this link to purchase:



Important Notes for Downloads: It is strongly recommended that all customers purchasing downloads have a good quality broadband internet connection due to the large file size. Whilst we have done all we can to minimize file size, even with a broadband internet connection, downloads may take a little while and patience is required.

You must also ensure that your computer has sufficient RAM to play a file of this size prior to purchase. Insufficient RAM will result in the download stalling and freezing during playback. Such playback difficulties are not the fault of the download, but the limitations of the computer in question.

No refunds can be given for downloads once the download link has been sent.

All downloads contain anti-piracy warnings and anti-piracy features. Your purchase of this of a download is taken as a guarantee that you understand unauthorised distribution of your download is a crime for which you can be personally prosecuted.



4 - Upcoming Iain Abernethy Seminars!


14th and 15th of November 2009 - Denmark

Vejle Shotokan inviterer til åbent seminar med Iain Abernethy d. 14/11 i Solrød og d. 15/11 i Vejle. Iain, der kommer fra England, er en kæmpe kapacitet inden for fortolkning og praktisk anvendelse af de teknikker vi kender fra forskellige kata. Lørdag d. 14/11-09: Solrød Idrætscenter, Tingsryds Alle 27, 2680 Solrød, København. Søndag d. 15/11-09: DGI-Huset Vejle, Willy Sørensens Plads 5, (judo dojo’en under hal 1), 7100 Vejle. Tidsplan for begge dage: Første træning (alle) kl. 10.00 - 12.00 / Pause kl. 12.00 – 13.00 / Anden træning (alle) kl. 13.00 – 15.00. Hvem kan deltage: Alle der mindst 15 år! Ved forhåndstilmelding er prisen kr. 100,- pr dag (send venligst navn, grad, og klub tilhørsforhold til Jean Sørensen på Forhåndstilmelding senest d. 9/11-09. Pris for deltagelse er kr. 150,- pr. dag hvis du først tilmelder dig og betaler på dagen. (der vil være begrænsede pladser). Betaling: Du kan betale for tilmelding via giro nr. 8172269 (korttype er 01) (skriv venligst Iain Abernethy + Vejle eller Solrød ved betaling).

21st November 2009 – Halifax, West Yorkshire

On the 21st of November, I'll be teaching an open seminar hosted by Halifax Jissen Karate-Do. This seminar will focus on the creation of two-person kata and bunkai drills. As well as showing many of the drills I use myself, the process will be explained so attendees will be able to create practical and productive bunkai drills of their own. The seminar will run from 11am to 3pm and will be held in Serbian Orthodox Church, 18 Fern Street, Boothtown, Halifax, HX3 6NP. The seminar will cost £25 per person. Cheques (payable to “L. Richardson”) are to be sent to the following address: Iain Abernethy Seminar, c/o Lee Richardson, 53 Turner Avenue North, Illingworth, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX2 8LF. For further details and to book your place, please contact Lee Richardson on 07554006543. You can also email Lee Richardson via

22nd November 2009 – Chelmsford, Essex

This seminar will take place in Chelmsford, Essex from 12 to 4pm. The venue is Newlands Spring Centre, Dickens Place, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4UU. Tickets cost £25 per person and all tickets must be purchased in advance (no “on-the-door tickets” will be available). Cheques should be made payable to “Kernow Karate club” and sent to Kernow Karate Club, 2 Abell Way, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6WU. For further details please email Paul Newman on or call Paul on 01245 460910 or 07968 632719.

29th of November 2009 - Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland

On the 29th of November I'll be teaching an open seminar from 12pm to 4pm in the Glenrothes Martial Arts Centre, Alburnie Park, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 5RB. The centre is next to Balbirnie Fitness Centre (look for the Glenrothes Judo Club sign). The centre's website is The cost will be £25 and people can book a place by contacting Stuart Maxwell on or by calling 01592650862 (between 5pm and 6pm). People need to pre-book a place and payment will be taken on the door. Places are strictly limited so please act soon.

6th of December 2009 - Hereford

On Sunday the 6th of December I'll be teaching a seminar from 12.00 noon - 4.00pm on the applications of the Pinan / Heian series at the Hereford Leisure Centre, Holmer Road, Hereford, HR4 9UD. The seminar will cost £25 per person (full payment in advance to secure your place). Please send cheques, payable to "Paul Morey" to Paul Morey, 33 Crest Court, Bobblestock, Hereford, HR4 9QD. Paul can also be contacted via or 01432 261481



17th of January 2010 - Bradley, West Midlands


The first seminar of 2010 (and the first one back after the Christmas break is always lots of fun!) will be on Sunday the 17th of January at Lower Bradley Community Centre, Wallace Road, Bradley, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 8BW. The seminar will run from 10am to 2pm and will cost £25 / person. Places are strictly limited to 30, so please act quickly to ensure your place. For further info or to book a place people can contact Keenan on 07800 799219 or e-mail You can also send cheques (payable to "Mr KJ Pedley") to K Pedley, Randori Fightwear, PO Box 5649, Wolverhampton, WV1 9QF. This event is sponsored by Randori Fightwear ( and it will be possible to purchase fight-wear and t-shirts on the day!



