Subject: Join us to go over the Holy Cow Survey Results

Dear Church, 

A few weeks ago, we entered 2024 with the sacred practice of choosing intentional "star words" throughout the year. Just like the Magi, we will look to these star words to lead us, guide us, and help us draw closer to God throughout the year. While the idea of making New Year's Resolutions permeates our culture, we remind ourselves that these star words are rooted in the desire to draw closer to Jesus. We pray that this year you are able to draw closer to the heart of God, a heart that beats with love, grace, and acceptance for all. As we move into 2024, may you step into the new year with confidence, peace, and the knowledge that you are the beloved of God. 

This year, our church is stepping into a new year filled with many questions. These questions stem from our pastoral transition, but more deeply they are rooted in the past, present, and future of our community. These questions can sometimes be scary, but they can also lead us to where we're supposed to be. These questions may come in many forms: Who will our next pastor be? What is next for this faith community? Will things be the same, or different? What is my place within this community? What am I able to give? What must I stop doing? 

These questions are spiritual questions, and we believe that they draw us closer to the heart of God. So we encourage you to lean into these questions instead of avoiding them. Wrestle with them. Pray over them. Share them with others, and the leadership of the church. And know that we are right there with you in the wrestling, the confusion, the doubts, and the fears. And just like we are with you, we believe that God is with us. We believe that important, sacred things are ahead for this community, though we don't know exactly what that looks like yet. 

As we continue through Epiphany, we know a few things: Jesus has been born. And at Easter, we will celebrate his death and resurrection. But what about that in-between time? Jesus has been born, but now what? Over the next few weeks, please join us as we explore this idea of "Now What?" We are especially excited to have Brian Wallace join us on January 28th to answer this question by going over the results of the Holy Cow Survey with us. Mark your calendars! More information below. 

We are so thankful and honored that you are on this journey with us. As we travel together and attempt to answer "What Next?", may the grace, love, and peace of God be with us. Amen. 

We hope you're able to join us on Sunday as we hear from Brian Wallace about the Holy Cow survey results-Have a wonderful week! 

Update Sunday

In November, our community completed the Holy Cow Survey to help us during our pastoral transition. This survey gives wonderful insights into who we are as a community and where we are headed. We are excited to share that the results are in! Brian Wallace met with council this past week to go over the results, and the results were extremely interesting. We can't wait to share them with you! Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on January 28th as Brian Wallace walks us through the survey results. We will also have important updates from council and finance - a "state of the community", if you will. The results will be shared during the service, but make sure to stick around after the service for a hot meal, including Gluten-free options. A big thank you to Joni Watson for this! If you would like to assist, please speak with Joni, and If you have any questions, please contact any member of council. 

Calling Committee Members

Council is issuing a formal call for all volunteers to join our various committees! If you are interested in joining, or would like to learn more about, the personnel, compassion, worship, or finance teams, please let us know! Nominations are currently being accepted-you may either nominate yourself or someone you think may be good for the role. This is a great opportunity to share your voice and talents with our community. Thank you! 

A Note About Pastoral Care

If you are in need of Pastoral Care, the wonderful Rev. Elizabeth Ross has graciously agreed to be available to our community during this time. Her email is:

A note about the Children's Ministry

We are looking for volunteers to help with children's church each Sunday! If you have an interest in facilitating Sunday School, working with curriculum, or just volunteering to help out, we could use your gifts and talents. Please feel free to let Suzanne, Dayna Wade, or a member of council know if you are interested. 

A note about the Nursery

A friendly reminder that the nursery space is intended to be available only for the little ones (those 5 years old and under). Our little ones have specific needs and we kindly ask everyone -including older children, teenagers, adults, and guests -to respect this space so that we can meet those needs. Thank you! If there are any questions about this, please contact a member of council. 

Nursery Clean Up Help

A big thank you to all who helped us clean the nursery last week for some much needed TLC. We appreciate you! 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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