Subject: Let's get back to basics

Dear Church, 

This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear the results of the Holy Cow Survey from Brian Wallace of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. Brian has conducted this survey countless times, and he did a wonderful job of explaining what the survey data says about our congregation - Brian, thank you for taking the time to be with us to discuss the results! 

For those that were with us on Sunday, you know that some of the results - while not unexpected - were challenging to hear. As expected, the data showed that as a community: we are tired and at full capacity, a pastoral transition is naturally a difficult time, and because of this, our morale is a bit low. In addition, we heard a message from the finance team about the state of finances for the upcoming year, which is a source of stress and concern. 

However, we hope that you also walked away from Sunday's message with some hope and anticipation. The survey data also revealed some things about Hot Metal that are timeless. Some of our most important values are: worship, governance, and belonging. In other words, we continue to deeply care about creating a space where all feel welcomed and loved, where the worship services point us toward the expansive and ever-present love of God, and where we want all to feel affirmed, and welcomed just as they are. This is who we have always been, and that's why I feel that our mission statement is spot on: 

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community is where you are loved, fed, and affirmed as your whole self, because Jesus welcomes all

In addition, Brian laid out a path for us moving forward: in his words, "getting back to the basics." One of Hot Metal's hallmarks has been the sharing of meals together, and in the coming months, we are looking for ways to get back to that. In so doing, we hope to create the love, belonging, and connection that make Hot Metal so precious, and so unique.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community - though we are "in the wilderness" right now, we believe that God is with us, and we can't wait to see what He's up to next.

We hope to see you Sunday!

Pastoral Job Description

Based on some feedback on Sunday, it was suggested that we share the job posting more widely. We heard you, and we agree! We have posted this job position on our Social Media page, and the link is below as well. If you know of anyone who might be a good fit, or if you'd just like to cast a wide net with your own networks, please feel free to share the link with whomever you feel should see it. Thank You! HMBFC Job Posting

Ash Wednesday Service (2/14)

It's hard to believe that Lent is just around the corner! This year, Easter is early, which means Ash Wednesday is just a few weeks away, on February 14. On February 14, we will have a contemplative, meditative service starting at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you there! 

Calling Committee Members

Council is issuing a formal call for all volunteers to join our various committees! If you are interested in joining, or would like to learn more about, the personnel, compassion, worship, or finance teams, please let us know! Nominations are currently being accepted-you may either nominate yourself or someone you think may be good for the role. This is a great opportunity to share your voice and talents with our community. Thank you! 

A Note About Pastoral Care

If you are in need of Pastoral Care, the wonderful Rev. Elizabeth Ross has graciously agreed to be available to our community during this time. Her email is:

A Note about the Children's Ministry

We are looking for volunteers to help with children's church each Sunday! If you have an interest in facilitating Sunday School, working with curriculum, or just volunteering to help out, we could use your gifts and talents. Please feel free to let Suzanne, Dayna Wade, or a member of council know if you are interested. 

A Note about the Nursery

A friendly reminder that the nursery space is intended to be available only for the little ones (those 5 years old and under). Our little ones have specific needs and we kindly ask everyone -including older children, teenagers, adults, and guests -to respect this space so that we can meet those needs. Thank you! If there are any questions about this, please contact a member of council. 

Nursery Clean Up Help

A big thank you to all who helped us clean the nursery last week for some much needed TLC. We appreciate you! 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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