31st of January 2010 – Telford, Shropshire

On the 31st January 2010, I'll be teaching at the incredibly impressive Kyushinkai dojo! Please visit the website ( for directions and to see photographs of this great facility: Kyushinkai Martial Arts, Court Works Industrial Estate, Bridgnorth Road, Madeley, Telford, Shropshire TF7 4JB. The seminar will run from 12pm to 4pm and will cost £25 / person (Cheques made payable to "Kyushinkai Martila Arts" and sent to the dojo). You can also pay through Pay-Pal on the website: To express your interest and to book your place, please contact Sam Stewart on 07940726311. You can also email Sam at



6th of February 2010 – Bridgwater, Somerset

The seminar is to be held on the 6th of Feb from 11:00am to 2:00pm and will cost just £25 per student (14 years+ only). There is a maximum of 30 places available so you are encouraged to contact Andy as quickly as possible. The seminar will be held at the NEW dojo: Plum Lane (end of), Dunwear, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 5HL. For further information please contact Andrew Daly at You can also call Andrew on 01278 685559 or 07500847121. To secure your place, send a cheque for the full amount made payable to “Andrew Daly” to 47 Rowlands Rise, Puriton, Somerset, TA7 8BU.



7th of February 2010 - Stockport

On Sunday the 7th of February I'll be teaching a seminar on Kata-Bunkai / Passai / Bassai-Dai in Stockport. The seminar will run from 12 to 4 pm and will take place the North West Martial Arts Academy, 1st Floor, 3 Tollbar St, just off Hillgate, Stockport, SK1 3EW (venue phone number is 0161 429 9343). The cost will be £30 per person. To book your place please contact Stuart Kennedy on 07786098631 or  Alternatively you can also contact John Salt on 07974 833839 or by email on Having confirmed places are still available, you can pay by sending a cheque (payable to "E.I.M.A.") to 10 Meadow Lane, Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 2EX. Places are to be strictly limited (20 people) and hence you are requested to get in touch ASAP in order to ensure you get a place.


21st of February 2010 – Carlow, Republic of Ireland

This seminar is being hosted by Colin Keating of the Carlow Wado-Kai. The seminar will take place at The Carlow Wado-Kai Karate Academy Dojo, 10 Centaur Street, Carlow Town, Ireland on Sunday the 21st of February from 12pm to 3pm, and will cost 30 Euros. Places for guests are strictly limited and you are therefore encouraged to get in touch ASAP to avoid disappointment. You can get further details from Colin at You can also visit the website at



27th of February 2010 – Thornaby, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland

This latest open seminar organised by Taisho-Do Karate will take place from 12:00pm to 5:00pm and will be held in the Harewood Space Sports and Arts, Robert Atkinson Centre, Thorntree Road, Thornaby, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland, TS17 8AP. The cost of the seminar is £20 (full amount or a £10 deposit secures your place). Cheques should be made payable to "Taisho-Do Karate" and sent to Mark Raistrick, 7 Clarendon Road, Thornaby, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, TS17 8JQ. Mark can also be contacted on 07508015614 or for further details



28th of February 2010 - Bristol

On Sunday the 28th of February I'll once again be teaching at the Bristol Dojo (! The address of the dojo is Bristol Dojo, Upper Floor, Middle Unit, 74-78 Avon Street, Bristol, BS2 0PX. Details are being finalised and will be added to the website and newsletters in due course. In the meantime, Simon can be contacted via or 07808822578



6th of March 2010 – Pontypridd, Wales

I'll be teaching in Pontypridd, Wales on Saturday the 6th of March. The seminar will run from 11am to 3pm. The exact venue is yet to be confirmed and once finalised the location will be added to the newsletters and website. The cost will be £20 per person. Cheques should be made payable to "Mr Andrew O'Brien" and sent to Andrew O'Brien, 85 Conway Rd, Pontcanna, Cardiff, CF11 9NW. For more details please contact Andrew on either 02920901062 or 07964032468.



14th March 2010 – Bingley, Bradford, West Yorkshire

On the 14th March 2010 I'll be teaching another seminar in Beckfoot School Sports Centre, Wagon Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 1EE. This seminar is going to concentrate on close-range flow and semi-complaint drills from Naihanchi / Tekki Shodan. The seminar will run from 11am to 3pm and will cost £27 per person and payment (cheques made out to "zen karate") should be sent to Zen Karate, 25 Beaconsfield Road, Clayton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD14 6LQ. You can also pay by debit or credit card online at or by calling Jason Murray on 07912658042. For further details please contact Jason on 07912658042 or email

Details of Iain Abernethy’s upcoming seminars can be found on the News Page of To organise a seminar for your club, write to or call 01900829406.


