Subject: Join us for our last Sunday in Lent! Sign up for the Unity Service!

Dear Hot Metal Community, 

We *technically* have our final Sunday in Lent, and we end with a BIG finish! Throughout the encounters Jesus has had over these weeks, the stakes and miracles have gotten increasingly higher. And it culminates in the death and raising of his dear friend, Lazarus. We will hear all the emotions of grief from Jesus and the family and community, and we will see Jesus declare that death will not have the final word. I'm excited to hear where our own Nathan Rosswog will take us as he preaches this rich and meaningful story! 

As we finish Lent, and enter into Holy Week, here's a beautiful poem/prayer by Rev. Sarah Speed for your own prayer and meditation in this time of transition and anticipation. 

the answer is yes
It’s the question we ask at the end of our rope,
when the storm is raging,
when the monsters under the bed have introduced themselves.
When everything around us seems to be on fire.
It’s the question we ask when hope slips through like sand in a bottle,
when the mockingbirds stop singing,
when the news reporter leads with another mass shooting.
It’s the question we ask when the depression moves in,
making herself at home, making a mess of it all.
It’s the question we ask
when we’re not sure if Easter will come.
Will it be Lent forever?
Will the sun ever rise?
Will this hope lead to something?
Can these bones ever live?

In Christ, 
Pastor Erin

Good Friday Worship - April 7, 7pm 

Join us in person or on Zoom for a quiet, contemplative service of grounding ourselves in the deeper meaning of the cross, and praying for a world where death truly has no more power. Use the Sunday Zoom link to join that way!


 Join the National Black Presbyterian Caucus and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary's Metro-Urban Institute for a Palm Sunday Unity Service. The service will be on April 2, 2023 at 11:00am at the Hicks Memorial Chapel at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The sermon will be provided by The Rev. Dr. B. De Neice Welch, Senior Pastor, Bidwell Presbyterian Church. Please register here:

Spring Work Day and Community Fridge Installation! - Saturday, April 1st 10am-2pm

We'll be partnering with Pitt's "Be a Good Neighbor Day" and hosting a group of Pitt undergrads to help build a shed for our new community fridge, in addition to some spring landscaping and clean-up! All are welcome to join in for the fun and build relationships rooted in service! All skill levels are welcomed and needed! Contact Pastor Erin or Dylan Rooke for more information! 

Hot Metal Field Trip: Maxo Vanka Murals 

Join us for an end-of-Lent special event! On April 5 at 5:30pm, we'll journey to St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church in Millvale for a private tour of the stunning and meaningful murals of Croatian-American artists Maxo Vanka. We'll hear about the history of the murals, their ties to Pittsburgh and American history. Then we'll gather for dinner at Strange Roots Experimental Ales for a time of processing and fellowship. All Ages are welcome!

Pre-Registration is encouraged:

Cost is $15/person but please let Pastor Erin know if you need assistance. Payments can be made via check or cash ahead of time, or arrange with Pastor Erin or Brenda to pay via credit card.

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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