Subject: All Church Meeting THIS Sunday

Hello Hot Metal!

I hope you will join us on Sunday for worship at 10:30am and then our All Church Meeting! In the interest of making sure everyone has a chance to read all the things, see my annual report below. We've also updated the proposed budget, so feel free to peruse that and discern whether it reflects the values and directions you've come to expect from Hot Metal. 

Dear Hot Metal Community,

I don’t know about you, but 2022 felt like the hardest year of the pandemic, and thus of our time together. While we were technically worshiping in person the entire year, it has really only been in the last month or two that I’ve felt like we’ve really had a critical mass of community showing up on Sunday mornings and beyond. I will be honest and say I had many moments of discouragement, where I couldn’t see the path forward. 

And then, I would have someone email or text me asking for prayers of encouragement. Or a new queer couple would show up on a Sunday morning and say “that was the most authentic invitation to communion I’ve heard. Thank You.” Or a kid would be on our Tuesday night Zoom small group, and bring up questions and thoughts of faith that were just as thoughtful as the adults! Time and time again, God’s Spirit would move in my discouragement, and give me a small moment of hope. As I reflect on this past year, I am trying hard to hold on to these small moments as signs that something bigger is going to happen in 2023. 

Here are my favorite things that happened in 2022:

  1. We joined with Bethel AME in its fight for reparations as allies in antiracism - We were the first community to host a “Table Talk” with Rev. Snyder at Bethel, which has kicked off a city-wide discussion about reparations and the need for racial reconciliation on the particular and broad scale. What a witness to the power of relationships!

  2. We had a “Good Enough” Lent - inspired by the work of Kate Bowler, I loved how we as a community were centered on the devotional she wrote throughout the season. I also loved crafting a mid-week prayer service with Autumn that engaged the intertwining of mental health and spirituality. 

  3. We had an intergenerational VBS learning to be “Holy Troublemakers”- It was such a joy to gather across ages and hear from one another and local partners about the intersection of seeking justice and our faith. 

  4. We hosted Spencer LaJoye in Concert, and lifted up our own musicians through special gatherings and new worship leaders - I don’t think I’m exaggerating all *that* much when I say “Plowshare Prayer” by Spencer LaJoye is a revelation and changed my life. I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to explore new worship music, and then have Spencer themself here with us creating sacred and bold space. It’s a memory from 2022 that I’ll forever hold in my heart. I’m also so grateful for all the musicians who have shared their hearts with us, including ones that have started leading worship just this year!

  5. We had a super fun and successful fall fundraiser with Bag, Drag, and Swag - Coming back to in-person fundraising was a little bumpy, and we know people are still wary of big events, but Bag, Drag, and Swag was a delight to host, and a time of feeling the exuberance of God’s love and affirmation! And we raised a fair amount of funds for our ministries! 

Here’s what I’m hoping for in 2023:

  1. I hope for a more generous sharing of resources - Yes, the 50/5 campaign is an intentional ask for us as a community to give more money. And money is something we need for our ministries. But beyond that, I want us to cultivate a spirit of generosity that is not limited to money, but encourages us to give of a variety of resources - not only to our ministry with the HMBFC stamp on it, but to a variety of ways in which God’s kin-dom is happening in the world. 

  2. I hope for more vulnerable and transparent communication - We cannot build a deep and loving community without people who show up and share what they feel. And we cannot have conversations and complaints happening in the shadows. I commit to working with Council to find more ways for us to communicate all that is happening here at Hot Metal, and I invite you to be direct in your communication of your wants and needs. If you see something you think we should be a part of, tell us! If you hate something I’m doing, tell me! Let’s get coffee and sort it out. 

  3. I hope for deeper relationships - Hot Metal has always been a place where one could feel like they instantly belonged, but found it harder to form deep relationships. My prayer is that we find ways as pandemic restrictions continue to ease to find ways simply to be with one another, and build the foundation of deep relationships. If you are not already participating in our Tuesday night group or Wednesday Zoom Prayer, I encourage you to start there. Or if you have another idea for building relationships, let us know and we’d love to support you in starting something!