Details of Seminars in Spring / Summer 2010 will be added soon



5 - Available Iain Abernethy Seminar Dates for 2010


Teaching at the seminars is hugely enjoyably for me. As I have said many times before, the seminars allow me to spend time with people who are enthusiastic about all the same things that I am enthusiastic about. It’s a great way to spend a day!

As I say, I hugely enjoy the seminars and I hate to let people down when people kindly ask me to visit their dojo. I am always very grateful for the support of the people who organise and attend the seminars. However, I am sorry to say that I am no longer able to meet all the requests. As you can see from the list of existing 2010 seminars, things are getting booked up very quickly. This will be compounded by the fact that I am reducing the number of days that I make available for seminars in 2010.

The reason for this is that I need to ensure that I free up sometime to progress other projects and have some time away from the road with my family. The only weekends that are now available in the first half of 2010 are as follows:

Saturday the 24th of April / Sunday the 25th of April

Sunday the 9th of May

Saturday the 26th of June / Sunday the 27th of June


As always, places will be given on a first come, first served basis. If you do want me to visit your dojo in 2010, please contact me as soon as you can. The reduced number of available dates for later half of next year are also filling up quickly and I’ll post the remaining dates when I have confirmed things with the groups who have already been in touch about 2010. I apologise in advance to those groups I am not able to directly work with next year.

All the best,




6 - Iain Abernethy & Mike Liptrot 2010 Weekend Seminar!


The 4th annual Iain Abernethy & Mike Liptrot seminar will be held over the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of May 2010! As with previous weekends, attendees will be taken through a whole mix of striking, grappling and ground-work techniques, strategies and training methods. We will also be covering plenty of kata bunkai and short lectures / presentations on various aspects of training, self-protection and combat.

Mike and I always make sure each weekend seminar is unique and we are currently finalising the plan for the weekend. It is not yet possible to book your place, and I am giving you the date now so you can get it in your diary. I’ll be sure to let you know when it is possible to book your place and when further details are available.

Previous years have been very well attended and great fun! The training will again take place at the hugely impressive Kendal Judo Centre (a 2012 Pre-Olympic Training Venue). It’s a beautiful part of the world and attendees may well want to make use of the fact it is a bank holiday weekend to take a little time to explore the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Watch this space for more details!



7 - The Art and Practice of Boxing (FREE E-Book)


Message from Kirk Lawson:

I have republished "The Art and Practice of Boxing" by the anonymous "Celebrated Pugilist."

As always, the e-book download is free.


Special thanks to Michael Ruhala for providing the original scans.


Writing in 1825, the anonymous “Celebrated Pugilist” penned his boxing manual simply titled, “The Art and Practice of Boxing.”

This early boxing manual, as is typical, teaches footwork, striking, blocking, and training details. This includes specifics of diet and exercise, as well as grappling.

However, the “Celebrated Pugilist” deviates from the norm in two important ways. First, he dedicates an unusual amount of his text to discussion (and derision) of methods and strategies which, though technically legal under boxing rules of the time, he considers “unmanly.” Second, he cites an earlier Wrestling text, Sir Thomas Parkyn’s “In-Play” for advice and description on performing some of the grappling and throwing which were part of orthodox boxing of the period.

He includes in his text images of nine techniques which he apparently considers either confusing or foundational, rounding out his relatively short text with a recitation of Broughton’s rules which, like this manual itself, were authored before the adoption of the London Prize Ring rules of 1838.

Peace favor your sword,





8 - Jissen Issue 6 Update


The 6th issue of Jissen: The FREE practical online martial arts magazine will be available in the next week or so. The majority of the articles have gone out to the authors for approval (the remaining one will be sent out this week) and as soon as we have their approval we will send out the finished magazine to all the distributors.


As you will no doubt have noticed, this issue of the magazine is going out a few of weeks later than it should have due to other pressures on both mine and Helen's time. Thank you for your patience! I'm sure you will feel the 6th issue is well worth the wait! We have a superb selection of articles on practical martial arts / self-projection and I guarantee that you'll be reading about subjects that you simply won't find discussed or addressed elsewhere. It's going to be a bumper issue! If you have yet to subscribe to Jissen, please follow the link below:


Follow this link to subscribe to Jissen:


9 - Iain Abernethy in Australia in March 2010!


Australian FlagA PDF is now available for download from my website that includes all the details of my seminars in Australia in March 2010! The PDF also contains a booking form so you can secure your places. Please follow the link below to download the PDF:


As you can see from the PDF, we will be covering a wide range of topics throughout the week! As is the case with all the seminars I do, my intention is to openly share my thoughts on applied karate and kata application in the hope that you will find aspects of my approach useful to you in your own training and teaching.

