Subject: Happy Holidays from Hotel Quinta do Lago

Happy Holidays from Hotel Quinta do Lago

December 23rd, 2016 at 2:34 pm WEST

Dear friends and partners, This is the time of the year to enjoy the company of our loved ones, to look back at the best moments of the year now behind us and forward to the many joys the new year will bring! We wish you a Merry Christmas and for th ...

Happy Holidays from Hotel Quinta do Lago

December 21st, 2016 at 1:08 am WEST

Dear friends and partners, This is the time of the year to enjoy the company of our loved ones, to look back at the best moments of the year now behind us and forward to the many joys the new year will bring! We wish you a Merry Christmas and for th ...

Happy Holidays from Hotel Quinta do Lago

December 21st, 2016 at 1:04 am WEST

Dear guests and friends, May this holiday season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round! We trust that Hotel Quinta do Lago occupies a special place in your fondest memories and ...

Festas felizes do Hotel Quinta do Lago

December 21st, 2016 at 1:02 am WEST

Estimados hóspedes e amigos,Que esta época natalícia realize todos os vossos sonhos e que esta felicidade vos acompanhe durante todo o ano. Esperamos que o Hotel Quinta do Lago vos transmita memórias felizes e que continuem a fazer parte desta fa ...

Festas Felizes do Hotel Quinta do Lago

December 21st, 2016 at 12:59 am WEST

Estimados amigos e colegas, O Natal é a altura do ano em que recordamos, junto aos que nos são mais próximos, as memórias mais felizes do ano que passou e das quais esperamos fazer parte. O Hotel Quinta do Lago deseja a todos um Feliz Natal e que ...