  4. I hope for more partnerships - I do not believe that any one faith community can do *all the things.* I’m so thankful for the partnerships we’ve cultivated with the Commonwealth, Bethel AME, LGBTQ+ Affirming Ministries of Pittsburgh, and the National Black Presbyterian Caucus (to name just a few!). I hope the next year helps us engage others in the city and beyond as we continue to proclaim God’s justice beyond just our four walls. 

  5. I hope for more energy - I am tired, and I know you are too. But I hope the next year brings energy for our shared ministry, and bold ideas and dreams that we can all grab onto that enliven us and our love for sharing the love of Jesus. I (selfishly) hope that translates into broader participation and support for our various teams and programs. I cannot do it all, the staff cannot do it all, and I hope you will join us. 

I have many more hopes and dreams for this community in this coming year and beyond. And I’m sure God has hopes and dreams I can’t even imagine, but are going to be even more wonderful than what I think. I hope you are along for the ride, and will help give voice and embodiment to what those dreams become! Christ has no body but yours, and we have no community but the one you are a part of! 

May God bless us, and keep us, 

Pastor Erin

Curio: A Liturgy for the Lean In Person - Saturday, November 26th 4pm

Join Nathan Rosswog and others for a contemplative walk through the liturgy he has created for this time of changing seasons. We encourage all who are in need of a space to reflect and lean into the questions of doubt and grace and change to attend and pray with us. 

#GivingTuesday - Support Hot Metal 

We'll kick off a #GivingTuesday Fundraiser on Facebook this week, and keep it open through December 6th. Be sure to share with your friends on Social Media AND/OR send a postcard to your loved ones who don't have social media, so they can experience the joy of giving too! Keep your eyes out for the launch! 

Advent and Christmas at Hot Metal

Advent begins on Sunday, November 27th! Join us for worship at 10:30am on Sundays as we tell the story of Jesus "From Generation to Generation"

Other ways to celebrate the season! 

Sunday, November 29th 12pm - Decorate the Worship Space! Join the Worship team to literally deck the halls with garlands and lights and our nativity! 

Sunday, December 11th 12pm - Advent Art Extravaganza! Join us after worship for an intergenerational time of making art and ornaments for the season, and packing cookie boxes for our Table and Homeless Ministry! Contact Karl if you can make cookies! 

Friday, December 23rd 7pm - Christmas Eve EVE Worship! A family-friendly and exuberant celebration of the birth of Jesus! Join us for carols and story and fun! 

Saturday, December 24th 7pm - Christmas Eve Worship! A contemplative and prayerful worship as we wait for Christ to be born! 

Sunday, December 25th - NO WORSHIP at Hot Metal! Enjoy the day with your family and loved ones! 

Sunday, January 1st 10:30am - Worship with Lessons and Carols! Ring in the New Year with your favorite Christmas Carols and Stories! We'll also kick off the year right with a potluck breakfast! Bring your favorite breakfast dish to share!

Darkness as Hope //Reframing the Language of Advent 

Join us on Tuesdays at 8pm on Zoom (the Sunday Worship link) as we delve into the practice of Advent! We’ll confront the ways in which we have used the language of light and dark have been steeped in racialized biases, and how to create a robust antiracist language for this season. We’ll hear from a variety of Black and Womanist theologians and writers and artists to help us expand our understandings and wrestle together to help us find greater hope, peace, joy and love as we experience this season of anticipation. Sign Up here.

Hot Metal Worship: NOW WITH COFFEE - Sign up to be a Coffee Host
Help us create a space for community, connection, and caffeine on Sunday mornings! Coffee Hosts will show up around 9:30am to make the coffee, set up the coffee station, and greet people as they arrive for worship. After worship, they clean up and wash mugs. Instructions are available and Pastor Erin is around for troubleshooting! Providing goodies is always appreciated, but optional! Sign up here. 

Thanksgiving at the Table is quickly approaching! This year Table will be returning to sit-down dinner from 12:30 PM TO 3 PM. As in past years we will need volunteers for set up, serving, and clean-up as well as preparing side dishes and pies. Union Presbyterian Church has generously offered to continue their tradition of preparing the turkeys. Please consider offering the gift of your time, culinary skills or both!
Sign up online.

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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