I’ve planned all the seminars to stand on their own as well as ensuring they all come together to give a very thorough overview of my approach to kata application for all those people who are attending all the events. A lot of interest has been shown in these seminars so please get in touch with the hosts as quickly as you can in order to secure your place.

The PDF has all the contact details for the hosts if you have any questions relating to the organisation of the seminars. If you have question on what we will be covering at the seminars, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line at and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can. Please also be sure to check out the offer of accommodation below.

I’m really looking forward to my first trip to Australia and what I’m sure will be a fun and productive week!

Shindo Karate Seminar contact details:

Rob Auricchio - 0400 416 604 or (03) 9395 2126
Phil Noble - 0403 165 308 or (03) 9749 3113

Kando Karate Seminar contact details:

Paul Veldman - 0411 328 966

Iain Abernethy Contact Details:


Accommodation Offer:

I am a member of the Williamstown Dojo and Franchise Manager of Quest apartments in Williamstown North.

Sensei Alan gave me the Ian Abernethy seminar flyer and I have created a special rate for any interstate or international members requiring accommodation.

The package is on our specials page to the left of the screen on our website under Shindo Karate Special. The rates are for a one and two bedroom apartment for the period that the seminars are to be held.

Members can book direct on line and the rates are 30% our published rates. The package can be viewed on

If you have any queries please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Beverley Bennett

Franchise Manager
Quest Williamstown North
115 Kororoit Creek Road
Williamstown VIC 3016
P: +61 (0) 3 9393 9700
F: +61 (0) 3 9393 9800
M: 0409 401 934
Map ref: Melways - 55 G8


10 - Society of Applied Traditional Martial Arts Update


SATMAThis is just a quick note to update you about the progress of SATMA (the Society of Applied Traditional Martial Arts). We are very close to launch and my plan is to get everything finalised in the next few weeks. I'll be handing everything else over to Helen while I spend a week or so totally dedicated to "dotting the I's and crossing the T's"


The number of people who have registered interest is now way in excess of what we anticipated and we should have a strong number of founder members with which to hit the ground running.

As I said last month, we had hoped to be further along that we currently are. However, I feel it is very important we take the time to ensure everything is place before launching. I do appreciate everyone’s patience and all going well you won’t have too much longer to wait.

If you’d like to be added to the email list in order to receive direct information, please email us at



11 - Sensei Patrick McCarthy in Rome - May 2010


A message from Paolo Gasbarri:

I write to inform you, I organize next May 2010 the first Koryu-Uchinadi with Sensei Patrick McCarthy ( Seminar in Rome, Italy. ( Sensei Patrick McCarthy have great reputation in the world and his life spent in search and study of martial arts and especially the great work he translated, the BUBISHI (ancient Chinese text on which all the founding masters of Karate styles were inspired for their studies and personal interpretazoni this Art), has meant that the Master McCarthy, had a great recognition in Japan by Dai Nippon Butokukai being written there, next to the big names of the founders of the current Masters of Karate styles: Funakoshi, Mabuni, Miyagi, Otsuka, Konishy, Sakagami, Nagamine et al. This seminar will be of great martial culture for all partecipants Karate styles and if you can to partecipate with us I'll very happy. Sensei McCarthy come in Italy and in Rome for the first time and he is very happy to present Koryu-uchinadi in another Nation in the world.

The Seminary will have a selective number of participants and these will consist of a maximum of 100/120 . We wish to give the opportunity to everyone, to follow the lessons of Master McCarthy with the possibility of tranquillity; to see, to try, to ask, to be corrected, therefore we want all to have the pleasure to insert their own cultural and martial input into this historical event. Filming will be not allowed, either recreational and professional, however everyone will be able to take pictures and to have beautiful memories in their own photo albums.

I remind you that The Stage has international character and many martial arts people from Europe are considering in taking advantage of this great event in order to spend a weekend in May in ROME...think about it ! Therefore, as soon as the enrolment module is available, I suggest you do not waste time in booking! The cost of the two days of The Stage will be € 70 (total) for reservations booked before March the 31st 2010 and € 80 for those who reserve before April the 30th 2010. After these dates registrations will be refused.

For the registration, we will proceed in this way:
- complete all parts of the registration module.
- pay the fee.
- send both the registration module and the banking payment receipt to my e-mail address: 


As soon as I will get both documents (registration + payment receipts), I will send you an e-mail containing a number between 1 to 120 which is assigned to you. Only when you will receive your assigned number will you be sure to participate in The Stage. As soon as the registrations are completed, it will be inserted in this site with a list of the persons enrolled, so that all can be aware of how many places still available. Dear colleagues, it's all by now, I hope for your participation and yours Tam Tam Advertising for this EXTRAORDINARY EVENT.

Here are specials prices hotels for accommodations:


- Single room € 45,00;
- Double room € 30,00 per person;
- Triple room €28,00 per person;
- Quadruple room € 25,00 per person.
All prices included breakfast.


- Single room € 60,00;
- Double room € 90,00 not a person;
- Triple room € 120,00 not a person;
- Quadruple room € 140,00 not a person.
All prices included breakfast.


- Single room € 50,00;
- Double room € 70,00 not a person;
- Triple room € 90,00 not a person;
- Quadruple room € 110,00 not a person.
All prices included breakfast.

When reserve must say to hotels receptions: SEMINAR PATRICK McCARTHY KARATE.

Kind regards from Rome.

Paolo Gasbarri



12 - Iain Abernethy in Denmark: This weekend!


Vejle Shotokan inviterer til åbent seminar med Iain Abernethy

d. 14/11 i Solrød og d. 15/11 i Vejle.


Iain, der kommer fra England, er en kæmpe kapacitet inden for fortolkning og praktisk anvendelse af de teknikker vi kender fra forskellige kata.


Du kan finde mange flere informationer omkring ham på:


Lørdag d. 14/11-09:

Solrød Idrætscenter

Tingsryds Alle 27

2680 Solrød



Søndag d. 15/11-09:

DGI-Huset Vejle

Willy Sørensens Plads 5

(judo dojo’en under hal 1)

7100 Vejle


Tidsplan for begge dage:

Første træning (alle) kl. 10.00 - 12.00

Pause kl. 12.00 – 13.00

Anden træning (alle) kl. 13.00 – 15.00


Hvem kan deltage: Alle der mindst 15 år!


Ved forhåndstilmelding er prisen kr. 100,- pr dag (send venligst navn, grad, og klub tilhørsforhold til Jean Sørensen på )


Forhåndstilmelding senest d. 9/11-09


Pris for deltagelse er kr. 150,- pr. dag hvis du først tilmelder dig og betaler på dagen. (der vil være begrænsede pladser).



Du kan betale for tilmelding via giro nr. 8172269 (korttype er 01)

(skriv venligst Iain Abernethy + Vejle eller Solrød ved betaling)


Vel mødt til alle!


13 - Iain Abernethy in Canada in 2010!


I’m delighted to be able to tell you that it looks like I’ll be back in Canada in May 2010! The details are being finalised and I’ll be sure to pass them on as soon as everything is confirmed. I’ll be in Canada for the best part of two weeks and will be teaching a series of seminars in Ontario and Alberta. As I say, I’ll forward all the details when they are finalised. This will be my 3rd trip to Canada and I’m really looking forward to sharing some more of my thoughts on bunkai / applied karate with everyone, as well as meeting up with old friends and making some new ones too! Watch this space for more details!



14 - Fighting for Lives Super Seminar: Saturday 14th of November and are hosting multi syle martial arts event Sat 14th Nov (12pm to 6pm) in Nunnery Wood Sports Complex, Worcester, WR5 2NL.

Call Dave on 07870948180 or Shaun on 07792169485.

Check out Websites for details and booking. This event is for children's charities and with such a good cause we have some top martial artists to share knowledge-almost a mini seni!

Grandmaster Paul Bowman - Shotokan Karate and Kyusho Jitsu
Master Keith Grey - Mauy Tai Kick Boxing
Sensei Nigel Lee - Me Me, Bunkai jutsu
Sifu Rob Ho - Wing Chung
Richie Price - Pro Wrestling
Sifu Rob Trow - Wado-Ryu, Keysi, Kung fu
Ustaad Harjinder Singh - Gatka
Master Graham Dybal - Kyusho Jitsu
Sensei Alun Williams - Goshinkai
Sensei Carl Grant - Goshinkai Boxing
Sensei Dave Webster - Wado-Ryu

Plus special guests, Auction. All welcome, must have current licence. Be part of something worthwhile! Survive the storm, judge in peace!



15 - Karate-Do Taikan: English Translation!


Karate-Do TaikanGenwa Nakasone’s 1938 book "Karate-do Taikan" has finally been translated into English! Mario McKenna has translated the book and made it available on Lulu:ó/7773388

The book sells for £53.30. If that seems like a lot, I’ll reassure you that my Japanese language version cost five times that! And then I had to pay to get people to translate the parts of the book I was interested in. If you are not aware of the book here is an extract from an article Graham Noble wrote about early karate books:

In my opinion, the best of all the pre-war books was Genwa Nakasone's 'Karate-do Taikan', published in 1938. This view is shared by two of today's leading karate historians: Shingo Ohgami describes it as "legendary", and for Pat McCarthy it's "the book of the era". It also has a rarity value as Ohgami Sensei believes the print-run for the original edition was only 100 to 200 copies. This put the book beyond the reach of most enthusiasts, but fortunately a facsimile reprint was published in 1992 and this wonderful book became more generally available.”

I have ordered Mario McKenna’s translation, but at this time it is still on its way to me. However, I felt sure that this was to be of great interest to you all and hence decide to let you know about the book in this edition of the newsletter. The blurb from the book is copied below:

An Overview of Karate-do" is one of the most comprehensive books published during the golden age of Karate-do. The book contains chapters of a veritable who's who of Karate-do luminaries including: Shiroma Shimpan, Hanashiro Chomo, Mabuni Kenwa, Otsuka Hironori, and Taira Shinken. The book is richly illustrated and goes into detail about Karate-do history, philosophy, techniques and kata.

If you want to order a copy of the book for yourself, please follow the link below:ó/7773388

All the best,




PS Thanks to Greg Lynhamm for letting me know about this book!



16 - Lion-Dog Now Live!


LiondogBooks review and sell martial arts books that should take pride of place in every martial artist's library. Categories include biographies, traditional karate, classics, self-protection and Zen. There’s also a section on MMA and a growing selection of martial arts fiction titles.

All books featured on the site can be ordered securely through or You can also find on FaceBook and join for extra info, discussion and updates. If it’s been a while since you devoured a good book, check out

FaceBook link:



17 - The sword master and the merchant (New Article by Nick Engelen)


‘Even monkey’s fall out of trees’ was his thought when he looked at the scruffy figure in front of him.

In ancient Japan there was a successful merchant. Soon his success drew the envy and attention of criminals and wandering ronin. One day, when the merchant came back from the next village he had to cross a bridge. When he was halfway a scruffy looking man wearing a sword stepped onto the bridge. The merchant who was thinking of the nice lady he saw at the teahouse didn’t notice the other man till he was only 5 feet of him away. The man started to scold the merchant: ‘you dog, get out of my way to let me pass.’ The sudden display of rudeness and aggression overwhelmed the merchant making him freeze in terror. ‘I told you to get out of the way you idiot’ the man barked. The merchant cowered back of the bridge to let the man pass.

Once across the bridge the thug addressed the merchant again after pulling out his sword: ‘you lowlife, you should learn some manners. I could take your life here on the spot. Do you know who I am?’

The merchant lowered his head stuttering: ‘No sir sorry I don’t know.’

‘I am the leader of the largest gang in the area.’ The thug boasted, ‘Your disrespect will cost you dearly, give my al your money now!’

The merchant handed over his purse with shaking hands. The thug took the purse in receipt and said: ‘Next time watch were you’re going’

Shakily the merchant went on his way home. Determined to never get robbed again he stopped at the house of his friend who had been a samurai and had seen quite some action on the battlefield and in single combat. Now he was considered as a sword master and he had opened his own school.

The merchant explained what had happened where after the sword master gave him a cup of sake to cool down. After some silence the sword master said: ‘Those criminals and wandering ronin are a true pest these days. It’s a tough one. As I have contacts with the local authority I can tell you that the authority will do nothing to protect you. Many of those ronin fought in the wars and are very experienced warriors. The criminals don’t have anything to loose and for them robbing people is their business just like selling is yours.’

The merchant said: ‘I was thinking of you teaching me how to fight so I can protect myself against these bandits.’

To learn how to use a sword properly takes time. The sword master replied. I don’t think you have that time.

I will teach you how to avoid fights so you will live till after you have learned how to fight. To avoid a threat you first have to be aware of it where after you evaluate it.
The merchant objected: ‘In my family we have a lineage of warriors, I don’t want to be looked upon as a coward.’

The sword master smiled and said: ‘Never fighting means never losing, as we are talking about combat with swords losing means dying.

You are a samurai, I thought you weren’t afraid of death. The sword master smiled again and replied: ‘First of all we accepted the possibility of getting injured and or death so it wouldn’t hinder our performance. On the other hand when fighting a war in service of a master, my master wouldn’t have anything on me when I get killed. So we did everything in our power to live to fight another day. For example in one of the battles we were overwhelmed, so I hid under a couple of bodies to survive the onslaught.

But before you can avoid a problem you have to know it’s there.

If you’re not aware you will be nailed before you get your sword out of the scabbard.’

‘How can I spot a threat?’ the merchant asked.

‘There are many possible pre-indicators of an attack’ the sword master said. ‘Spotting a threat is first of all knowing which behaviour is normal in a given circumstance.

For a gardener who takes care of his garden it’s almost impossible to know all the different weeds, if however he knows what plants belong in the garden then all the rest can be seen as weed. Likewise you already have an idea of what is normal behaviour in certain circumstances. When you see something out of place you will notice.

Without knowing why you will feel that there is something amiss. A warrior will trust his instinct while many civilians are too busy living in their heads or just dismiss the feeling of fear.’

‘Dismiss their feeling of fear?’ the merchant asked?

‘Yes’ the swords master replied. ‘Denial, they feel the fear and think, it’s probably nothing, just another normal looking person. For example I saw two people in a teahouse lately getting into an argument, in the heat of the discussion one of them called the other one idiot where after the insulted person got up and walked over. The guy that threw the insult was just standing there watching this person walking towards him until he was close enough to attack. The result was a nice black eye and a bloody nose. I broke up the fight and after the dust had settled asked the attacked person to join me to take care of his face. I asked him why he let the other person come so close as he came from all the side way of the room. The man replied that the only thing he kept thinking was that the other guy wouldn’t get physical over such a minor thing. The trick is to shut down the internal chatterbox. Living in the here and now and honour and act upon the feelings you have. If something doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t.

‘How can I shut down the internal chatterbox?’ the merchant asked How can I live in the moment?’

The sword master said: ‘Keep your attention on where you are and don’t think of the past nor the future but on the present moment. I know that you have done some Zen study, apply it to your daily life not only to your meditation.

To protect yourself from something you need to know what you are up against. It would be useful for you to learn to think like your opponent. Think about questions like where would I set myself up for attack what are my weaknesses, what are my strengths. This way you learn to recognise where and when you are vulnerable for ambushes or attacks. Then think of a strategy to avoid those situations and make it as hard as possible for anyone to attack you. A great written work for you is Sun Tzu’s art of war. He said that if you know yourself, your own weaknesses and strengths you will win half of the hundred battles.’

The merchant said: ‘What if I screw up?’

‘Sometimes monkey’s fall out of trees’ the sword master said laughingly, ‘When we don’t see it coming we are unable to avoid. In that case the only options are fight or run.’

‘Run’ the merchant exclaimed?

‘yes run’ the sword master answered. ‘Another written work I want you to read is the 36 strategies also by a Chinese general. The 36th strategy and the most important one is if all else fails retreat.’

‘I came here to learn to fight’ the merchant exclaimed. ‘Please teach me how to use the sword.’

The swordsman smiled and said: ‘Carrying a sword might draw even more attention to yourself getting you in trouble with other tough guys wanting to prove themselves, it’s better to keep a low profile. Besides a sword can cost you a year’s profit.’

When those criminals attack they won’t give you the opportunity to pull your sword. Many techniques have been developed to draw and cut in the same movement but they take some time to master and with your current situation you might not live long enough to master it. The best weapon is the weapon you have in your hand when you get attacked. I suggest that you carry a sturdy stick with which you can perform some simplified sword techniques and some technique devised for the longer staff.’

‘Why is it that some people attacked while others don’t?’ The merchant asked. The sword master thought for a moment and then replied: ‘Well the first give off signals that tell the robber the person is safe to rob. It reminds me of the story of the three men and the dangerous dog. The dog was known in the village as a dangerous animal, the owner did dogfights with it so it had its reputation. The first man who passed was a man from the village, as soon as the dog approached the guy panicked. The dog sensed this weakness and attacked viciously causing horrendous wounds. The second person was also from the village but knew quite a lot about dogs so had no fear and respected the animal, the dog let him pass. The third person was a traveller who liked dogs but didn’t have a lot of knowledge of them. As he didn’t realise it was dangerous he thought it was a nice animal guarding its owner’s domain. Hence he didn’t give off signals of nervousness about the dog’s presence and as a result wasn’t attacked. Robbers and criminals like a dog sense which people are afraid of them and which are not. They will look for the nervous people or people who are unaware of their presence to surprise them and attack their panicking victim. They have a certain profile of a victim, if you don’t fit the profile than you become invisible to them. During the wars a special type of warrior was used called ninja, they were invisible to us as they appeared to be something else. I suggest you come back tomorrow so we can train on it.’

Next day the merchant entered the dojo. The first thing the master asked was: How many steps did you take from when you entered the corridor till here? The merchant looked puzzled and said I don’t know. Have you noticed what colour of clothes my gardener was wearing? The merchant thought and said I didn’t see a gardener. There is two of them working at the front of the house at the moment.

We will not be training here but in town, as we are going there anyway I would like to drop of some stuff at my friend’s place. You can help me carry. A few moments later the merchant was carrying a heavy load trying to keep up with the light footed, fast moving sword master. In town it was very busy and the street was buzzing with people. The merchant trying to keep track of the sword master’s movements suddenly bumped into someone. After apologising he realised he lost track of the master, he felt desperate and angry. Thought ran through his mind: ‘Was this training? Being this guy’s slave.’ Suddenly the master appeared and said: ‘this way.’ After reaching the destination, the sword master said: ‘put the bags there please’ pointing in the direction of a corner which the merchant did. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his right shoulder, then another blow to his head. He turned around to see a guy that appeared out of nowhere hitting him hard with a bamboo stick. The sword master stood laughing at the door. ‘You see how you lack awareness? Let’s work on that.’

This repeated itself day in day out over the period of weeks varying order and time till the merchant was aware of his surroundings and so could answer all the questions of the master and avoid being attacked by his students. In the beginning it was hard as he concentrated on one thing he missed the rest... Of course the master would ask about the things he missed.

One day he asked the master: Sensei, whenever you ask a question I can’t answer I pay attention to it next day but you seem to ask a question about the things I missed. How can I ever see everything? The master smiled and said: ‘If you don’t look you will see more.’

The merchant was puzzled and left. That night he sat outside watching the stars, he thought within himself: ‘There aren’t many stars on the sky tonight.’ Then his thoughts wandered off to the past few painful weeks thinking: ‘I will never get this.’ A series of thought passed through his mind like clouds pass over on the sky.

After a while when no more thoughts entered his mind he was just staring to the sky his gaze defocused, sit was then that he suddenly realised that the entire sky was filled with stars. He remembered the master’s words; ‘If you don’t look you will see more.’ He felt euphoric saying to himself: ‘I got it’. Next day he applied his new knowledge to his daily life by soft focusing his eyes. He found out he saw a lot more like the small insects he never noticed being there before and caught movement more easy. This enhanced his performance in the awareness drills so much that the master noticed it and complimented him: ‘ Good, you start to learn. It’s good you figured my riddle out yourself.’

After the awareness exercises the merchant was taught how to use a simple staff when all else failed. The learned techniques were simple and direct. The sword master said: ‘At the moment weapons are involved you can’t afford to wait till the enemy attacks. So be first.’ The emphasis in training was laid on aggression and forward pressure. ‘This is the difference between Jutsu and Do’ the master had explained. ‘Jutsu is for the battlefield while Do is for self-development know the difference and keep those things separated.’ The next period was focused on learning to function under the feelings of stress and fear. This involved hard training, but also taking calculated risks under guidance of the master.

After many months on a chilly morning, the merchant walked into town. As not many people were around yet he decided to take a shortcut trough an alley. In his head his internal dialogue was complaining about the cold, he wanted so much to get inside somewhere and get warm. A scruffy figure blocking his path in front of him snapped him back to reality. The guy was focused on him and he could see the bad intent of this person. Looking more closely he saw that one of the thugs right hand was hidden behind his body and the scabbard in his belt was empty. He looked behind him to see two other people with drawn swords blocking his only escape route. ‘Even monkey’s fall out of trees’ was his thought when he looked at the scruffy figure in front of him.

All early morning noises seemed to starve away and the street melted away so only he and the three thugs existed. It all felt as if he was just an observer, an out of body experience. He felt the fear as a knot in his stomach making him nauseous, he noticed the sticky feeling of his dry mouth and he had the impression as if his legs were too weak to move. and He had learned to think of the spot where he could feel the knot of his obi trough his kimono so he pushed the feeling in his stomach to there. This gave him an empowering feeling enabling to straighten up and move forward. He started walking towards the person in front of him to be closer to him then to the people behind him.

This sudden shift in awareness and forward movement made his opponent in front seem to hesitate. At the moment the merchant saw this hesitation he lunged forward towards his foe aiming the tip of his stick at his opponents plexus. When the stick connected he felt the impact as he had trouble to maintain his grip on the stick preventing it to slide away. The merchant heard the clattering of the sword dropping on the ground. He saw his foe doubling up and he could faintly hear his moaning. He glanced over his shoulder to see the two others in total surprise as nailed to the floor. The merchant made use of the confusion to push the doubled up person out of his way into the wall and run as fast as he could towards the magistrates office. As soon as he started running he could hear the defeated thug screaming: Don’ts you stand there, get him and kill him. While passing many doors of houses and shops his mind went to an advice of the sword master, don’t run away from danger, run towards safety.

There he saw the magistrate’s office with two armed guards in front. Not used to running he felt out of breath and looking behind him the thugs seemed to catch up. He screamed for help to the guars that started to assess what was going on. Then he saw the guards coming towards him spears ready. Get inside one of the screamed. He ran past the guards inside the building. Looking back he saw his pursuers stopped at a safe distance from the guards and retreated back into the dodgy alleys.

The magistrate offered the merchant to get an armed escort for the rest of the day. His first stop was the sword master’s place. After telling his story the sword master smiled and said: ‘Well done, now you know how to survive, are you still interested to learn the art of the sword?’



That’s all folks! If you’ve any comments or suggestions relating to the website or these newsletters, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line:


All the best,


Iain Abernethy




24 Hour Order Hotline (UK): 01900829406
24 Hour Order Hotline (Overseas): +441900829406